
Chapter 808

“Tell me,” he said fixing his glasses up the nose, “-what then, am I to abandon my duties here and elope?”

“Yeah,” she took his hand, “-at least there I’ll promise to make you happy. I’ll work, I’ll handle everything, all I ask in return is you, I want a warm home to return to, and maybe even children waiting to call me Mama when I arrive. I’ve thought about it for so long, during our long months apart, our long stay working on our goals and dream, I’ve wished for the day I can sit back and settle in life, live beside my destined one, my partner, my friend, my lover... don’t you get it?”

“Wrong,” he watched onto where her focus deviated towards, a lovely field of vibrant petals dancing in the warm breeze, “-the future is something I prefer not to think about. It brings joy, and more often, makes what experience at the moment fleeting. A line needs to be drawn between reality and fantasy. Don’t get me wrong,” he rested his head on her shoulders, “-I gave serious thought about us, and what we stood for. I was scared of a repeat of history... it was you who changed my cold heart, breaking the barriers nonchalantly, I’m fond of the time we spent together. I’m forever grateful for it,” they interlocked fingers, “-I can’t make promises. If there’s a way for us to be united, I’ll choose it without fail.”

“There is a way,” she said, tears flowed silently, “-give up everything you stand for and live for me,” she took his chin and leaned for a kiss, the lips locked, “-I guess we have to say goodbyes.”

“I’m sorry,” he murmured.

“Don’t,” she caressed his cheeks, “-it’s not as if we’re going to be separated forever. I don’t much care for the politics,” the breeze gave mild jabs, “-by agreeing to our relation, I made the promise to ensure thy happiness. Don’t know if I-”


“Stop it,” he put a finger to her rosy-red lips, “-don’t, I was happy, I still am. I’m happy we met, I’m grateful for the memories you gave,” a flexible thrust had him on his feet, “-here,” he offered his hands, “-I don’t ask for forgiveness, I only want you to be there until the ordeal is complete. Would you please accept my last wish?”

“You’re a cruel man,” she wiped her tears and fixed her makeup a little, “-asking I, who’ve lost just about everything, to watch as you’re taken away...” she observed his fist clench and relax, “-don’t bother suggesting polygamy, I firmly believe a lady must be linked to only one man.”

“Whatever gave that idea?” he side-glanced, “-I’m not a fool. Having my hands tied by a single woman is enough to satisfy the greediest of men...”

“There you go with that silver-tongue,” the conversation fell into silence. Attention fell yonder on herds of mindless maids ran akin to confused chicken, each tore across the immaculate stone-path walkway leading out the eastern entrance of the castle.

“Over ‘ere!” cried a retainer whose lips were crooked.

“Found him,” added the others, “-lord Igna,” a swarm of uniformed attendants sprinted, “-her majesty the queen request for thy presence in the throne hall,” they panted.

The thick wooden frame unbuckled during lady Courtney’s monologue on the sacrifices Igna undertook for the personal satisfaction of Queen Gallienne. Frame it as she would, selfishness is selfishness regardless if the ends justify the means. The two were on a lovely carpet in direct opposition to the throne. The princess was in tears at her mother’s feet, a bleeding man hung his head shy of a guard’s steel-boot, ‘-what happened?’ wondered Aceline who was soon gestured over by Elvira.

“Over here,” said her motion.

“What happened?”

“A lot,” she whispered, they stood away from the spotlight beside King Easel and the representative of Elon’s Dynasty, “-the man at the guard’s feet is the princess’s lover. The latter begged her mother to stop his execution, the situation’s far complicated than I’ve ever seen.”

“What of lady Courtney...’

“You noticed, good eye. She’s flustered and angry.”

“Why would she?”

“A mother has the right to be angry on her child’s behalf, and as it stands, the situation speaks disaster for Igna, he’s giving more than romance... freedom and exposure to the world’s threats. We’ve always taken the spotlight and allowed him to move in the shadows – so happens everyone believes their reason to be right. I don’t see anyone who’s in the wrong, they’re correct in their own way, a mother who wishes the good for her son, a queen who choose to sacrifice her own daughter’s happiness to ensure a better life for the faceless millions who call themselves residents of Hidros. Amid the folly are Igna, Eia, Nicola, and you. It’s painful to stand in the shadows and watch, I want to intervene, I want to help... however-”

“Tis not the place for outsiders to interject,” added the King.

“I must agree,” added the lady in formal clothes.

“You are?”

“Alison, secretary to Lord Elon,” said she hugging a tablet.

‘What will you do?’ wondered the collective crowd, eyes were on Igna and Gallienne. He ambled through the line of guards, stopped at Nicola’s bloodied visage, “-we meet again.”

“Who a-are you?” he rose his head, a crimson hue stained his vision, “-have we met before?”

“Yes we have,” *Mana Control: Light Element Variant – Astro Krona,* “-at the musical academy, your sister and mine grew acquainted.”

“Yes,” the wounds healed in under a golden hue, “-I remember,” the guard’s weapon eased, allowing for the intruder to kneel and stare Igna, “-thank you for healing me.”

“Igna!” thundered the queen.

