
Chapter 706

A shooting star cut across the clouds and sky; a boom echoed into a harsh landing. Stern face, dressed in trousers and a blazer and equipped with orbs. Questions were asked internally. No sigh of stop nor mercy, invaders, bear in mind were evolved beasts, fell per a single flick of the finger. She moved brazenly along the ‘guarded’ line of parked SUVs. An embarrassed soldier peeped his head fully intent on throwing a fit – instead, the menacing aura from the secondary partner, Fia, sowed their mouths shut. Deeper to hell’s gate, so was nicknamed – construction toppled over squad 17, leaving two dead, one wounded, and the remainder in shock. None so much flinched to aid, lack of sustenance led to starvation, starvation followed into hallucination and inability to judge nor decide. The moral compass was ruined, ‘-psychological torture,’ went across the mind.

“Go help the injured,” said Kul, “-I’ll take care of trash,” she levitated and blasted into hell. Bodies flung left and right, screech and plea for help had the viewership on the edge – the heart rattled with each breath. Despite the death, if the body seemed in good shape, the Alchemist could work the magic. In a matter of minutes, ire quelled to a manageable spot. Supervising heroes, in other words, spectators, sat in their golden cage of prestige and protection. Simple dust of the shoulder, few stretches, “-Fia, ready to head out?”

“My god, what about the monsters?”

“I said it before, they’re weak. Besides,” she smirked, “-weak prey is fun, the superiority is salivating.”

“You lost me there...”

“Don’t worry the pretty face,” quick to tap her cheeks, “-let’s head back, the injured are ready right?”


“Yes,” blankets and petty cloth bundled the dead – black and green wrapped the cocoons and took flight. Bystanders who wished to speak were left speechless, today’s report was of a few deaths and extermination of the current horde.

Return didn’t once spark a smile. “-We’re back,” proclaimed Kul joyously.

“I see that,” said he in dejection, “-please tell me those bundles aren’t bodies...”

“Guessed correctly,” cheered Fia, “-the alchemist is able to heal them, right?”

“Hopeless fool,” whispered under his breath, “-take ’em in. I don’t care, if they’re dead, cremate.”

“Alchemist,” interjected Froy who’s visage was still wet from the washroom, “-can you not treat the dead?”

“Listen, maybe my way of treatment is confusing. All I do is bypass the limitation imposed by current research and delve into a world of my own making. The possibilities aren’t endless, think of a mirror, when a person dies, the soul, in this case, the mirror, is shattered. Once’s broken; the pieces can be made to reunite in a puzzle manner – tis what happened to you. Last time I was able to gather the pieces into a single entity. As for these warriors, the pieces have already crossed to the hall of rebirth, there’s no return. I can heal the body and add an artificial spirit, one can say it be revived. The memories and personality will be preserved, alas, the inhabitant is gone forever, what is left is a shell, remnants of the past pulled to act for the sake of acting.”

“Creating Undead akin to the turned?”

“Good summary,” said he to Hina, “-take the critically wounded inside, I’ll be there a moment. Kinka, Ginka, dispose of the death, give them a proper send-off, body to ashes, and mana to earth, the balance of life and death spins to no end.”

Short of an hour later, Kul bid her goodbyes and left. Ginka, Kinka, Jonl, Meza, Hina, Gilert and Uonl, crowded a decrepit backyard. A stone edifice sprung along the grounds for the sake of cremation. Dirt mounds rested to the side of the walled-off rectangle; a simple robust tree arched to a prominent shadow. Those unknown to the ritual remained under said shadow, Hina and Meza chanted prayers – mild fire turned furnace, “-we come here regularly.”

“Ever since Henzh’s death, Hina’s been lesser involved with people. The trauma wanes heavy in her mind, I wish I could help out a fellow squadmate,” said Froy.

“Best not get involved,” added Jonl, “-people grieve in different ways. It was a shock to see him turn and bite down. I thought he’d die for her sake; guess I was proven wrong. The focus should be on the future, there’s no way we can keep to the Alchemist Quarters and do nothing.”

“Don’t be harsh,” said Uonl with much effort, “-recovery and training. Facing death isn’t an easy feat.”

“I’ve faced him head-on plenty o’ time,” side-glance to the first floor, “-the Alchemist is more than we would have thought.”

“I agree,” whispered a familiar voice.

“Assassin?” they turned in unison, “-what are you doing in the tree?”

“Catching some z’s. I watched Kul fight earlier, let me tell you, the strength behind those seemingly understanding eyes is mortifying. Imagine the boss class monsters combined into a single entity and be elapsed ten-fold, tis the power I felt.”


“Fia,” hailed Meza wiping his brow, “-can I ask for a favor?”

“The holes are already dugout,” a brief gesture to the side, “-there, have at it.”

The burial came to an end simultaneously to Igna completing the surgery, ‘-two heavily wounded.’

“We’re alive?” reality came too, “-where are we?”

“Alchemist quarters,” he replied monotonously.

“Are you the medic in the rumors?” wondered the other.

“No, I’m just a researcher,” back to the patients, ‘-I need to order more tools,’ the tongue clicked.

“Where are we?”

“Are you daft?” said a sudden burst, “-Q5 Zone 3, alchemist quarters. The wounds are healed. Rest for an hour then head to the hospice, I’ll ask for someone to escort.”

