
Chapter 771

‘Wasn’t the purpose of defeating the strongest monster to stop further growth?’

“Such was the goal. We stirred the hornet’s nest, the demon king, Radahl, who utterly defeated me, stated monsters are his subjects.”

‘Is the continent in danger?’

“No, he seemed to be preoccupied with something else. When I asked if he would attack, he replied with no. Monsters have always been a threat, with a name to their leader, us adventurers have a chance at avenging the fallen.”

‘Will you fight again?’

“I’m retiring. After conquering the final, tis blatantly obvious, the battlefield will evolve. Old-timers like me should leave the floor for the newer generations. Emphasis on weaponry will guide the adventuring world forward.”


‘What is your plan going forward?’

“To use the reward and compensate the families of the brave fighters who accompanied us in a suicide mission.”

‘Advice to up-and-coming heroes?’

“Fight with the objective of getting strong, never underestimate someone, even it happens to be a Goblin.”

On those final words, the sudden interview ended. The 13th will forever be etched into history as the day Achilles from the legendary Kniq, conquered the tower and returned a heroine. The future of the adventuring world will depend on how the tower shows itself. Guild leaders of the deceased adventurers were grateful for her diligence, the pouch of tags was a heavy burden to bear, the lives of hundreds on her palms. We from the Arian Daily Gazette wish the best of luck to a living legend, thank you for your service, lady Achilles.’ Such ended the article, cigar smoke puffed, Igna sat with feet kicked onto a table. Location, the Eizo manor, “-what are we doing today?” inquired Fenrir dressed in an oversized white shirt, she ambled to the balcony and pulled.

“No idea,” the gazette fell onto the table.

“There are still things to do,” said a slithering voice, “-good morning, majesty.

“Who’s that!” growled Fenrir.

“Vesper, my stewardess,” he calmly explained, “-good morning, is anything the matter?”

“Not really,” she bowed respectfully, “-I visited to express my gratitude. On behalf of the residents of the tower, we’re grateful for thy intervention. A peaceful outcome was worth the trip, evolution of the tower will commence.”

“Anything I need to attend?”

“No, master,” she pleasantly smiled, “-the monster kingdom rules itself. Tis a festive month, enjoy thineself, if matters grow tedious, I shall confer to lady Miira.”

“Right, I forgot she was once a member of thy family. Very well, if my services aren’t needed, I’ll move to another task. I appreciate the help, Vesper, thank you.”

“The pleasure is mine, master,” she dissolved.

“Gross,” commented Fenrir, “-I don’t like snakes.”

“Stop being a kid,” he reproached, ‘-I’ve yet to meet Undrar...’

*Knock, knock,* “-enter.’

“Sorry to disturb,” said a shyly vested Wendy, “-I was wondering if you had breakfast yet?”

“Wendy,” a nonchalant glance at the door had her cower, “-I’m sorry we sort of took over the manor.”

“It’s fine,” she whispered, “-grandfather said it’s okay.”

“Well then,” he threw on some casual clothes, “-I have time to spare. Wear clothes which are appreciated for wandering the town,” he side-glanced.

“Yeah, I’m not going out naked,” the door closed.

A stroll through town spoke of the effect the article had, they crossed the bridge, left Wendy to scurry towards the station meanwhile Igna and Fenrir circled the town-hall till its entrance, ‘-the noticeboard’s filled with congratulations.’

“Igna,” her nose veered her head, “-over there, I smell good food.”

“Understood,” hands in pocket, “-lead the way.”

Far into the continent, Apexi came under scrutiny from a gossip magazine, “-Master Julius,” the high-rise office inside Rosespire’s metropolis rumbled, “-we have an issue on our hand.”

“Lady Serene, rare for you to visit.”

“Stop being dense,” she stormed inside and walk, a fair distance laid from the door till table, any outburst was very awkward to handle, especially since the hallway laid so far away, “-here are the papers,” it littered his table, “-they say Vorn’s been caught in being favored by advertising companies – says we’re not playing fair in the entertainment market.”

“Vorn’s on tour with Aceline and Xius for the annual Aeuro’s festival. What’s the point of bringing this issue to my table?”

“Read it for yourself,” she said. He took two glances, one at her and the other, the table, ‘-what’s this about?’

“Apexi, the number one unranked agency has been accused to force idols into contracts. Promising talents are stolen with or without prior notice from the agency, many competitors demand justice and fairness. Some have tied the scandal to the Rashord Musical Academy, a prestigious university for musical prodigies who’ve had names such as; Rocher Cartney, the wizard of notes, Juiel Hone, a virtuosic violinist, and Kenkei Coleeo, a world-class conductor. Many of the top graduates unofficially sign contracts to Apexi, vowing to devote their skill to building their brand. Our investigation has revealed a very suspicious income, some are calling for audits, their spending on idol sponsorship defies the reported monthly income.”

“They’ve dug our grave,” the paper drifted off his fingers and onto the floor, “-what do they want, money?” he spun to the large windows where laid rivaling tall buildings that made the landscape sparse. Normally, Julius would be found at Apexi’s headquarters – renovations made his move to Phantom’s office at the heart of Rosespire, which in all aspects, was big, tall, and technologically superior to its neighbors. The holographic displays were impressive, night was when it made its mark.

