
Chapter 812

“He sure knows how to drive us through the mud,” she commented in jest. The message leaped onto éclair’s screen with a childish ding, “-now isn’t time for jokes,” he refuted, “-the timing needs be worked on,” he laid the phone face down, rose his chin to the grandness of his office, ‘-I pity them,’ he smirked and rolled a crystal ball about the dark-wood table.

Knives pressed on necks under the deceitful gaze of an unmanned alley. Lost in the pleasures of women, lured by the promise of greater riches, and lastly, intimidation from a greater force. The cases varied, in the first example, a certain man, a rich man, whose riches weren’t known to the world for they made sure their name to never be exposed, was ambushed in a port-town by spies from Raven’s surveillance sect. or the RSS for short, they brutally kidnapped the man, exposed his holdings within a dark-warehouse, dismissed any sliver of hope he had, and pressed forth with intent to stealing everything he owned. When all was said and done, upon being asked to willingly transfer shares of the company to some random shell company, he accepted. These types of ambush were effective and very risky, bystanders could interrupt the tête-à-tête, or worse, law enforcement of another jurisdiction. Sweat on the face and blood of their enemies on the knuckles, the spies threw waning glances at the ceiling – the pupils, never showing emotions or care. Following the physically intimate method of convincing, the means swaps for one known from the age of kingship. Since the beginning, men and women have been used in various ways, may it be in bed or in others, to get their way. éclair’s favorite, seduction, said part of the RSS’ fragmentation had ties to the Prince of Lust, Asmodeus. He and his harem, the latter, bloodthirsty for the blood and bodily fluid of any gender and of any age, proved very effective. In recent weeks, a major political player in an independent kingdom was found escorting a member of Asmodeus’ team, which goes to show how vast their network is.

Gentle murmurs in his ears, a younger-looking girl climbed her way onto the bedside of a visibly older gentleman. Disgusting as it seemed, the truth was there – fortunately for the girl, she bore the insignia of a succubus, and unfortunately for the lustful man, he found himself gagged by said girl and strangled. He drooled, gave satisfying moans at her rough treatment, “-old man,” she said in a polite-timid tone, “-are you finished? Pervert, if you want to play, I want more money, tell your wife to f-off, and let me be the reason for your spending.”

The mouth-gag undid, saliva dropped, “-anything you wish,” he turned and leaped onto the feeble figure, “-I’ll do anything you want, just let me,” the eyes filled with lust, “-let me.”

“Old man,” she placed a finger on his lips, “-give me what I want, and I’ll return the gift tenfold,” another shareholder lost himself at the hands of Asmodeus’s wickedness. A few blocks down the street, within the same city, rises a skyscraper of class and prestige. On its side were brand names of multiple hotshots. An unknown director found himself in a lift accompanied by two guards, they showed the way to the top floor where a man, clad in jewelry and riches, flaunted his wealth at the unsuspecting man. The greed of more fortune had the director begging to sign a contract, “-I’ll do anything, just give me money!” Before long, a clap had a few million transferred into the man’s account – he stood stumped at the numbers of zeros, “-here,” the shares slid across the table, “-till we do business again.” Working vices and pulling the strings in their favor hence arrived at the conference table.

Igna sat calmly, the splattered blood grew to harbor an ominous iron smell, “-you jest,” said Freedie, “-the chart has to be a fake.”


“Oh, by all means, have a look on thy phone.”

‘We’ve been bought out... the shareholders up and left, I don’t get it,’ he rose a belligerent glare at Igna, “-was this you!”



“Shut up, the whole ego of being the leader has outstayed its welcome. You’re not of any use, this table didn’t need an old maid, and it sure doesn’t need the spoiled brat of some age-old dynasty.”

“Karma will strik-”

“I don’t care,” a casual flick thrust the man down and onto the wall, “-may thee have a painless death,” the shock from the impact imploded internal organs, the skull cracked as did the back, *Blood-Arts: Bloody-Mary,* the gore-filled remains earnestly followed a path of scarlet crimson. It formed as if an apple being unpeeled; the shiny fruit hovered above his palm.

“Pardon my asking, majesty, will you be killing everyone?”

“Good question, Jonny. I’m sure the answer is self-explanatory.”

“We either side or are killed,” commented Marie, “-am I to assume I’m going to die?” she stretched onto her seat, pulling up her arms as far as she could, “-sucks to die here, well, either this or I’d have died in an explosion or something.”

“Marie Jude, regardless of the outcome, you will not be dying. Instead, I want thy talents in working for Phantom.”

“Make weapons?” her expression slumped, ‘-another guy interested in weapons, and not what I want to make. This is pointless, I thought he’d understand, so much for being a researcher... best agree to his terms and get this done with.’

“No,” he returned, “-forget that. You are to research whatever thee wishes,” he smiled, “-consider it my way of caging your talents.”

