
Chapter 644

“Alright people, let’s head on home,” commanded Igna.

“Awesome you say?” a vortex headed by an annoyed-faced Miira swallowed the fallen heroes and the princess,”-return to your world, Saniata and Draconis have made a mess of the place.” A relatively weak domain claimed as his own, the king of demons returned to the world of Totrya. Purple marred with a soft orange blaze had glazed the horizon. “-What’s this?” he inquired, the always opened window blew refreshing gusts.

“Totrya is absorbing the conquested world,” said she, “-once the curse reaches correct conditions, we assimilate the realm and bypass the ruling god’s authority. Currently, we stand at a three count, that’s the fourth. Each conquest brings us souls and freshly riped dead.”

“So nonchalant with the explanation,” said Igna, “-what about the people?”

“They live unbeknownst to what lays outside where they stand. Of course, the stronger of said people rejoin the elemental guardians of Totrya. The lightning humanoid of prior was a chosen hero from another dimension, he died without achieving much. Fate brought him to us, we kindled his talents to a behemoth of a fighter.”

“I suppose we’re reaching an end to this tale of gods and humans?”


“Not really,” she sighed, “-as we stand now, regardless of the king’s strength, the moment we fall, it’s over. Our grounds stand on weak pillars. Totrya doesn’t stand a chance if either god or demons attack.”

“The idea of hiding in our dimension was Kronos’s idea?”

“Yeah, he’s made us invisible for quite a while. I had hoped our founder to acquire the symbol of power and create an alternate world, similar like you’ve created. The Shadow realm’s undeniably a work of art. Kronos’s sickle and Nike’s wings serve as power and catalyst. I dare say, regardless of a greater being’s power, the barriers of the guardians are one unbreachable. Why wait till you were killed to act out?”

“Doubt, confusion, and self-pity,” he said, “-I was plagued by the voices of people I allowed to die. My family, my friends, they all parted one after the other. I managed to move on with this new life, not forget my past, but embrace who I was and the gifts I was given. Taking on curses for my own was a way to justify the limitless flow of energy, a way to break myself, to give a reason to complain. In a way, I was weak, I played someone who I wasn’t.”

“What about now?” she asked.

“After Leko and Alicia’s death, I know for certain, my heart still aches deeply. A pain and suffering I can put towards another goal. Our world is far from ideal, the place is a wasteland of the darkest emotions humanly conjurable, a place I call home.”

“My lord,” said Vesper, “-allow me to say one thing. The death element is stronger than ever.”

“No, I refuse to think so,” he caressed the symbol, “-no way, I don’t believe it.”

“Reason why,” she gave a friendly smile, “-the excess power and double-strength after death are being used to fortify the Shadow Realm. A powerful element isn’t enough to be a strong deity, the latter needs a stronger dimension/realm to call home. A storage place for the abilities to grow and evolve. As a result, all painstaking spells with feedback had none to face apart from thineself. They tore you apart. Wielders of the Death element are never meant to have their own dominion, the second strongest entity is there for a reason, to keep the order of things. However, the Shadow Realm has changed the order of things, the element is free to evolve without ever disrupting the elder worlds. The Sickle of Time and Wings of Fortune are the best combination of symbols to harness, protect, and boost the Reaper’s scythe. I wonder if Lord death had a similar idea?”

“My mentor,” he chuckled, “-the tea-loving gentleman. I never knew he had such a plan envisioned. Then again, I never asked why he bestowed the symbols.”

“And here, I’ll leave thee with this, the Nevermore gate has evolved to a higher level. The Death gate was elapsed by one unnamed and unknown, it will be present in due time. Farewell, for now, my king,” she bowed and a circle swallowed him tenderly.

“Till next time,” the scenery swapped for the same ceiling.

‘I’m home,’ he thought, ‘-the brightly lit sky, the date shows 29th of September. I was gone for quite a while,’ off the bed and into white-slippers, ‘-a higher-ranked gate, I know what she meant, it’s the full release of the Shadow realm. I didn’t pay attention before, my death always resulted in being twice as strong, the backlash perhaps made me weary. If what she said is true, the symbols of power are fueling my world, a place of relative tranquility. Wait until I claim Totrya as part of my realm.’

*Knock, knock,* “-I told you,’ Small feet chopped against the wooden floor, “-pops ain’t going to be there,” said Draconis with hands around his head, “-the old geezer ran off to another woman.”

“No, pops isn’t like that,” said Saniata, “-he’s a good man.”

“Shut up,” gasped Vanesa from the hallway, “-I hate walking...” her head horizontally peeped into the suite as did her hair in 90 degrees to the floor, “-food and rest, I need them...”

“Shut up sloth,” fired they simultaneously *Woosh,* the balcony slid, a flash of dirty green locks slapped their visages.

“POOOPS!” her pale complexion and dark-circled eyes glowed midair into a hug, “-welcome back,” said she in a quick slither on his shoulder, “-I missed you.”

“Good morning, Vanesa,” he reached and picked her by the shoulders, “-I missed you too,” he kindly caressed her gloomy cheeks, “-the leap from across the room is very impressive.”

“Oh,” she bashfully gave the ‘-shush’ with her tiny index, “-I used up my energy to greet pops.”

“How admirable of you,” focused on her, thought of the other two narrowly escaped his mind, “-POOPS!” they speared him through the balcony, “-NICE TO SEE YOU,” screamed Draconis.

