
Chapter 662

“Yes, I know,” responded Igna, “-I know who it is.” Brazen without fear, a confident gaze washed his face, “-Tobira Barbara.”

“Staxius Haggard,” memories of were of a refined entity enshrouded in a greenish hue. Her face suffered great pain; the otherwise colorful skin akin to a bed of flowers withered. Mana lines, the flow of her essence, were cleared due to the now transparent skin. Her clothes, else, leaves and veins, were brown and dried, a resemblance to Vanesa on days where she had to move. “-You have come,” she hovered, “-come have you to see the forest’s destruction?”

“Lady Barbara,” said he, “-I’m Igna Haggard, nephew to my uncle.”

“I care not,” her eyes slapped Julius and Eira, “-the Haggard’s have destroyed the forest. The spirits are agitated... how will you repay. Once harm is done,” her eyes widened, ire exhaled her nose, “-we may just turn the forest into a cursed labyrinth.”

“Reconsider,” said Eira, “-harm was brought by the Church, an entity we’ve ousted out the continent. See the antenna, tis the reason for the spirit’s fear.”

“Rational explanation. Out of respect for the Haggard name, I grant the continent a new chance to evolve. Heed my word, Igna Haggard, if harm is ever done to my allies, I swear, Noctis’s Hallow’s Rotten Thicket will feel like a child’s playground.” Pillars made of leaves and plants rose and took the Dryad away.


A bitter taste remained in his mouth; “-they truly annoyed the forest spirits.”

“No time to waste,” cautioned Eira, “-our trip has yet to commence. Let’s head to Glenda.”

While the party made for his estate, a strange light ambered amongst the transmigrated populous. Such an influx in residents was unforeseen. The generals, confused and welcoming, watched from the position of gods. The explanation need not be said, the last vibrant memory of death still permeated. One thing was for sure, the afterlife wasn’t as they thought. “Miira, that light?”

“The flame of revival,” said she, “-tis a phenomenon I’ve seen when dimensions are stacked on one another. Tis a necessary ingredient to transmigrate a realm into another. The size and color depend on the soul’s acceptance. Igna’s unknowingly took control of prominent souls.”

“So what?” wondered Gophy.

“So what?” she paused, “-it doesn’t matter at the moment. Let’s guide them to Arda.”

Mild as possible, the Shadow Realm invited new residents. The place felt more and more like another world.

Skip a few hours later, the perilous journey started at the airfield, from where they took off for Glenda. Otherwise, a 2-hour trip ended lasting 4. Vanesa threw a fit before takeoff, “-I won’t fly!” she cried and held onto the hangar’s side.

“Sorry, go on ahead, I’ll teleport after I’ve settled her demeanor.” The outline of the metal bird distant itself to the never-ending sky. “Tell me,” he stood alone save her, “-why the adamantness to not leave?”

“Pops, danger,” said she, “-a strong demon’s prowling around the capital. I didn’t want to say it earlier.”

“Go on, I’m listening.”

“Pops, when people die with regret, the emotions manifest in differing types. The hound was a mistake, there’s another,” her face paled, “-here, he’s here.”

‘I can’t feel it,’ a tiny shift in the air *woosh,* ‘-what was that?’ stood in the other, another drop forced quick dodges, the kinds which left cracks and dust in its wake. ‘-What are they...’ the scene before was an airstrip adjoined to a rocky pasture of reeds.

“Pops, duck!” *Ancient, morning’s breath,* a disgusting green moss-colored the airfield.

“Stinks...” he complained.

“Oh, come on,” cried another, “-seriously...” the voice resounded from altering spots. “-I swear, beings in this inferior realm are annoying.”

“Who stands there!”

“No one special,” a veil of distorted cloak peeled and fell, “-blatantly said, I’m the embodiment of Arda’s slaughter.”

“Embodiment?” they locked eyes.

“-yes, embodiment.”


