
Chapter 636

News of the discussion reached Igna’s laboratory. ‘Go on inside,’ pressed Kul.

“Stop standing in the way,” said éclair, “-go inside or stay in the bar,” he glared.

“We’ll follow,” they gulped. The counter opened to a secret world of endless possibilities. The emptiness brought a sense of relief, the cleanliness and closed-door calmed the nerves. A summary of the negotiations arrived a few hours ago, he made no response, and so, éclair thought it best to bring Raven.

“I don’t get it,” said Asmodeus. Kul and éclair stopped and stared. He scanned the basement with a grain of salt, the face nervously smiled, “-I’m frightened of Igna. I bare the title of prince of hell, then why, why is it I’m so scared.”

“Not fear,” said éclair, Kul also shared his thought, “-it’s admiration, the fear is from having failed the master. Tis something most servants have to endure, the pain of failing the one you trust most is limiting. Time heals all, you’ll get used to it,” they inched towards the door, “-besides,” it flung open, “-our master is kind.”

“Hello,” said he sat on a throne of white packages, “-Is there perhaps something I can help with?” he grandly leaned on one side and peered.


“Master,” nodded éclair, “-I’ve brought Asmo and Kul for their report. Might I assume these to be our produce?”

“Yes,” he skipped over the load and watched firmly, “-I heard about the location, big land inside the red-light district. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.”

“Thing is,” said Asmo shyly, “-the price is extortionate, 10 million for a humble shack.”

“The land alone is worth not more than five million,” said éclair, “-regardless of how one looks at it, the investment is bad. The red-light district isn’t a place befitting business.”

“I know,” smiled Igna, “-the money will be hard to launder. Doesn’t matter either way.”

“Why that?”

“We have éclair,” he laughed, “-not to brag, my butler is the best thing to ever live on the planet. He’s immortal and all-knowing, I’d never be here without him.”

“My lord,” he bowed, “-you flatter me.”

“No. Tis compliments where it’s due,” he reached and grabbed a packet, “-top-notch angel’s dust. A single sniff and the host will forever be in our debt. The drug is highly addictive, even more so than the shit being spread nowadays. Side effects are partial blindness and hallucination.”

“-Ours?” interjected Kul.

“No, the one being sold, they’re bad for the consumer, tis equal to poison. The one we have is addictive, eases the mind, grants all the pleasure they want, and only leaves the user with a harder-hitting hangover. Overdosing risks are there, but hey, I made it far better than the crap being sold.” The slow sound of machines piqued their interest.

“What’s that?” inquired Asmo.

“Ghouls,” he replied nonchalantly, “-they don’t have consciousness. I’ve programmed them to make Angel Dust, enslaved souls of the unfortunate humans I’ve killed.”

“Will we stick to angel’s dust?”

“Depends on how business goes,” the double door shut, “-produce is here. éclair will launder the money via the businesses scattered around Alphia and Hidros. Should be simple enough. The Alphian economy is 50% ran by black money, pressuring a few officials shouldn’t be much of a hassle.”

“About our deal?”

“Asmo, my dear Asmo,” they climbed out the hovel, “-why worry so much,” the counter firmly locked by a seal, “-éclair and a few guards of mine will accompany you for the voyage.”

“What about you, master?” inquired the butler.

“I’ve decided on a potentially lucrative business,” he smirked.

“Which is?”

“Fine-arts and auctioneering,” a glance at the watch, “-I came across the advertisement earlier last night. They’re promoting the event; the main piece is a painting from Jean Frank. It’s a forest scenery painted using inventive techniques. The man’s counted as a genius artist.”

“Will you try and acquire said piece?”

“Obviously not, good art deserves its price, I have a single intent in mind,” the phone scrolled to a particular passage, “-nobles of any kingdom are welcomed to appraise their items and participate in the event.”

“I didn’t expect such a turn,” narrowed Asmo. The study soon harbored the others and continued.

“Neither did I,” commented Igna plastered on the screen.

“Nobles,” gulped Kul, “-won’t they look down on a baron?”

“They will,” he chuckled, “-or would have,” the screen flashed a beam on the opposite wall, “-my trusted Stewardess has elevated Glenda into the unnamed capital of Arda. The great wall has stopped attacks and promote growth for the demi-humans. People are visiting from the continent over, the Blood-King’s faction has been accepted as their kingdom. Popularity and money boost the lord’s standing,” a conniving half-smile later, “-the devil of Glenda has risen to the post of Viscount. We were given Xuen village to celebrate the ascension.”

“Goes to show how an elite entourage can benefit their leader.”

“Aside from so,” the projection swapped for a gemstone, “-Ikahmite, else known as magic reduction ore. This piece of rock would have earned a lot of money back in the day of magical warfare. Alphian, especially the upper echelon, loves their jewelry. Diamonds, rubies, sapphire, and more, none can truly stand up to Ardanite. A rare variation of Ikahmite, the gem changes color by the flow of mana in the air. Big stones are extremely exclusive, there have been only a few record ores to be found. The latter was given to the royal family.” *Summon Forth – Box of Alche.* Air sucked from the vicinity; the appearance of a bright shapeless mist blinded the visitors. Similar to a camera flash, the mass vanished to a beautifully crafted ring.

“The box of Alche?” interjected éclair.

“Correct,” he smiled.

“Excuse me, I’m confused...” reproached Kul, “-don’t leave us out the conversation.”

