
Chapter 735

‘He’ll be fine,’ thought Igna strapped to the leather seat, safety was most prioritized. The current vessel, the armed airliner used for local-continental voyages. Moving from Rotherham to Arda, Kreston, and even Plaustan cost much in ways of land travel. Recent interest in sea transport made it possible to take the boats. Local-continental voyages, specific to the current model, fast, agile, and most of all, equipped by an updated version of the AFR. ‘A year’s gone past; I got the gist of the world’s current state. My phone’s updated, the lens, and a custom-made pistol, a replica of Tharis,’ he looked to his hip, whereby the concealed weapon remained, ‘-can’t believe the first version has shot its last breath. Should be an easy fix,’ memory traveled to a moment prior.

After the shower, he ambled into the room to find an assortment of custom-made suits and a heavy-duty black briefcase. Inside it, same to a jeweler showing his ware to a client, the gun and smartphone caught the warm ceiling light. The beauty stole his breath for Tharis’s barrel, silvery with a line of red running through the middle, bore the carving of a dragon’s head. The grip, a lush assortment of gold and precious stones – in a way, the new Tharis truly was a gem. What’s scarier was the functions; battle-tested AFR inferring to Claire and her automatic targeting system. Mana transfusion from host to weapon drastically altered, ‘little input, massive output,’ “big bang,” scribbled onto a sticker to the side. The makers, ‘Gate-Six in collaboration with the Alchemist Sect.’ Phantom’s best mind worked on the project.

Liftoff, reality snapped to. A tablet softly slid across the table, “-master, please have a look at our progression. I’ve limited information to only our assets and have taken the liberty to arrange another report for Phantom as a whole. Take your time, we should arrive in around 45 minutes.”

“Understood,” he nodded. The butler, prominent since the last encounter, confidently made his way to the front, the suit, dark-blue with stripes of darker blue, deepened the air of mystic and strength.

“Ahem,” heels clopped from opposite the butler, “-my lord, I’ve brought the report of Glenda. Here,” tablet in palm, a flick across the screen transferred the file immediately, “-I’ll tend to the prince. Call on me if anything arises,” the well-built figure faded out the field of vision.

‘Let’s see,’ eyes to the screen, “-Status on Odgawoan. Since the acquisition of the count’s property, Raven’s grown exponentially. The surface business of gambling has constantly turned a massive profit. The amount of money spend on average has far outreached the local competition. Emphasis on improving reception and hospitality has greatened the effect on new visitors. Asmodeus’s schemes to steal clientele from other casinos have placed the company under the close watch of nefarious parties,” the message suddenly vanished, *-for more information, please verify thy information,* ‘-seriously?’ he sat straight-faced, the black screen reflected the emotion, a smooth glance to the side displayed the clouds, *-information confirmed,* burst a slight vibration. “-Far as the world is concerned, Raven is the name of the company running Von. Mammon’s presence has truly inflated overall profits. More information can be found in a separate file. Manufacturing and distribution of Narcotics. Puppets stationed at the main manor have been working nonstop in the production, stocks are at an all-time high, no requirement for rest has boosted productivity. Raven monopolizes the underground market, plans for exportation of excess to the Dark-Guilds are in negotiations. Such is to say, laundering the money’s grown tenuous. We’ve backed the police chief, Jula, into a permanent spot in the Odgawoan council. The military forces stationed for the protection against monsters are threats. An incident on the 6th of August in Alice’s nightmare, involving the disappearance of a deliveryman and the cargo, after much investigation by the Codd’s agency, has revealed a faint lead, the scent of a new player, one who outsmarted Starix’s plan. Additional information is needed for further judgment. In other news, the matter pertaining to the election of Odgawoan’s mayor, a certain Baron named Marko Arton, who Kul rescued from a mission gone array, won the elections. Raven officially runs the town from the shadows; we control the politics and the underworld market. For now, involvement will be minimal, the families are ready for a counterattack. Expansion of the company outside the town is difficult, more time and finance are needed to slowly buy out the competition. On paper, the results are very favorable if not for the plague – the virus and curse of the monster plague. Business, just as Raven were to explode into the bigger stage, was forcibly halted by the uprise. Though I prefer not to include personal thoughts on the report, I would very much like to add this, the uprising happened a few months after the military’s stronghold of the monsters. Bigger channels have reported experiments on bioweapon, utilization of the plague to destroy civilization from within.” The latter ended on a high note, a shiver ran down the neck, ‘-chemical warfare; interesting proposition. We’ve used it before, the Aedric mistress of plague is my daughter, might be worth exploring her potential in war scenarios’ the pages shifted to a new report, ‘-Phantom hasn’t been on form lately. A strong competitor, the Cobalt Unit, and their PMC have declared war. The gun’s trade is at a bottleneck, advancement in weaponry, though at one point Phantom held the knife, the Cobalt Unit seems to have grasped a sharper blade – reverse engineering of our technology has led into the monstrously efficient counter to Phantom’s deadly forces. War at the border of Elendor is proof enough. Scholars at the University of Rotherham have stumbled on an unbreachable wall of incertitude. Magiology has grown stagnant, the subject is common knowledge around the world. Every higher power country has its own variant on the mana-catalytic engine. Cimier blatantly voiced their alliance with the Conglomerates. Spear-headed by Snow, the mafia of Iqeavea, deliberation of a union of each organization, regardless of Snow being a forgotten part of Cimier, are on their way. The conglomerates have used said occasion to launch a campaign appealing to the emperor, and most importantly, the church. GateSix and Midas are working in accordance to improve Phantom’s forces,” it ended, the time displayed 10:30, Savaview waited below. The airfield, located at the ex-noble district, soon lined in the pilot’s sights.