“I see you wish not to probe further,” the random figure skipped and stood shoulder to shoulder, “-what will it take for me to become real?”

“Excuse you?” he turned to no avail, the entity teleported to the other side, ‘-annoying.’

“What can I say really,” footsteps shuffled to a crunchy noise, “-one time nothing, the next, I’m awake and unable to communicate. I hear the pained voices of the angry, they want revenge and I want to grant their wish. Revenge against who, I don’t know, the flames, the torture, the stakes on which their bodies were impaled, I felt everything. I spent my days wandering the capital, no one ever came, no one ever tried to attack, no one, until I saw you, and the three-headed puppy.”

“You killed it?”

“Yes, he arrived at the same time as you. It sniffed me out, I couldn’t stand by... so I killed it.”

“Killed it, an emissary of Hades?”

“Who is Hades...”

“Tell me, what do you want?”

“I want to fight, I want to make the voices go away, I don’t know, my will isn’t strong.”

‘I need more information,’ the eyes shut, ‘-Mantia, realm of knowledge, answer my query.’

‘Phenomenon of death,’ whispered a reply, ‘-in rare instances, from when many have passed to the otherworld with great magic and greater regret, the result is often a shadow of said emotion. The current history of this realm has witnessed the event happen once, and tis the birth Shanna Islegust’s Prophecy. The slaughter of her kind gave rise to an insatiable thirst for knowledge and strength, thus, the manifestation of Prophecy. More often, the embodiments are left to wander the earth until a higher power eats at their life.’

‘I’m quite lucky,’ he paused, ‘-if the entity is on par to Prophecy, I wouldn’t even need to raise a finger in battle. I doubt the goddesses will jump into fights, they’re busy, and I can’t impose too much.’

“Tick tick goes the clock, what is the matter, traveler, does my presence bother?”

“No,” he said sharply, “-Embodiment of the fallen, I presume you’ve seen the spell I cast earlier?”

“Yes, I did, and I was impressed. The rescue of their emotions, I wanted to be freed, alas, the voices plague, and I can’t forget.”

“How about a contract,” the ring of monsters lit, “-Embodiment of emotions, Vengeance, does thee wish to ally to the ruler of Monsters.”

“No,” it refused, “-prove yourself in battle, perhaps I’ll reconsider then.”

“Too late,” said Igna, “-if we fight, you’ll lose.”

“Bluffs,” it chuckled obnoxiously, “-wait, seriously?”

“Yes,” said Igna, “-take a look. Does the field not look familiar.”

“The sun has stopped moving, wait... the ground, it’s different-”

“-I’ve cast Mantia, the field belongs to me. What say you, Vengeance, how about the opportunity to be freed.”

“Deal,” an invisible palm locked with his, “-I, the embodiment of emotions, swear to be loyal to Igna Haggard, the ruler of Monsters.” A translucent blast of hue forced a squint, “-the voices,” stood a vibrant spirit, “-they’re gone!”

“Vengeance, dull thine light!”

“What, do I shine too brightly?”

“Yes, you do,” he chuckled, “-come to my shadow.” The entity didn’t bother to check. Mantia was in fact, inactive.

*Living or dead, I invite all to the realm of absurdity, serve me and my companions, be one of a greater family. Forgo of the past and look towards the future, one in which thou art be immortal and without regret. Box of Soul: Shadow Realm Transmigration.*

Clouds hid the sun, the grassy scape differed, ‘-this is new.’

“Hey you,” said a strong man with parted black hair, “-how did you come here?”

“What’s the matter, Kaleem?” returned a girlish voice.

“Stop slacking off and return to your duties!”

“Cora, we have trouble!” fired Kaleem, “-an intruder.” On one side a massive transfer of inhabitants and on the other, four figures and the growing bubble of anxiety.

‘Is this my master’s shadow?’ few glances at the palm and feet, ‘-how do I even look?’

