
Chapter 745

“Three devils my lady?”

“The three children,” whispered the other.

“My bad,” apologized the former, “-I was lost in admiration. If the devils have returned, so have the generals.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure,” added Yuria with a tone of dismay, “-them three are the best and worst thing to ever happen to us. Powerful entities and whimsical to their core, the head butler’s been traumatized thoroughly, I dare not imagine the pain they’d have caused.” A brave smile lit her face ablaze, she whipped around the corner, the coat trailed in her sharp motions – the corridor stretched into the grand-hall, chatter and laughter echoed, ‘-what in the?’ they once again stopped shyly, this time, one of the maids ended into Yuria’s back. She quickly backtracked in fear of having offended the lady – the body and face tightened; her fist clenched in anticipation for punishment.

“Calm down,” said the sister-like figure, “-we’re alright, the rulers treat their people kindly, we don’t have to worry.”

‘I won’t have believed it,’ the sight before was of the same band of mischievous devils affectionately cuddling another. The standoffish Saniata joined in, a scene Yuria could but gawk at speechlessly, ‘-she’s being held so warmly, the lady hates affection, does she not?’ a close look showed a peaceful expression, they napped.


‘Ran out of energy after a few minutes,’ thought Igna running his fingers through Vanesa and Saniata’s hair, the two girls laid with heads on his legs and body onto the floor turned fluffy cloud. Draconis sat back-to-back, the fiery breath sparked upon irregular exhales, ‘-Saniata’s grown in height and so has Draconis, the aura is calm and composed, and in a way, better. Vanesa, what can I say about her, she exhausted herself upon trying to speak loudly, my adorable awkward daughter.’

Yuria, who kept to the wall, circled to the head butler’s location, “-are you alright?”

*Gasp,* the face froze, “-lady Yuria,” hands to his chest, “-you startled me, please do not sneak on people, it’s rather crude.”

“Sorry, habits. I have so many questions,” she took a closer look, “-the master has returned.”

“Pardon me?”

“Don’t look surprised,” she paused – the glowing hue from the entrance perturbed momentarily by shadows, “-most do not know about the master. Here’s a brief introduction, the man who calmly watches the three devils is lord Igna Haggard, the Watcher of the Shadow Realm and father of them three.”

*Clop, clop, clop,* “-Yuria,” wind rose ever-flowing blond hair, “-we’ve returned,” said Miira. Her tall stature could but stand out from a distance away, beside her were Lilith and Gophy, the two looked somewhat confused at the gathered crowd, “-why are the retainers in the great hall?”

“I presume the holiday spirit,” added Lilith.

“Not likely,” refuted Gophy, “-our retainers are too stern to enjoy the free time allocated.”

“Yuria, care to explain?”

“Lady Miira, please look for thyself,” they gave way for the goddesses to approach. Three stairs marked the end of the entrance hall, the beginning of the great hall, a generous tunnel which led into a massive cave, such was the impression if decorations and craftmanship were taken away.

“I’ll be damned, look who’s decided to pay us a visit.”

“Igna,” gestured Lilith, “-long time no see,” she nonchalantly moved to his side and sat, “-the cloud’s very comfortable.”

“Credit to Vanesa,” he replied, “-she’s always ready to nap, have to admire her for it.”

“The Aedric mistress of maladies; for her age in the evolution of her powers – she’s got Starix and Kaleem beat in raw power alone. No wonder she enjoys sleeping so much, I asked once, and her reply was, ‘-working hard tires me, I’m already stronger than where I need to be. I will only try if pops ask me to. Sleep is love, food is life’ so you see, she’s quite the energy conservationist.”

“You’re right,” added Miira, “-the cloud sure is comfortable,” her tall stature dropped onto the hovering fluff, a slight flush filled her cheeks, “-never expected you to visit.”

“And I’ve never guessed the realm would have a one-month holiday.”

“Pleasantries aside,” interjected Gophy, “-why are you here, where’s Intherna, you must have spoken, right?”

“We did, and I say, went pretty well. I’ll cut right to the chase, I’ve come to ask a favor,” a shot to Miira drew on Gophy and Lilith’s curiosity.

A glare from Gophy and Lilith built onto the pressure, unbeknownst to them, the crowd of retainers grew by the second, ‘-so serious,’ she thought, “-what is it?”

“Open a portal to Draebala.”

“Draebala?” the target switched, “-are you insane?” fired Gophy.

“Not going to happen,” voiced Lilith loudly, “-no way, no way, I refuse to accept such a request.”

“Lucky for me, the request is for Miira, and not you, Lilith,” the reply, harsh in nature, spawned doubt and suspicion across hers and Gophy’s mind. Miira’s openness to the request reflected by her posture, simultaneously accepting and curious.

“Why should I send you to a warzone?” her stare narrowed.

“Please, Miira, don’t tell me you’re entertaining the idea,” complained Lilith.

“I side with Lilith on this one,” said Gophy, “-the council decides, I see two against one, the decision is without argument. Igna will not be sent to Draebala.”

“I see,” said a tiresome exhale, “-shouldn’t have expected much,” soft taps on the children’s faces broke their peaceful sleep. They sat and rubbed their eyes save for Draconis who snored. Igna stood, “-if the council of goddesses says the decision is final, not much I can do – I’ll find another way. Thank you for the welcome,” he turned his back on them(faced the entrance hall) fully intent on leaving.

“Hold on a moment,” a ball of fire burst onto the tense debate from the entrance, “-I side by Igna,” warm hands grabbed his shoulder, effectively stopping the early departure, “-Pretender or not, you’re my friend,” she smiled.