“Yahoo!” exclaimed Saniata straddling his chest, “-WE’RE ON A MAGIC CARPET.”

“I’m not showing you the world,” he murmured, *Blood-Arts: Partial Transformation -Fallen wings.* “A mid-air reunion seems fitting, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, it is,” said Saniata, “-where have you been?”

“On a long trip,” he said, ‘-is that?’ the outline of a chopper appeared out the corner, ‘-the damned Gaso Group,’ *flap,* he bolted inside.

“Everyone, run,” *snap,* a portal swallowed the children to the Shadow Realm, “-we’ll go shopping later, stay put for now,” feeble hands stretched for help to no avail, ‘-here’s how we die,’ coughed Draconis dramatically, ‘-rest in peace us.’

The stairs trembled, “-Aceline,” he slid to the kitchen’s entrance.

“Welcome back,” said she in a skimpy outfit covered by a white apron, “-I’ve readied dinner, would you like some?”

“What are you?” he facepalmed, “-cosplaying a wife?”

“Shut it!” she glared, “-tis what éclair recommended.”

He worriedly threw across, “-where’s he right now?”

“At the red-light district,” said she.

“God damn it,” he sighed, “-whatever, go get dressed.” The chops grew annoyingly close, “-someone from the Gaso Group has come to visit. Let’s not dilly-dally,” the initial frenzy calmed, the crystalized white-pupils bled to a redden glow, ‘-time to play politics,’ he dawned the lenses. The chopper landed without much of a hassle, the rotors stopped and the door slid. A lady dressed in an old customary styled outfit exited with the help of a bodyguard. Her blackish-grey hair was tied and supported by pins, the makeup was heavy and indicative of her heritage, the flower-crest spoke volumes, ‘-the Gaso group is here. What happened in four days?’

The feline-like glare befell one of a devil. He made no moves, not even a simple nod or smile. A hand-fan blossomed to cover her expression. Bodyguards led her to walk to the lift, “-Good morning,” said she.

“I’d kindly refute the good about the morning,” said he rather coldly, “-madam, tis customary to send news before visiting a stranger.”

“Is that so,” her fetching glance murderously turned to the side and watched, “-I was told to come without an invitation. Perhaps Lord Amsey is a bit preoccupied with the festival.”

“None the matter,” he courteously allowed her in, the gesture subconsciously triggered the guards to lunge forward, “-no,” interjected Igna, “-my home is a place of quiet, I have children. Guns and humps of muscles aren’t invited. If you are concerned with her safety, perhaps we may take a stroll across the roof and watch as the wind ruins the lady’s well-catered hair.” Her face spoke loudly of the discomfort, the fan did immediately hid the unbecoming expression, “-it should be fine,” said she, “-wait here, we’ll be just a moment.”

And so, they descended to the lobby directly after the entrance, “-I’m quite intrigued why Lady Shino Pierre Gaso would make the trip to my humble abode.” Leather couches made strong impressions.

“Humble is an understatement,” said she, “-a lone-manor atop the peak of the town’s most sought-after land. My sincerest condolences for lady Alicia’s untimely departure, her fate sadly interlocked to her best friend.”

“I wouldn’t worry much, her death will be avenged, that much I’ve promised myself.”

“I see,” she suspiciously scanned his demeanor, “-about my visit,” the fan snap shut, “-it’s about the festival,” he nodded for the continuation, “-the hype has been extraordinary. Ansoft and Apexi have joined to bring the event to an all-time success; world-renowned names have landed, everyone’s excited. I tell you; the announcement drew people from all around the continent,” the excitement was true, that much he sensed, “-your butler, éclair, recently sent my secretary a letter for a potential modeling deal, I know, I should have sent my secretary to do the negotiations... I’m honestly curious about Aceline and Kinless starting a band,” she smirked, “-would you entertain the idea of joining my agency, Leina?”

“And where did?”

“On the Arcanum,” she scrolled to show a video, “-Aceline’s return, featuring Kinless.” The video had over a million hits, “-everyone’s talking about the Idols return. Tis the perfect time for a grand entrance, the fans want it more than anything,” the idol entered with a tray of drinks, “-lady Gaso,” she said.

“Long time no see,” she replied.

“The decision is in her hands,” said Igna, “-the band is centered around Aceline, her death was a ploy to seal her away from the corrupt land of Alphia. A native of Hidros and bearer of the Vampiric blood...”

“I understand,” she kindly took the teacup, “-an immortal idol is unfair in its own way.”

“Lady Gaso, as leader of our band, I’ll kindly refuse the offer to join your agency. Lord Amsey has already asked for our assistance.”

“-No way we’ll betray a close comrade,” interjected Igna. “-Meldorino sure has an interesting history with my uncle,” the brows accusingly layered on the stuffed expression, “-watchmaking went wrong.”

“Definitely his nephew,” she stood, “-I’ve discussed what was needed.”

A few minutes later, the helicopter escaped into the blue sky, “-why was she here?” wondered the idol.

“To put pressure,” he smirked, “-something must have happened when I was away. Tis the only reason I can think of; the offer was a spur-of-the-moment decision. No papers and no contract, not even a notice, very unprofessional.”

‘We ought to stand on edge. What plan does she have, Apexi’s in danger, the aura didn’t inspire confidence.’

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