“Majesty,” he returned, “-I would like for some answers, however, by the looks of things, the matter is self-explanatory. I suppose the eldest son of Hanet Hart, Nicola Vonhen Hart, is romantically involved with the princess?” each watched in wonder at the astute detection, “-her highness is to sacrifice her love life and be tied to me for a better future of the kingdom?”

“Yes, she’s ready to accept.”

“Pardon me saying, you sure are very ruthless,” he shuffled forward, “-there’s but a simple solution to our quandary, a fake marriage. Yet,” he scanned the entourage, “-fakeness in starting the foundation of new rulership will be discovered sooner or later. We could be married officially and behind doors keep our relations private – then again, we run the risk of the palace flowers having thorns. Honesty is the best policy, and I agree. I selfishly asked for the one I love to sacrifice her heart for the betterment of the continent. My words won’t suffice,” *Blood-Arts: Enlian,* “-in order to prove my sincere feelings, I will kill the person she knew and loved,” the nails sharpened into claws, he cast a genuinely happy smile at Aceline, “-I love you,” the fist dug far into his chest, broke ribs and tightened at his beating heart, *cough,* he hurled blood, they watched in horror.


“It’s not fair,” he fell on one knee, “-for her to sacrifice her heart for my selfishness,” it beat within his extended palm, “-to prove my resolve, I will kill myself,” the fist clenched, he dropped, a massive puddle of blood flowed, *thud.*

“WHY!” she screamed, “-LET ME GO!”

“ACELINE!” exclaimed Elvira tightening her grip around the lady’s waist, “-don’t!” she said, “-tis the resolve he made...”

“Igna...” muffled Courtney, “-my son’s decision,” she knelt and placed his head on her lap, “-to honor his promise and relation with Aceline, he decided to tear his heart and die, killing the being he was,” the splattered blood crystallized into the symbol of death above the hole in his chest, *thud,* the eyes opened, the hole closed and he stood with a massive tear in his shirt. A handkerchief nonchalantly went around the glasses to clean the droplets of blood – strong guards of which were part of the royal guards hurled within their helms. The gruesome sight wasn’t weakhearted, his actions proved to him, Aceline, Courtney, and Gallienne, the resolve.

“Count Igna Haggard of Glenda,” thundered the queen, “-will you accept the title of King and lead our nation to a better future?” he now knelt at the foot of the podium on which laid the throne. Her majesty clambered to a stand, barely able to shuffle her feet, “-to the ministers and nobles in attending,” she clapped, a broadcast bellowed across the castle, “-from today onward, Igna Haggard, of the Haggard Dynasty, will inherit the throne of Hidros, for I, Queen Gallienne Riverty, abdicate my position and full-authority to Igna. To further solidify the abdication, my heir, Eia Riverty, will marry into the Haggard Dynasty of which will officially make the Haggard Dynasty the ruling royal family of Hidros. The decision is final and is presided by an apostle of goddess Syhton, as well as the Bishop of the Church of Tharis. In words and action, the coronation of Igna Haggard is just and fair,” she took off her crown and placed it over Igna’s head, the item trembled in a whitish blaze, the pure fume meant no malice as for the jewel, it changed to a manlier version, “-for generations in the Riverty line, the Dragonstone staff has been handed to the next ruler, it is said the gemstone only reacts to one who is suitable to rule,” she handed the item.

‘This is it,’ he thought, ‘-my life is about to change again,’ he grabbed it, a large shockwave blew the bystanders, the gem not only reacted but also hummed in an angelic song – the broadcast at even the capital’s square had the onlookers kneel in respect at the divine intervention.

“Thank you,” she said, her visage waned, “-I’m happy, Igna, thank you for everything,” life in her regard dulled by each passing second, the transmission stopped, *Living or dead, I invite all to the realm of absurdity, serve me and my companions, be one of a greater family. Forgo of the past and look towards the future, one in which thou art be immortal and without regret. Box of Soul: Shadow Realm Transmigration.*

‘-My journey ends,’ perspective altered into a floating shapeless cloud of consciousness, she watched as her head rested on Igna’s lap – Piers and Eia ran to her side, each tried their best to no avail, ‘-I’ve lived a great life, met great people – the turn of an era is not a place I want to be.’

“How does it feel?” said a familiar voice.

“Staxius?” she looked around aimlessly.

“Look down,” he said telepathically, to him, death was nothing save a swap in the state. He kindly smiled at her suspended cloud; ‘-I can see you.’

“I’m dead, how can you?”

“Don’t sweat the details. My friend, Gallienne, since you accepted my offer, I have control over thy soul. Voice regrets now, I can still revive thy body and grant thee the blood of a nightwalker.”

“No, I’m tired.”

“I expected as much. As the Watcher of the Shadow Realm, I offer thee this, doth thee wish to be reborn as a child, who I preface will either have or not have thy memories depending on thy choice, or prefer to be transported without change to the realm?”

“I’d like to be reborn, make me a boy and I want my memories to be retained.”

“In a wealthy family or not?”

“Does it matter?” she chuckled, “-send my soul to a vessel which eventually grows to be a close member of thy court. We’re friends, I’d like to keep that way.”

“Your wish has been heard,” *Snap,* “-I hope for thy life to be blessed with happiness, dearest friend. Take heed and be safe, until we meet again.”

“Thank you,” she smiled, “-THANK YOU!”

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