“Alright,” and thus the day carried into the closed doors of the upstairs. Rumbles and laughter echoed below, three figures were spotted leaving the premises, “-éclair, you there?”

“Good afternoon master.”

“What is so good about Kul’s surprise visit. No matter, have the samples arrived?”

“Yes, and they’re headed to the university.”

“Excellent, direct my call to the emperor if you would.”

“Sure thing,” silence led to a click, “-hello?”

“Not very authoritative for an answer,” cut across the phone. The expression froze, ‘-what’s the matter?’ mumbled Eira. “-It’s Igna,” he whispered.

“Brother-in-law, the call must have startled thee. I wouldn’t put it past the paranoia of clandestine attackers,” the chair rocked on two legs, “-if you wish not to speak, do transfer the call to my sister.”

“No, no,” the voice firmed, “-I apologize, my private contact information is known to only a few. Congratulations on winning the court case, I heard the count had been in cahoots with multiple gangs. Very sloppy I may add, creating drama to further his ascension to the head of the council, very foolish.”

“The confidence’s returned,” an amber of pleasantness snuck through, “-Emperor Sultria VI, part knows why I have called, don’t you?”

“Consider me an empty vase.”

“Very well. The count’s estate is property of the state – the noble has been stripped of the title of Count to being a baron. Nobility is still nobility, I’m sure the noble factions are very angry. I’d like to make a deal, sell my company the estates. The prices are have dropped below the market value, the stain of a corrupt noble is one none wishes to accept.”

“Look at you go,” came in the distance.

“Empress Eira, has the call been transferred onto speaker?”

“Yes,” said a jestful Emperor, “-she wanted to hear the negotiations first hand.”

“I don’t mind,” the voice deepened, “-long as my wishes are complied with, there’s no need for worry.”

“Don’t be so standoffish, I’m still your loveable big sister.”

“Ha-ha,” sped across sarcastically.

“Fine, fine, no need to be angry,” she sighed, “-continue the negotiations, I’ll check on the lady mother.”

Slight shuffles later, “-she’s gone.”

“About my proposition...”

“Tis a tough decision at the moment. The noble factions are warring over who is to inherit the land and estate. I might have the rights, still need to consider the greater good of the continent. I won’t allow fellow nobles to fight one another over greed.”

“Brother-in-law, might I remind you my proposition is the best idea for a peaceful approach. If an independent party acquires the land, there won’t be room for argument. Nepotism is a fair excuse to the upper echelon. All they wish is to further their rank in court.”

“What about you, why so adamant on acquiring the count’s estate?”

“To further my agenda – I have the right to be greedy. The trial must have served as a trailer for what Phantom is capable of. I’m ready to call in favors if necessary.”

“The Haggard way of negotiations,” voiced a tired exhale, “-I’ve experienced it first-hand since the marriage. She’s ruthless and strict, the smiles are wonderful breaks.”

“Please refrain from unsavory thoughts about a family member over the phone, very awkward and embarrassing.”

“I wish I could do something...”

“Emperor, might I remind, Princess Loftha is currently under my careful watch. She’s caused quite the tempest on arrival to a warzone. Her identity was kept hidden due to my intervention. An independent military faction has invaded the land of battle, life here is atrocious – fighters are starved while those employed by the Imperial family live the good life. I’m sure a scandal of such proportion will rattle the very foundation of what the people believe in. ”

“There it is,” he laughed, “-the threat I was waiting for. I’m sorry about playing hard to get, it was decided the estate be sold to the highest bidder under my authority. Please keep taking care of my sister, Igna, she’s weird and not honest with her feelings, a lone wolf from birth. She changed at a certain point in life – I’m pretty sure it was around the time the conglomerates bore their fangs. Wanting to marry into nobility and stealing the fame and fortune amassed by generations of Sultria... being allied to the Haggard has relit the passion I have towards my people. I’ll do what I can to actively change the state of things. Consider all the estate, including land, manors, and casino, sold for the price of 135,000,000 Exa, so is the rate on the current marketplace. I’ll settle for 100,000,000 Exa.”

“You drive a hard bargain,” another screen materialized, multiple balances linked to a singular account, ‘-looks like the entire stock was sold for 100,000,000 Exa. The current balance stands at 130,000,420 Exa.’

“I’ve sent the account information, how about it, Igna Haggard, deal or no deal?”

“Stop quoting game shows,” said a sudden refute, “-transfer ownership of everything to my name, the price is inclusive of all the count’s owned, right?”


“Quite the quandary, a check on the prices say the worth has dipped harshly, I’m reading 86,000,000 Exa. Emperor, are you truly trying to make a deal?” he laughed, “-get sister Eira in the room,” firmed a passing threat.

“Fine,” said a grudging tone, “-80,000,000 Exa no more no less, are those acceptable?”

“Deal, send the paperwork, also, about taxes...”

“Nobility isn’t required to pay taxes – the property would have cost more. I presume the lawyers are to handle the affairs?”

“éclair will handle it,” he smiled, “-I trust my ever-smart butler more than an attorney.”

“Understood,” the call ended.

‘Good investment,’ he peeped out the window, ‘-a casino for the prince of gambling, we’re about to roll in the money.’

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