‘I should have time to read about Glenda,’ the file opened, “-Glenda’s grown over the months, the disappearance of the queen and her son has left a deep gap in how the country will operate. Queen Gallienne has decreed Glenda to be the temporary capital of the kingdom. The population’s number is at a decline; children and young women have gone missing frequently. A private investigation was assigned to the matter – we’ve yet to hear from the man. That aside, the commonly thought of extinct lizardmen are slowly gaining their numbers. Demi-humans of every species, quick to bear children, are gradually returning the numbers to how it was before. Empty villages regain residents, the monster problem’s been minimal. Elves of the council have insisted on healing the ancient tree. King Gla Hartslon of the allied elven nation (including dark elves) has declared the tree to be their kingdom. Nothing can be said at this time, the majority vote is in their favor, no actual rulership means the tribes are free to split and erect their own kingdom. Unity is best served when under strong leadership, queen Gallienne’s decree was to limit revolt and stability to the people, those of the upper-class know-how flimsily the kingdom truly is. Suffice to say, Glenda’s benefited from the jump in popularity, the neighboring villages too. Prosperity has blessed the town after much strife, the subject to raise the rank from Viscount to Count has been put on hold by the council,’ the report ended.

Fingers to the furrowed brow, ‘-so much information,’ a sip of watermarked the gentle touchdown. Flowing scenery of which were stone-bricked buildings moved to a stop.

“Master, we’ve landed,” said éclair.

Soon after, the bright heat of Dorchester fired daggers onto the ground, the air felt hot to the breath. “-this way,” said éclair.

“Julius, are you well?” he jumped back a few steps, “-cousin, hanging thy head will not bring her back,” he voiced loudly, a gesture to Alta had the lady shuffled to the front, “-come on cousin, tell me, is something bothering you?”

“Everything cousin, everything bothers me. I can’t shake the uneasy feeling, will Malley want me back after what I’ve done, she’s an able lady, finding a suitor should be simple. What if she’s already married, what will I do then...”

“We’ll kill the husband and kidnap her.”

“Now isn’t the time for jest,” he exclaimed.

“Who said I was joking,” returned a cold-hearted voice, a silvery colored car waited patiently, “-if tis what thee wishes, sky is the limit, cousin, sky is the limit.” Alta held the door open and closed it the moment the duo entered and sat. Julius’s expression stuck in shock, ‘-kill and kidnap?’ pondered loudly.

‘What’s the priestess up too,’ wondered Igna, ‘-let’s see,’ the updated lens worked faster and smoother, her information, location, and current activities came to light, ‘-connect to her microphone,’ he thought – the device obeyed.

Loud chants were heard, a populated marketplace – the current location, a stand, displayed, “-how much for the ring?” asked a rougher sounding voice, the type that spoke deeply through their nose.

“That’d be 350 Exa.”

“Bring the price right down,” rebutted, “-Malley, you sure this is the ring you want?”

“Yes,” she spoke softly, “-get it, I don’t care anymore, what was important is lost. I’ve already surrendered.”

“So melodramatic,” it said briefly, “-I’ll take one, 300 Exa,” dismay of the merchant was heard softly, “-reading those novels seems to have altered thy way of thinking. What are you, the tragic heroine of those romance novels, a quest to find the right one?”

“Stop pestering, what sort of gentleman brings a lady to such a place for a date. Here I thought we were to enjoy a nice lunch and I find us doing business.”

“Money is what keeps the family afloat, you truly think it’s easy to care for that ready-made brat?”

“Don’t talk badly about him.” *End of connection.*

‘Might have a slight issue,’ the vehicle soon wrapped inside the town, area changed to a quieter place to the east of the inside, a memorial area for fallen fighters during the Krestonian invasion. ‘-Must be the place,’ they stopped shy of a line of packed buildings opposite which were slightly tilted stout trees, the overhung foliage shielded from the sun, ‘-a fresh breeze,’ thought Igna.

The darker framed entrance led into a cozy restaurant, “-where are we going?” asked Julius, a bell signaled their entrance, the keeper peeped from the counter(forward and to the right) and gave a friendly smile. “Please take a seat.”

A spark riddled the empty room in tangible nervousness. The pink-haired Malley sat in the company of another gentleman. *gulp,* regret washed the prince’s face, he turned, or would have, Igna sharply grabbed the arm and pulled, “-cousin, you bare the blood and name of a Haggard. Stop acting desperate,” attention firmed onto the lady, visible pain on Julius’s face riled ire, “-Malley,” he thundered to her table, “-we have much to discuss,” said a bloodthirsty scowl.

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