“Intherna!” gritted Gophy, “-are you insane, sending him to that world is suicide.”

“And?” she hopped and rose to Gophy, “-must I remind the events which led to his current state.”

“There’s no need to go there,” interjected Lilith who rose to grab Lilith’s arms, “-what happened was a mistake, we’ve all agreed.”

“Still, a mistake is a mistake, the saying, ‘-we’re but humans,’ do no apply, our prestige alone defy such a cowardly way of thinking.”

“You’re right,” she firmed her resolve, “-my mistakes are a rightful point of argument. Still, what I speak is true, with or without the mishap, Igna would have been decimated. Draebala isn’t a world suitable for beings of another world, only the strong enter – there’s no way he’ll survive, not after the trauma and pain afflicted by ten years of imprisonment inside another’s realm.”

“Miira, please, side with what’s right,” requested Lilith, “-she comes from a place of genuine care.”

‘One side wishes to respect my request, the other is crossed, they wish for me to remain safe. Both sides are right, what a baseless argument,’ he stepped into the fray, “-Lilith, Miira, Intherna, Gophy,” roared across deeply, “-the argument is pointless, the blame lays on me for not thinking the matter through.”

“This isn’t about you, Igna,” fired Gophy rudely, “-tis about Intherna and her habit of crossing whatever Lilith and I have to say.”

“A council of yes won’t bring about Elysium – debates bring forth innovations, the latter being paramount for the world to evolve.”

“SILENCE!” he thundered, the hall bellowed, “-I will hear none of it. Gophy, Intherna, I order thee to shake hands and makeup!” a tinge of purple flickered across the bi-colored pupils, they watched, confused by the outburst, until the hands moved subconsciously into firm grasp, in turn, altering into a short embrace, “-my bad.”

“Master?” the eyebrows burrowed, “-did you just?”

“Y-yeah,” he winked, “-the words slipped out. I don’t know, the sight of a pointless argument made my blood boil. The goddesses don’t become the taint of disagreement, you who rule the Shadow Realm are friends first, leaders second. If my request causes such folly, I rather it is forgotten – there’s no need to be vexed, I’ll drop the idea.”

“I’ve yet to add my point of view,” said Miira after what seemed to be an eternity, “-I agree with Gophy and Lilith’s worry, yet I side with Intherna. Hear me before passing judgment, Draebala is a world fueled by chaos and destruction, we know much about it, especially Intherna, who was subjected to fight and risk her life. If she, one personally affected by the domain, accepts the master’s request, I think we ought to trust her judgment. Worrying about his safety is an insult to the Haggard name, has he ever called for help, has he ever backed down from a challenge, no. We’re free to do as we want – then again, the freedom mustn’t impose on the other, which is why we have to vote to decide what happens. As it stands, tis a deadlock, the wisest choice would be a compromise. How about Intherna escorting the master?”

“Having her there would be reassuring,” said Lilith, “-I can live with that.”

“What about you, Gophy.”

“Why is it you always try to walk on eggshells around me, Intherna, you’re honestly a pain to have around,” she shuffled closer, “-I couldn’t be more grateful to have thee as a friend. I’m sorry about the argument, emotions got the better of me.”

“I’m sorry too,” they sincerely hugged the misunderstanding away, “-worrywart.”

“Now all are resolved,” turned to Igna, “-why not stay the night and depart tomorrow. I’ll need time to ready the portal.”

“Sure,” he smiled, “-if you would have me.”

“There he goes being modest,” teased Lilith, “-where’s the man who ordered goddesses to shake hands, very bold.”


“Vanesa, Draconis, Saniata, what’s the hold-up, lets go into town.”


Energy from the discussion died out, Yuria was left in the company of lady Miira and Gophy, Intherna chose to sleep the day away, whilst Lilith teleported to tend for Beelzebub.

“What do you make of it?” wondered Gophy.

“The test went according to plan,” said Miira, “-I don’t feel great about the underhanded fashion we handled the matter. Intherna knew what we wanted and she delivered, we’re on the same page.”

“I’m glad,” exhaled Gophy, “-I never want to fight again, it drained my energy.”

“Agreed. Igna’s still the same, a respectful man who doesn’t think highly of himself and focuses attention on the realm. Part of me wonders why he downplays his abilities so much.”

“Intherna told me about the conversation they had,” added Gophy – a lavish garden waited below, gardeners tended to the flowers, straw-hats shielded against the boiling sun, “-he called himself a Pretender.”

“New one, a pretender. He’s worthy of our trust and support, sounds pretentious and I hate saying it, if by any means he’d fail the strict requirements, I’d have personally refused to aid. Draebala isn’t a light subject, he could risk our existence. The Watcher watches, and he’s doing so to help éclair. Head into town and explain the situation, I’m sure it’ll relieve him to know we were testing him.”

“I’ll leave that to Lilith,” she shrugged.

A few hours later, the center of town cheered and bathed in the symphony of laughter and good energy. Draconis wrapped about Igna’s neck, Saniata chose to walk whilst Vanesa insisted on being cradled, to meet her demand, she rejuvenated to her younger self.

“Let’s stop here,” said Saniata, “-here’s the stall,” her eyes shimmered, “-they’ve got accessories.”

“Take you time,” returned Igna, “-we’ll be at the eating area. Don’t get lost, if anything happens, call for me.”

“I will, see you pops.”

Warm plates brought onto a small circular table, the crowd was very much active, “-here, food,” he presented to the half-asleep Vanesa.


‘Why would the goddesses test me, I’ve only just realized the absurdity of the situation.’

“Master,” whispered Lilith, “-here I am.”

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