
Chapter 806

Words took much time to formulate, the wrinkled face lady blinked painfully, her fingers stretched to touch the girl’s cheek, “-don’t be saddened,” the jaws unhinged to speak a few words, “-I know my body better than anyone,” she coughed, barely caught the spray of droplets with cupped hands, “-I will be fine for a few days,” she said, seeking the comfort of her husband.

“I’m here,” before a mention was made, the man knew to stand at her lady’s side, she reached forward to call on his name, “-Piers, come closer,” the voice lowered into rough whispers. He leaned his full ear, to which she rose, turned, and whispered, “-take care of our daughter, I won’t be long for this world. Call Igna, I need to speak with him, please.” Her arms dropped, the room panicked, “-she’s asleep,” said an attending nurse, “-I’d advise for the room to be vacant. She needs space.” Single file was the order, the robust door clicked into a damp corridor.

“What did mother say?”

“Don’t worry, Eia, mother won’t give just yet,” he forced a smile, she took a glance then spun, “-I’ll stay here,” she firmed.

“My lady, you must have lunch,” implored a younger-looking butler

“Listen to Theo,” said the father, “-I know my wife better than anyone, she’s a fighter. We must take care of ourselves and not allow emotions to trample our judgment, have I made myself clear?”


“Yes father,” she nodded obediently, “-let us have lunch.” The butler nodded and guided the lady out. With a few twists and stretches of never-ending corridors, a double-door of which was in an arch-shape walkway; brazenly defended against the incoming gust, the heavy flowery curtain made no effort in flapping in the wind’s tune. He pushed the curtains aside in a sweep of the right hand, pushed his chest forth into the glaringly bright midday. Outline of helicopters filled the northwestern sky of which was layered in increasingly darkened shades of grey, ‘-Phantom’s come,’ he wondered, ‘-lady Elvira and Gallienne were close friends,’ he pulled on his pockets, took a phone, the date flashed, 6th December X110, 11:45. *Dialing Raven’s head office,* the receiver answered by lifting the handle, it cackled onto a nonchalant, “-Raven’s head office, how can I help?”

“Good afternoon, my name’s Pier’s Riverty, Prince Consort of Hidros. I’m calling to have an audience with the Prince of Arda.”

“Wait a moment sir, I will direct the call to one of the boss’ secretary,” it channeled, an obnoxiously eerie children’s rhythm played, *Linzie Borden took an ax, gave her mother forty whacks, and when she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one.*

“Yui speaking, how can I be of help?”

“Will it be possible to speak to Igna Haggard?”

“And who are you?”

“Prince Consort of Hidros.”

“Right,” she paused, “-if I understand well, lady Elvira’s on her way to the castle, her majesty the queen’s health has degraded. I need to inquire the nature of the call, my master’s a busy man.”

“I have no patience to entertain wasting time,” the voice hashed akin to a blunt ax against a tree’s bark, “-pardon me.”

“No, the fault is mine. I had to confirm if you were real or not, seems to me you’re not an imposter. Here you go,” the call transferred to which was answered almost immediately.



“Yes, and who might this be?”

“Piers Riverty,”

“My, pardon if my workers had thee do some loops before reaching my cell. I did give her majesty my contact information, I guess she didn’t bother to relay the information. Tell me, what can I do for you?”

“Where are you currently?”

“At the moment, I’m on the road headed for Rotherham?”

“How long until you make it here?”

“An hour at the latest?”

“Make it here in 30 minutes, Gallienne’s not in great shape. Her malady is far too serious for wastage of time.”

“If the situation is dire, I’ll hurry,” the call ended. Piers had his arms weightlessly drifted at his waist, the phone was barely held by a pinch, ‘-Gallienne, why now, what was the purpose of anything...’ the forehead flashed against the sky, it helped in stopping the tears.

“Igna?” inquired a preoccupied Aceline, “-what’s with the scary visage?”

“Sorry,” he stepped on the gas, “-you ought to come with.” éclair readied a plane and made preparation for the quick departure, it had reached a point where he knew what his master thought and needed, their bond over the years of struggles fortified into a two-way tunnel of which none could interject. At around 12:50, Igna and Aceline found themselves at a helipad within the castle walls, a broken house amidst the castle-town was broken to accommodate space for helicopters. They exited onto a stone-brick road, “-the atmosphere’s dark and gloomy,” commented Igna.

“It has to be,” said Aceline with arms interlocked with Igna’s.

“I’m sorry we can’t go to the premier today.”

“It’s fine,” she smiled, “-long as we’re spending time together, it doesn’t matter.” Her movie would be played in numerous cinemas as well as at the Rosian Media Square, renting the giant screen, and preparing the men power to stream a one and half hour movie for all to see without payment cost a bunch, the numbers reached into the six figures. Prior to the call, Igna had made arrangements by renting a penthouse overlooking the screen – sadly, a new turn of events foiled their date. Regardless of the situation, he casually called Julius and offered the planned event instead, to which, they graciously accepted.

“Aceline,” on reaching the marble-stair, “-we should be tactful,” their arms unlocked. A worryingly desperate Piers paced to and fro, attending retainers watched fearfully at the irritated pacing, “-Piers?” said Igna.

“Igna,” the eyebrows flashed, “-you’re here,” he hurried into grabbing Igna’s hands, “-follow me, we need to go, now!”