“Julius, get a hold of yourself, the Anti-Narco, Anti-Corruption Unit, and the R.E.I.S, have readied their forces to attack our agency at the first crack. Our lawyers are busy fighting against the backlash, if public pressure increases, we’ll have to reveal the ploy.”

“If it was a lie, we’d be fine,” he gritted, “-this time, the accusations are true, we’re very much monopolizing talents; they don’t complain because the money is merit-based. The more they work, no matter the result, poor or bad, they get good money, considering the state of the economy, we might just have to take a hit here. Profits are low, the cutback off their salary must have annoyed a few,” he spun, the expression tightened, “-find out who leaked the information, regardless who it is, bring them to my office. I have to make a few phone calls.”

“Don’t jeopardize our situation,” she cautioned and left.

‘This had to happen now,’ the room dimmed, a holographic display materialized, ‘-I knew lowering their pay was going to affect us one way or the other. Never expected it to be in such a manner. A whistleblower; the university will deny involvement, the burden to prove innocence in on us. Luckily, our idols are in Alphia performing for the festival – Ansoft wishes to keep good relation, who am I to refuse.’

*Call – Sister System,*

“Yuio speaking, Yui for short, how can I help?”

“Yui, Julius here, have you read the libel?”

“About the earning of Apexi, what they said was true, I have the data. Furthermore, éclair’s took notice of the origin, he’s sent an attachment on the plaintiff’s possible description.”

“We’re in a pinch here,” he said, “-silence won’t help nor will hiding the information. We can’t keep throwing money at them,” he paused, ‘-maybe I could create gold and valuables to reinforce our finances. Banks are owned by the head of state, I doubt her majesty would allow us to inflate the profits without proper paperwork. We’re deep in the underworld, laundering is hard enough, can’t strain their pull any further – the possibility of the Federation’s collapse has tightened the risks. No matter how I look, I can’t see a way out. December’s supposed to be a month of celebration... I’m supposed to get married, why’s Malley not responding to my messages. Apexi’s under my responsibility, I can’t burden lady Elvira further. Since Lizzie began her studies at the university, I might have spent more money to ensure the environment’s better for her.’

*Incoming Call – Raide*

“Hello, what’s the update.”

“Bad, the public statement didn’t go well. Clout as a world-class idol hasn’t helped; someone is pulling the strings, the more the hour goes, the more defamatory the tabloids get, there’s even a scheduled live interview to be taken place at Rosian Media Square.”

“Even if it’s a lie, the movement’s going to gain traction, what has the board to say in the matter?”

“They’ve decided to save face and flee overseas until the situation is handled.”

“Right, those old folks were cowards to begin with, they care only about profits and we care about their pockets – if they move against us, D.G’s shadow should keep revolt in line.”

“Excuse me, Julius, isn’t there anyone who specializes in intrigue, we need to fight fire with fire, and honestly, we lawyers are head deep in paperwork. Fighting the state AN-N, AN-C and R.E.I.S is a war. If the complaint was in Rotherham’s jurisdiction, it wouldn’t have been an issue.”

“I know,” he exhaled, “-wait a moment,” an idea sparked, “-I know someone who loves to play mind games. Last I heard he had urgent business in Plaustan. He owes me a favor; I’ll be in touch.” *Call Ended.*

“Igna, I want more booze,” a quaint little cottage under the ownership of the Trader’s guild cozily accommodated the duo.

“You had a barrel of ale...”

“Not enough,” she burped, “-my stomach’s far larger.”

“I’m not sure a lady should be flaunting that image about.”

“I don’t care, bring me more ale,” the rambunctious attitude turned many heads.

“Lass,” said a hurdled group of old-timers, “-want to share a drink with us?” they offered a seat at the counter.

“If you’ll keep up,” she grinned, “-whatever they order,” they cheered.

‘She raises morale anywhere she goes, Fenrir’s a phenome, truly. The town’s lesser tense to before, the image of the first day’s altered. A good article can bring the populous around, the Arcanum’s more preoccupied with a scandal,’ read the phone, ‘-where there’s money and fame, there will be a problem.’ *Incoming Call – Julius.*

“Long time, cousin.”

“I agree,” the voice seemed harsher, “-too long. Cousin, I’ve still not forgiven thee.”

“Forgiven me?” he laughed, “-cousin, you have it backward, I should be the one who you need to ask forgiveness from. My mother was captured while you were present, I made you and Malley patch up, what else?”

“Seriously, you going to bring the kindness up?”

“Of course, I will,” he firmed the stance, “-I didn’t appreciate the tone you used. If there’s something you need, say it now, else I’m ending the call.”

“I’m sorry,” the breaths transmitted clearly, “-I’m shaken from the whole ordeal.”

“Good, take deep breaths and tell me, what’s the matter.”

“Apexi’s in big trouble, someone’s unraveled our connections and affiliation to our ‘under the table’ deals.”

“Sounds rough,” he said, “-I have the information, the situation looks dire.”

“We can’t contest the argument since they’re true, if we lie, we’ll be digging our own graves.”

“And, how do I fit into the situation?”

“Help us win, I don’t care about the method, make it happen, the opponent is astute, very astute.”

“A favor for a favor.”


“I’m on my way.” *Call Ended,* ‘-the game resumes.’


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