
Chapter 795

“I’m grateful for the Federation,” said king Easel, “-benefits aside, Easel Run Gard’s gain most from the interaction. We were able to connect to Hidros, and thereon, grew our culture and knowledge – a poor nation as we are, have no say in what will and won’t happen.”

“The dreaded moment’s come,” exhaled Gallienne, her friendly expression simmered into a hardened line, “-deep down, I held on for the sake of my friend, Courtney, and my bitter enemy turned friend, Staxius. I wish he were alive, the world’s changing before me, the people, the landscape, the country, everyone’s evolving into future I fear I can’t tightly grasp. My rule has lasted a few decades; in fairness, I’ve devoted myself to raising a worthy Queen for the sake of Hidros. I achieved my goal of uniting the continent, we got rid of the despicable church of Kreston, the result, Arda was stricken by death.”

“Hidros was born from bloodshed, built itself on a pool of dead bodies, and will thrive in blood. The old generation has grown weak,” he flipped a pen around his finger, “-I mean no disrespect, majesty.”

“Mention not,” she smiled, “-the truth is the truth. Therefore, we must decide on the Argashield Federation’s future, what will it be,” she shifted to Easel.

“The Federation has been good for my kingdom; I’d love to see it evolve and grow stronger,” he kept a neutral stance, expression shifted to Igna who held his chin and thought.

“Tis decided, the Argashield Federation cease to exist from today onwards.” A moment of silence diffused from his words, the table knew to take a moment and reflect. There was power and weight behind the name – breaking an alliance would only make them weaker. In a way, it was the natural order. Kept in the back of his mind, Igna thought of the events leading to the destruction of the very things he built as Staxius; all were attacked, naught left unblemished.


“I have a proposition,” interjected Igna, “-majesty, if you’d listen, I’d love to hear your thoughts on a particular idea I have.”

“Go on,” she said, focused on the idea, Easel followed her lead. The holographic globe shifted into an updated map of Alphia and the routes taken by the Empire in their attack, the northernmost province cupped the rougher part of the battle currently.

“Alphia.” The line of thought immediately clicked via a shimmer in the queen’s pupils, her lowered stance rose in anticipation. King Easel watched cluelessly, “-they’re under attack. Elendor left us – meaning, the power balance is heavily in favor of the Holy Empire. There’s no way to fight against them – Alphia is a powerhouse on their own merit. They have the funds and technology, most of the things we used are imported from their industrial heavy policy. Consider this, the Holy Empire and their newly allied continent were renamed to the Holy land of Ernel. From what rumor says, the place is riped with virgin lands of bountiful resources, there’s no telling what is hidden under such a vast terrain. Imagine they join hands – they’ll become unstoppable; Iqeavea’s size dwarves that of Hidros and Alphia. Now is the best time to join forces with Alphia, the birth of new power to tip the balance.”

“The idea is sound... I imagine it be hard to gather Alphia’s leadership to join us. Their way of the ruling is very different from ours, I dare say, they’re much more strict on the subject of warfare.”

“Give me a moment,” he pulled onto his phone, tapped a few numbers, “-understood, master,” flashed on the message, the hovering display pulsed, a circle turned, the dots alternatively blinked, *-connection established,* said the screen, “-hello?”

“Greetings, Emperor of Alphia,” voiced Igna loudly.

“Igna,” he said with a somewhat relieved tone, “-I thought it was... never mind,” the stressed contours eased, “-I’m glad you called, there’s a something I ought to ask.”

“Before we continue,” it displayed the room, “-I’d like to introduce the Queen of Hidros and the King of Easel Run Gard.”

“I understand,” the lips pressed, “-Igna, if this is about us joining the Argashield Federation, forget it.”

“You misunderstand,” he countered the expected answer, “-as of this moment, the Federation is dissolved. The news of Elendor’s betrayal must have reached thy ears. Each of us represents our own kingdom, the gathering is merely a joined feast for the new year’s.”

“I should have expected so,” he chuckled, “-tell me, Igna, what’s the stance you’ll take?”

“Regardless of any alliances, I have sworn to help my big sister in trying times. The Haggard dynasty owes a great deal to the Sultria dynasty, I will perform my duties as thy brother-in-law.”

“Now isn’t the best of time to discuss a potential alliance. I’ll be free in the coming week – would be wise for the world to hear the breaking of the Federation. Queen Galienne of Hidros, and King Easel of Easel Run Gard, I, Emperor Sultria of Alphia, graciously invite thee to a banquet next week. The formal invitations will be sent shortly,” the voice eased, “-Igna, might we have a little chat, privately.” On the request, he excused himself from the tower, climbed out a window, and made for the slanted tiled roof.