‘How bad is Gallienne?’ he scanned the entourage, ‘-not many nobles, the retainers are saddened. Don’t tell me,’ what he feared was real, the door into the royal chambers opened to a gathering of elites; Lady Elvira, Lady Courtney, the King of Easel Run Gard, and a representative of Elon’s Dynasty waited in around the large bed. The queen’s skin wrinkled into what resembled a discarded piece of crumpled paper, closest to her was Elvira, she nodded softly and stood, took notice of Igna, nodded, and stepped away. Medical workers tried their hardest, “-Aceline,” she whispered with a smile, the latter’s heart shook, “-Igna, come here.”

The walk resounded, the silence gave the illusion of having amplified the steps, “-Yes, my lady, I’m here,” he sat on a stool, she shook her head and patted a spot on her bed. He shifted, the bed mildly buckled under his weight, she held out a hand, he took her offer and aided her into a somewhat decent sitting posture, “-I’m glad you’re here,” she smiled, the expression barely formed – her skin had paled, there was an air of destitute within her very aura. Igna reached for her ears without warning, “-I can heal and return thee to thy prior youth.”

“No,” she replied. Igna’s emotionless expression boldly flashed on what she said, “-I’ve lived a long life,” she said, side-glancing her husband and daughter, “-I’m tired and want to rest.”


“Don’t,” she panted, “-let me speak...”

“The hell you are,” he grabbed her palms, *Mana Control: Light Element Variant – Astro Krona,* a warn golden hue washed her body, *Mana Control: Waves,* the cycle of life-energy condensed into semi-transparent form, *Mana Control: Spiral,* it gathered above his palm, *Mana Control: Regeneration,* her wrinkled face softened a little, whilst a dab of reddened color filled her cheeks.

“You always want to help, don’t you,” she grinned, there was power and energy behind her words, “-honestly,” she caressed his cheeks.

“We can’t have a conversation with thee boarding death’s transit.”

*Cough, cough,* blood sprayed her blanket, “-you’ve increased my time, thank you. However, tis not the reason I’ve brought you here,” the crowd watched in utmost silence, there seemed to be more between the two, a bond resembling family, “-Staxius,” she whispered, “-it’s you, isn’t it.”

“Correct,” he returned, “-figured it out?”

“I don’t remember whether I was told the truth or guessed. Death comes for all, I’m tired of living, I know, it’s selfish, I just want to leave, I’ve had enough. The responsibility of a ruler is a guillotine with the harness to the blade being held over a slow-burning candle. The passage of time weakens the harness till it completely breaks and takes the ruler’s head. My wire is on the verge of snapping,” she tilted her head, locked eyes with Aceline, and motioned for her to move closer.

“Aceline, seems to me I’m looking older.”

“Making jokes at a time like this?” she sat on the stood and warmly sandwiched Gallienne’s weak shriveled hand, the healing affected only her face, vocal cords, and inner organs, the rest of her was bordering its end, “-old friend, I was sad when you left on ahead of me.”

“Don’t bring up the past,” her face changed drastically, “-it’s not fair.”

“Oh, you should know I don’t play fair. I see you and Igna are romantically involved,” her tired lips pressed in hesitation, “-Igna, if I were to say, save the World or its people, which would you choose?”

“Saving the world would be easy, as, for people, it depends. I’d choose not to save either,” he kept a straight-face, “-saving is a job for heroes, not us.”

Her eyes narrowed, “-BAHAHAHA,” laughter broke into a fit of coughs, “-I’m sorry,” she sniffled, “-we’re not heroes,” she wiped her tears, “-I remember, you and I are one of the same.”

“And you were the worse pain to ever cross my path,” he took her hand, “-an enemy who soon turned into one of my closest friends. I say we’ve lived our lives to the fullest. I’m satisfied, Gallienne,” the voice dropped to a whisper, “-if they wish to rest, why not join me. Dying will start the cycle of life and rebirth, there’s no heaven or hell for humans who’ve deliberately avoided the god’s wishes and the demon’s temptation.”

“What do you mean?”

“Join me, and my realm, become part of my domain. There, life is idyllic, live out thy existence, enjoy life until you’re satisfied, be free and live out your retirement in peace.”

“Sounds very fishy,” she chuckled, “-fine, I accept the offer,” her demeanor swapped, “-Igna, I need a favor,” she looked at Aceline, “-I’m sorry, friend, my selfishness will bring heartache upon thee. Even so, will you hear out my dying wish?”

“Anything, Gallienne.”

“Igna,” her gaze wandered onto her daughter, “-marry my daughter and become king of Hidros.”

Aceline felt her heart stop, as for the room, her speaking voice inaudible as to their ears, her words were a mixture of whispers, pants, coughs, and the stray sniffles, “-Gallienne, you can’t be serious,” her grip harshened, “-you know me and Igna are...”

“Yes, I know,” she firmed her resolve, “-I’m doing this for the future of Hidros. Igna, please tell me you understand,” they turned for answers whilst he thought.

“If I were to take the crown, you’re worried about the noble faction, in a way, marrying into the Riverty family would alleviate the burden. I refuse, I’ll never give the Haggard name for anything.”

“I knew it, which is why I’m ready to abdicate the throne to the Haggard Dynasty. Look at me,” she grabbed his cheeks with both hands, “-I’m serious, I want Hidros to prosper as Glenda did, I want the people to be happy, I want them to experience the joy and pride of having a competent leader.”

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