
Chapter 715

‘I lost the battle,’ consciousness reawakened inside a blurry shed, ‘-this is my father’s memories.’ A nice promenade along a strange forest gave into the opening of a giant floating kingdom perched atop an island. The layout, below at the ground were various buildings, above, the heavenly castle. ‘-Why’s father here?’ without fail, wings of angelic property fluttered, ‘-he’s not human?’ the memory fuzzed and swapped into a room of featureless faces.

“Procreating to a mortal wife doesn’t befit the status as a god.”

“I dare argue. When Zeus and Poseidon happen to impregnate the women, the offspring are herald as demi-gods, heroes born to slay evil.”

“A mid-tier god has nothing to say to the action of the high-tier gods. The hierarchy is laid for all to see. There’s no purpose in thy stay.” The scenery changes to a sterner matter, “-we, a council representing the will of the god, on the sin of adultery, sentence thee to mortal life in the mortal realm. Thy symbol of power is to be sealed and thrown to the hounds of hell. Begone from our sight, low-born. The ascension from mortality to godhood didn’t befit the conviction, did it?” Rage, jealousy, regret, a tempest of emotions spun in the stomach, ‘-is this what father felt?’ more than so, akin to Pandora’s box, once evil escaped, love, of which bore the role of ‘hope’ glimmered amidst the emotions. The love for his family, a wife, and a newly born son.

“Tempest,” whispered an unknown voice in an unknown area, “-I wholeheartedly stand behind the actions. Gods make their own rules, there’s naught to be done. Your son is someone special, the soul is pure and unique, we felt it tremor across the hall of rebirth.”

“Lord Death, my son’s soul is artificial. My first child was born dead, her mother couldn’t bear the pain, there’s a reason why I was excommunicated from the heavenly realm, my actions align with the belief of evil. I’ve trained from a simple reincarnation of a fallen angel to the position of God in the thousands of years I’ve lived. The cultivation was harsh, I’m at a point where my powers are far beyond my control. The fight is easy, easiness makes one wary. Frankly, I’ve grown tired from the constant malice, I want peace, the innocent smile on my family’s face is sufficient enough. No matter how strong I am, I can’t save someone, I couldn’t save my son. Instead of giving to fate, I fought and discovered the grimoire of Rasal, there I learned the very fabric and composition of a soul.”


“Tempest, you didn’t, did you?”

“Sorry old friend,” he smiled, “-we’ve fought so much over the years, I can’t tell how many times I’ve strolled around the Hall of Rebirth. My first son is dead, I’m going to rewrite the past – Kronos spoke on the day Zeus overthrew his position, ‘-I shall help any who desire my aid.’ A quest across the ages to collect and gather the strongest soul a human could ever inherit. Consider this a gift to you, Lord Death, the tea parties we had were one of the best memories I could have ever had. Tarius Haggard will be reborn as Staxius Haggard. He will become the pinnacle of my power, the symbol of my existence. Death, if thee wishes for an heir, there’s no greater host than the soul of ancient angels, demons, heroes, and gods merged into one. I’ll go on ahead first. Please watch over my boy.”

‘Father was a god...’

“Listen Staxius,” the memories spoke to oneself, “-my memories and ability are my heritage to you. The future holds an unknown number of possibilities. I’ve fought my way until becoming God. Don’t mistake this for a call to arms, my life, my past are mine alone, there’s no need for one to get involved. Forge thy own path, knowing you, and what I see currently, you’ll grow up to be a strong man. Use the power as you see fit, kill, destroy, save, rebuild, I care not. Promise me this, repay kindness in full, never bite the hand that fed you.” The dullness swapped for an empty room split perfectly, one side white, the other black. On the white side, spots of black scattered around, and vice versa on the black side.

‘I didn’t expect this from father,’ he smiled, a simple calligraphic word wrote in ancient writings, burnt along his arm, ‘-Tempest Haggard, the Godly General of Battle. Rival to Goddess Axia and Athena. I knew it, I’m truly my father’s son.’ Memories shifted on a subconscious level, ‘-every time I get beat, there’s always something to push my climb forth. Thank you for the help, father, I’ve lived my life how you taught me to. Respect the kind, repay the cruel with the cruel, and reflect on actions. Be neither good nor bad, be and trust thyself.’ Knees hit the harsh ice, the blood froze the moment it fell, the temperature dropped senselessly.

An angry Kul desperately tried to evade Asmodeus’s grip, the prince watched with a look of despair. “-Don’t interfere, the master has expressly said to leave the matter in his hand. Do you THINK I ENJOY SEEING HIM GET BEATEN... Please, Kul, don’t make this any harder on me,’ Dice clenched in his fists, her attempt at escape gave.

“Still, for a resident of the mortal plane, injuring a higher being is the basis for high praise. We might have been friends, if only I were weak and desolate,” he crouched opposite Igna, “-the spells did throw me in a loop, how can’t I remember someone from the olden war?”

“I’m not the one who fought,” said a muffle.

“Impossible,” he leaped back, “-I destroyed the heart, magical element, and the very fabric of thy soul. What are you?”

“Me?” clambered to a stand, the arms hung as he faced the ground, “-nothing important,” he pulled back into a loose posture, a slight grin hid underneath a growing hunger for slaughter, the bicolored pupils dowsed red.