“Master Igna is blessed by Creation itself. In exchange for his abundant power, Creation gave the master the box of creation, Alche. Tis a relic, unlike anything one can ever imagine. A divine object of absurdity.”

“It grants the user the power to create anything from mana. The one I have is only useable by my soul, tis engraved into my very core. Same as the death element and Origin’s soul. Life as Staxius Haggard brought a lot of boons, things of which are so frightening one mustn’t know the location or even the name. Back to my point, this ring here,” they gathered to watch, “-has the biggest stone currently available in the world. I created it from scratch,” slid on the middle finger, “-special properties include,” the loosened space tightened, “-matching the finger. Depending on the mana, one can change the hue,” the control evenly partitioned the stone to allow different matching colors. “Here I present, the rarest gem in the world. The metal for the ring is Ikahmite and Alranda.”

“Impressive,” said they, Kul’s eyes glimmered at the gem’s sight.

“Can you make more?” inquired Asmo.

“Yeah, I can easily replicate the ring five more times. I won’t,” it neatly tucked into a lavishly suited box, “-Ardanite must be savored and praised, not taken for granted. Anyway, enough about the auction. éclair will act as lawyer for negotiations of the land. Don’t be afraid to bargain. If he senses wrongness with the papers, cancel the deal, we’ll find another way. I’ll head for Melmark later in the afternoon, the auction start at 19:00.”

“Master, I’ll have a private jet take-off from the 03 airfields.”

“We may not use Phantom’s influence and money, but we can sure use what’s ours,” said Igna, “-éclair’s private arsenal of planes and vehicles.” The discussion ended, éclair and the others made preparations for dinner. Igna prowled the Arcanum till 13:00 when heavy taps perturbed the afternoon nap. No word said, the lock clicked and the children ran to their guardian. Draconis leaped for his face, Saniata cannonballed his stomach whilst Vanesa drunkenly stumbled on the couch.

“Wake up pops!” said the boy loudly, “-wake up, wake up, wake up.”

“Pops’ ignored us for two days,” pouted Saniata, “-I say we call the authorities, this is a blatant act of child abuse.”

“I want to go out,” yawned Vanesa, “-sleeping in the car is nice.”

“Trouble makers,” he held their mouths, “-I was trying to think,” he glared down the entrance, “-Aceline, stop cowering and get in here.”

“I’m sorry,” her fingers fiddled, “-they asked me to open the lock.”

“No matter,” glances the children, “-let’s go visit the capital,” said he, “-I have business in Melmark. Staying home must be boring.”

“A trip...” they side-glanced one another, “-a trip, a trip, a trip,” the food-train swapped to the train trip. *tuu, tuu* whispered Vanesa.

“Listen closely, I want exemplary conduct. Draconis, Saniata, and Vanesa, you’re going to represent the House of Glenda. Do not, and I repeat, do not do anything that will shame my name, is that understood?”

“Yes father,” they nodded, “-on one condition,” winked Saniata, “-this negotiation is two ways, my dear pops.”

“How presumptuous,” he held her cheeks, “-go on, what’s the price.”

“Food for me,” said Vanesa.

“A new console,” grinned Draconis.

“A lute!” said Saniata.

“Deal,” he said, ‘-the EDO-4 SST should be at the manor.’

“Don’t look dejected, Aceline, you’re coming with.”

Thus, the teams separated into their individual tasks. éclair, Asmodeus, Kul, and a few guards took to the sky via helicopter. The meeting place was a five-star restaurant atop the most expensive hotel in Odgawoan, the gem of the sky, a helipad allowed for easy access. The amber sunset added to the prestige.

“Entrance is key,” said éclair. Retainers were at the ready to welcome the guests.

“You have an obsession with first impressions,” sighed Asmo, “-time to fight.”

“First impressions are everything,” the entranced parted for the group. A high standard was an understatement. The décor was ‘in your face’ type of lavish, the guests wore outfits in the thousands of exa. The restaurant split into lower and upper areas. The latter was empty with class. The lower had the guest’s cast contempt gaze at the arrival by helicopter.

“Over this way,” said the attending waitress, they continued along the upper area. The red carpet spawned a sense of superiority. Lovely jars and masterful works of art hung to the side, if not for Igna’s reference to art, the pictures would have gone unnoticed. A reserved suite followed into Esvalo and his team waiting patiently.

“Greetings, Esvalo,” said Asmo, “-I see you’ve brought company,” a reference to the entourage of beautifully dressed ladies. One of them came to be an up-and-coming model for Ansoft.

“Likewise, Asmo,” he grinned, “-a handsomely dressed gentleman and the ever-belligerent lady, how can her stare cut me so sharply,” they sat.

“To my right is éclair, my lawyer and good friend. To the left is Kul, my business partner and protector.”

The horizon faded to the dusk’s tender embrace. Melmark’s nightlife spawned to fruition. The private jet landed; the EDO-4 SST waited as he left. Perfectly in shape and ready to drive. The only one of its kind, as a four-seater, the place wasn’t lacking.

“Pops,” said Draconis, “-how rich are you?” the scenery moved, the lamps reflected against the shiny paint job.

“Very,” he chuckled, “-was very rich. We’re relatively wealthy,” he took a detour through Usu’s boulevard and passed the busy station. Suspended tracks made for a mouth-opening drive. Without realizing it, they arrived at the northernmost part of Melmark. Tall buildings hid the skyscape, the auction was hosted at Pastia’s Theater.

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