“You!” fired Cora, “-come here already, the masses are headed to Arda.”

“No,” it chuckled, “-I hate being ordered around,” it dipped into nothingness, five sharp strikes dropped Kaleem onto his knees, ‘-I feel better, stronger, and can see clearer. The voices have stopped. Imagine a weapon,’ daggers materialized on his waist, ‘-Weapon’s creation,’ he smirked, ‘-my master’s granted me the ultimate ability.’

“STOP THERE!” epic proportioned spells swallowed the landscape, “-move a muscle and tis death!”

‘Magic...’ he skipped and touched Cora’s wind barrier, *Spell learned: Wind Barrier.* ‘-oh, amazing,’ he smirked, ‘-my master couldn’t have been any stronger. My abilities reflect his, everything I learn, he learns, and vice-versa... this is going to be fun!’ *Spell: Wind Barrier.* A stronger version fought back, *Evolution to suit Host’s need: Wind Walk – Acquired.*

*Woosh,* “-hey, are you really my master’s servants?” *Weapon conjuration: War-Hammer.*

*Boom,* the explosion rattled the ground, ‘-they’re weak,’ electricity charged the body, ‘-I want a challenge.’ From the defeated Cora to Yuria, a cheeky lick of the lips cried of the intent.

“Stop messing around,” *crash,* “-are you Igna’s spirit guardian?” inquired an unbothered lady with blond hair.

‘She stopped my attack without using any abilities. How about this,’ the daggers fired for the vital organs.

“Stop being an idiot,” said an exasperated sigh, “-the abilities are strong, but not strong enough to defeat me. Here’s the truth, the four generals have the power to defeat your master easily, don’t ever forget it.’ *smack,* he ate the ground harshly.

‘A strong master who has stronger companions, this is amazing.’

“What happened?” approached Intherna.

“Nothing much, someone needed a lesson. Enough of that, focus on the transference.’ In the crater slept the jovial spirit named Vengeance. The moment the Shadow realm welcomed his presence, the voices vanished, and Igna, unknowingly, made acquaintance to a strong ally, one of which would be very important later on.

Speaking of him, the background changes to an exhausted Igna. The confident say of teleportation was done in pure heat of the moment. “-pops, don’t you have mana left?”

“Oh, cut me some slack,” he panted, “-we made it close enough, right?” a glance showed another 30 kilometers before Hect. The enormous walls patiently stared the populous. Trade routes were reestablished, the olden style of transport, attire, and way of life remain stronger than ever. “-We’ll just walk, don’t worry about it.” Along the journey, they met a welcoming caravan of performers, who agreed for a lift. For some time, the lingering guilt of Arda firmed in thoughts. ‘She’s regained her smile,’ thought he.

They crossed Hect whereby, he got off. ‘-There’s still danger in the air. A few months ago, and this place was a sight of the battle. Reconstruction of the bridge’s completed rather easily.’

“Come one, come all, here’s the newspaper for Hect.”

“Newspaper?” child on his back, “-might I have one?”

“Sure,” said the young boy, “-that would be 12 Exa sir.”


*Famine runs rampant. The Blood-Kings Faction are under scrutiny for their lack of complacency. The increase in population has stumped the rebellion’s economy and food supplies. Local scholars say a large-scale scarcity of food will dwindle our numbers by 20%. Many lower-ranked nobles have asked for exemption in the wake of such problems. Looks like we’re on way to utter starvation. The remnant of the adventuring guild has proposed the act of Dungeon-Styled Cooking, inspired by the Devil of Glenda’s culinary exploits overseas. Lack of knowledge has had many tasters be subjected to the plague of monsters. In other news, the leadership of Hect has been put under strain; then again, the church’s involvement has the populous scared to adventure beyond the river.*

‘Are we honestly doing so bad?’ they arrived at multiple carriages. Many o’ transporters headed to different parts of the region.’

“Leaving for Glenda, one place left!”

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