A shimmer crossed her vacant stare, “-I don’t have to design weapons?”

“No,” he laughed, “-I have a policy of living and let live. Yes, I’m selfish when applying the saying, what can I say, those I deem worthy to be left alive, will not die needlessly. Take Jonny for example,” the remaining duo turned their faces towards him, “-the man has but one thought, and tis the sight of me killing Freedie and lady Guznov. You think me a heartless murderer?”


“No use. I won’t say I dislike it, however, dying for the sake of dying is pointless. My words are very one-sided, I most enjoy killing for the sake of serving my end objective. In a way, it’s nothing more than a farmer spreading pesticide to safeguard his crops.”

“Hate to say it, I don’t know what to think anymore. His majesty has shown many faces, to the public is a warm and gentle soul, relatable to the people, and behind doors a cruel man far scarier than Queen Gallienne at her prime. I’d hate to lose my life. I never understood the appeal of begging for one’s life, which is why, I’ve decided to place my fate and existence in thy hand, majesty. Kill me, save me, I care not, what occurs will be under the judgment of lady Tharis,” he motioned a gesture related to the goddess’s scale of law.

Igna turned his focus onto Johna, “-slept your way here?”

“No,” he shook his head, “-I was chosen by the prior representative. Made it here somehow.”

“Johna Et, you think me a fool, don’t you?”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“Sleeping your way to the top. If life was that easy, don’t you think everyone would be standing tall and mighty? I knew something was off the moment we exchanged greetings, the way you spoke and changed according to my responses. The act of getting nonchalantly inside a person’s intimate barrier, tell me, why is a spy of the Empire working hard for the sake of another kingdom?”

“You knew,” the fa?ade dropped, “-I underestimated his majesty’s information network. I’m a native of Iqeavea, my parents were killed under the pretense of worshiping another god. Tis there, I found myself in the good graces of the resistance. By some lucky outcome, I grew close to two individuals, Lord Avon and Lady Auic. We lost contact a decade or so ago, the last mission assigned was to go and live a full life in Hidros. They always spoke highly of the one who gave them their freedom. They had a child, don’t know where she’s at or what happened. In my life there, I was enlisted in a noble house and worked as a spymaster. I resembled more as a girl when I was younger, it made sneaking into houses and killing my targets simpler. My story’s very boring, I managed to get out of said life under the pretense of serving the noble house. I suppose seducing the daughter and his wife helped in my favor.”

“Prince charming, how lovely to meet you,” commented Jonny.

“Cracking jokes...” narrowed Marie, “-majesty, I want more information on the nature of what I ought to do.”

“Wait a moment, what about me, I’m a spy, will I be killed or what?” Questions on top of questions, it reached a point where the cacophony grew silent. Thoughts of the future and how to best act on the new pawns showed themselves, “-be quiet.”

“Here’s what will happen going forward. Ariel will be dismissed; the duties will be taken over by me and my companions. Johna Et, focus on thy life as a star, the performance in the previous movie was very nice. Look after Aceline, we haven’t spoken much after the whole marriage debacle. I’ll be happy as long as she finds happiness. Keep her away from the life of drug and lust, I know tis a tall order, consider it a request from a friend?”

“A friend?” he exhaled, “-I’m glad,” the face brightened, “-thank you.”

A glance at Jonny Dyale, “-I’m afraid I can’t let thee run free. You have too much influence over the noble houses. Starting from today, thou art be the mediator for the King’s faction to the Noble faction.”

“Way to add on the pressure,” he shrugged, “-consider it done, my lord.”

“Also, I’ve prepared a chamber at the hospital for your little sister. She was afflicted by her majesty’s illness, right?”

“-How did?”

“Never underestimate the king’s network,” he winked.

“Thank you,” he bowed and slammed his head onto the table.

Igna moved onto a very erratic and excited Marie, ‘-me, me, me,’ said her visage.

“Marie Jude will be transferred to Phantom’s independent research sector. The team’s led by a very rude old man, he can be a pain to work with. If you get along with him, consider thy life set.”


‘She’s still confused,’ he fixed his glasses, “-you’ll be working freelance at one of the laboratories. Doing research of your choosing, understand?”


“Yes,” he nodded, “-with that settled, I decree the Ariel organization to be defunct,” the doors opened with a line of energetic maids. Each took to wiping the blood.

“Johna,” called Igna.

“Majesty?” he stopped shy of the entrance, Jonny and Marie were too preoccupied in their conversation to pay attention, the chatter soon faded into the corridor.

“Here’s an address,” he handed a small handwritten note, “-Auic and Avon’s daughter is well, she’s an adventurer. Go pay her a visit,” on that, the king veered away from the crowd and disappeared. ‘-he knows what I wanted,’ the knees weakened, ‘-glory to the new king.’

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