“Fighting will prolong the suffering,” the golden sword materialized, “-there’s no way to fight in thy physical state,” he lunged into a relentless assault. Each slice left a golden unhealing scar. ‘Why won’t he fall?’ the assault intensified till a sudden halt. Open palms to the sky, *I call upon the heavens to rain judgment onto this stray lamb. Tear thy coat, prostrate to the ground, and worship the righteous power of good. Symphonic call of the Angel, Raptloe – Second Horn.* Light scurried through the gray sky – distance and all resounded the sound of blowing horns. The beam hit and levitated the target, the louder the horn blew, the harsher grew the attack, skin, and limbs torn from the host in the angelic hue. ‘-Can’t be too careful,’ the palm clenched, *Arts bestowed upon me by the great god of war, heed my words, heed my presence, golden and shimmering in the light of the righteous, I summon the swords of Axel, guardian of the golden gates, come in hordes of thousands to slay my enemy, Ancient-Arts: Sword of the Righteous – Usad Raol,* resemblance to the iron maiden couldn’t be ignored, the bright swords gathered in a circle around the beam, *snap,* it swarmed relentlessly. Blood, organs, none could be told apart. *Clap,* the spell stopped, a lump of red fell into ashes. The wind carried the remains.


‘Impossible,’ gulped an uninvited guest, ‘-h-he’s d-dead... don’t do this to me, I c-c-can’t...’

“In the holy name of Axia,” he sighed, “-I went all out, this mortal vessel has exhausted the current life force,” the hands joined in prayer, “-Igna Haggard, I, Guardian Angel Axel, hereon promise thy name to be forever etched in my heart. You’ll live through my memories, the battle was one well fought,” angelic wings sprouted and broke the icy cold air, the clouds shattered into radiant light, “-be at ease, warrior, and may the gods forever grace thy body and soul.”

“Tis rather early,” the entire area rocked, “-Guardian Angel Axel, the words spoken earlier were truthful. We could have been friends, we still can,” wind wrapped around Orenmir, “-if only you were weak and desolate,” he quoted.

“Who are you, tell me right now!” the brows crumpled, the wings disappeared into feathers, “-even a demon can’t oppress the power of an angel. I killed you, element and all, there’s no reason to stand so confidently.”

“I might have omitted information,” a single step froze the crumbling ice, “-I’m not a fighter from the days of gods and demons. My father and master are Tempest Haggard and Lord Death.”

“The god of battle?” he laughed, “-the man who surrendered godhood to walk the realm in company of his family. Goddess Axia was devastated by his loss, they were friends, rivals who made one another laugh. The battle’s personal,” the complexion turned pale, lines of gold shone from underneath the skin, “-I’ll defeat you with all my strength.” *Powers restrained for my own safety, release anew and flow into the mortal realm, angelic gate holding my divine power, open for I request so; Mesiae*

‘He’s going all out,’ hands to the sword, ‘-I should repay the kindness.’ *Death Element: Unleash Aura,* spurs of raw aura chipped the ice. An even colder exchange of stares ambled towards one another.

“Rest in peace,” marked the battle’s renewal. *Clash,* Orenmir nearly shattered under the first stroke, ‘-I feel lighter than before,’ he side-stepped, another stroke and he parried the attack, Axel’s expression turned rigid, the attacks were predictable. *Angelic-Arts: Ball of Light,* five projectiles summoned and made contact, they cleanly tore off the skin. *Snap,* an explosion rattled the angel to retreat, “-mines?” he coughed, the icy fog dwindled, “-no matter,” the assault continued.

‘Why does he keep on the defensive,’ strike after strike, spells conjured to break the monotonous blocks and perries, ‘-is he fighting a battle of attrition. What a pain, this body’s nearly at the limits.’

*Deep slumber, deep rest, awaken for the chance at retribution. Gate of which stands before mine way, open for thy master has come: Nevermore – Hell’s Gate.*

*Crash,* the adrenaline pulsed in waves. “What is it, son of Tempest, can’t you fight, what happened to all the spunk. Regeneration is a curse for one who can’t but stares as death comes.”

“Death will come,” thundered across, *Span across the ages, fear is what held peace, fear is what caused War, fear is the root of evil. I, the harbinger of the ultimate fear, have come to spread and reclaim what is mine of right: Nevermore – Terror Gate.* a low ended thump spawned from Igna’s back, the aura briefly materialized and took the symbol of death’s form, “-fighting an angel is simple,” he smirked, “-wait until they run out of power.”

“DON’T LOOK DOWN ON ME,” they charged. Igna’s wounds healed, Axel’s overwhelming presence melted the ice, ‘-father, I knew you were amazing. I never once doubted your abilities. I stand here because of the swordsmanship, the artificial element, and the artificial soul you created. I feel like a kid again, a brat who ran away from home to follow his dad into war. I’m my dad’s sword, which was and will always be someone created for battle. Never realized his gift to me would be useful in my second life,’ a giant circle plastered onto the sky, *Heed my voice, spirits of the mortal realm,* lightning cackled into his sword from the symbols, *-I hold in my arm the powers of Tempest Haggard, God of Battle,* bodiless spirits gathered from all around the lake behind the blade,*-Art of Destruction – Huana.* White against gold, a giant ball of power exploded and blinded the Alphian scenery; communication, electricity, the balance of spirits knocked into a blackout, a singular plate of ice held the duo, steam rose from the listless figures.

“Good,” backs to one another, “-I had fun.”

“Me too,” *crash.*

“I’M COMING, MASTER!” scurried a distance yell.

‘-Amazing, I love it.’

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