“What just happened?” wondered Easel, ‘-is the queen well?’ there was an air of insanity about the current expression, her smirk bore a sadistic nature, the faint open mouth breaths she took blew a cloud of ghastly-colored gray mist, “-King Easel,” her craving stare, reminiscent of a snake, zoned on him, “-Igna’s grown beyond my expectation. I should congratulate Courtney, the boy is very talented. Alphia’s given us a chance to form a new alliance, the Emperor’s desperate, the war must not be going as planned. Tis a lifetime chance to ally to a powerhouse of a continent, Alphia, and Hidros, I shudder to think of the endless possibilities,” the king but kept his head and nodded, a simpler trail of thought followed his expression, ‘-if I stick by Hidros, I’ll be associated to Alphia sooner or later, opening trades to them will greatly benefit my kingdom, she’s right, I have to seize the opportunity.’

“Igna,” spoke casually, “-is it wise to have Hidros and us be associated?”

“Well, there is a need for a new powerhouse to rival the Holy Empire. Besides, the war’s granted us many opportunities which would be very damning in times of peace. What is it you wished to discuss?”

“My mother-in-law... lady Shanna, her appearance is nothing I’ve ever seen before. Her way of speech, she nonchalantly took over my family’s trust without even breaking a sweat. Not her, there’s lady Courtney, lady Elvira, and lady Serene -they’re monsters in sheep’s clothing. I can hardly keep up with their eccentric nature, how-”

“I’m glad to hear they’re not depressed. Be careful, two of the four have complete authority on a kingdom and a rivaling conglomerate. How goes the war?”

“Pretty bad; the imperial family had to make an appearance for the people. Can’t show weakness before them – my generals are handling the brunt of the battle; I only hear snippets of the outcome. Eira’s been itching to jump on the battlefield... no telling how long she’ll remain still.”

“For the sake of the world, Alphia needs to stand firm against the Empire. Listen to me closely, the importance of your battle will reflect how the world moves. If you lose, there won’t be another opportunity to reclaim the lost land, and since the Church’s spearheading the battle – believers are more likely to agree and nod. You have to win, no questions asked, win and show the world Alphia can stand against the Empire. Prove the might isn’t in word alone.”

“Igna, I need to be honest. The time I spend in the company of Eira has made me realize one thing, Alphia’s fortune and path carved by my predecessors is a heritage I took for granted. I feel at ease, tis strange, the calmness in face of war, part of me believes Staxius watches over us. I’ll do my best, not very Emperor-like.”

“Does it even matter, we’re family, I’ll help when the times require me so. Take care of Eira and the guests, tell them not to return to Hidros. If they grow too heavy a burden, get in contact with éclair, he’ll organize their stay at the Odgawoan manor.”

“Not that,” he said,”-I’m happy they came, my mother seems to have found a burst of energy. Good luck on thy battle, I heard about the war of the Devil of Glenda against the Elven King. Taking on a whole nation alone, bravery or insanity, I know not.”

“It’s going to last a few years,” said Igna distantly, “-join as a new pillar to Hidros, become one and face the Empire.”

“I’ll think about it, goodbye for now,” the call ended. A chilling breeze whiffed inside the jacket, ‘-the breaking of the Argashield Federation, I truly thought I had made something great for us to rally behind. Seems the safety net wasn’t sufficient.’

The council room waited silently, “-welcome back, Igna,” said the queen.

“Thank you,” he pulled his chair and sat.

“What are the odds Alphia is willing to form a new alliance?”

“I’d say around 30%. Depends on how the situation affects the emperor’s judgment. It’s wise for us to ready ourselves.”

“It’s settled, the council is officially concluded. See you at the banquet.”

The dancehall shuffled at the sound of a sorrowful violin, many couples took to their partners and danced, the overall atmosphere was pleasant. Good food, good drinks, and good company. Opposed to joining the celebrations, Igna soon found the castle at his back, the guards gave no second thoughts. The slope steadied into a bearable incline, he walked, ‘-the council ended, the federation collapsed. Troubles keep on stacking; the war goes badly in Arda, the public isn’t welcoming of my intervention. I’m tired and want to rest,’ he pulled out his hand and stared blankly, ‘-what am I supposed to accomplish? Get strong, no, protect those I love, no, I’m lost. There needs to be change, I have to change first, everyone’s always going on about Staxius... is it possible the previous incarnation was better than my current self?’

The orchestral performance ended on a memorable low-note, Celina was quick to gather herself and make for the balcony, “-éclair,” she said, “-where’s Igna?”

“I don’t know,” he replied accompanied by Yui, “-haven’t seen him.”

“Good performance,” said Syndra following Celina, “-let’s grab something to eat.” An air of woe hovered around Celina, “-Hey, are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” came a stoic reply, “-something to eat, sure.”

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