
Chapter 815

At the entrance of the top floor, the handle clicked, “-majesty, if nothing is done, we’ll lose the war. I don’t see anything we can do, the princess has gone missing, I’m sure you know the implication of such a loss. IF NOTHING IS DONE, WE’RE DOOMED, PLEASE!” the one-way assault halted, the emperor had his head behind a holographic screen, the heavy-toned man at the counter kept a stern gaze – the interruption forced a side-glance, he looked, saw ice, froze still.

“Pardon my tone,” he bowed, “-good day, empress,” he smiled in her direction and made for the door.

“What was that about?” she inquired calmly.

“Sorry,” the stressed frown which invited wrinkles, glanced up at Eira, “-I’m sorry I didn’t return home. Things here are worsening... I’m fearful of what is going to happen,” he stood, “-you shouldn’t be here,” he glanced at her protruding belly, “-what of our little babe?”

“I’m taking care of myself,” she refuted, “-the babe’s fine. Tell me,” she took a seat and settled, “-I overheard something about Loftha, how is she?”

“I don’t know. We received reports yesterday – the hold we had over the Empire was raided and seized. Everyone’s dead, the few survivors gave short, incomprehensible reports, I’m at a loss for words.”


“Loftha, what about her?”

“I don’t know, the battle happened a few weeks prior, tis only now we got the news. Communication’s gone dark... I mean,” the hands, rogue to him, as he leaned at the front of his desk, made nervous scratching gestures against a rubber paper-weight.

“Don’t hold out on me,” she voiced, “-the bad habit’s showing again.”

“Here goes nothing,” he inhaled, “-Loftha was spotted being killed by the hand of the Paladin, the witness said it was too dark and flames too bright to take notice, despite that, I know you want to say he might have been mistaken – the witness’s a sniper, he has a sharp vision. If he says she was assaulted, I have no reason to doubt the man... makes me sad, honestly, to imagine her being killed.”

“Hey, hey,” she glazed across, “-aren’t you taking the news a bit too calmly?”

“Eira, I’m sorry, I can’t act out on my emotions. Even if I wanted to lash out, there’s no way I’ll be able to. I want to hide, live out our lives as a couple expecting a child. What am I left with, a war which signifies if ever the world has a chance to strike at the Church and the Wracia Empire? I had hoped the Federation to be around, they went and disbanded, Elendor... it’s hard, always being wary of those in my entourage. I can’t even eat before doing an appraisal of the meal, tis how bad the anxiety has gotten.”

“Loftha’s not dead,” she said, “-I wish I could join the front-line...”

*Ding,* a message rang loudly, “-the northern border’s being pushed back. A fleet of a few dozen, including motherships, has been spotted at 3 days from Whuotan’s northern sea.”

“What?” he leaped behind the monitor; the radar flashed the movements.”

The heavy Eira pushed herself against the armrest,”-where are you headed?” fired a troubled emperor.

“To stop the enemy,” she said, “-We both know I’m the strongest in the whole of Alphia. I’ll freeze the sea and rain an onslaught of spikes. Forget not, I have within me the shard of Gergusser, the lady of ice, an ancient dragon.” Their eyes crossed, the husband rose softly, gently took steps towards the door, locked his arm around the handle, rose his clean-shaven chin at Eira, “-no.”


“No,” he smiled, “-no is no, do you understand?”

“What about the continent?”

“We’ll figure another way out,” he said, “-we’ve lost Loftha already, I’m not going to lose my precious wife and daughter. Hell no, weak as I am, I’ll take to the battlefield instead. There’s no way I’m giving up, NO WAY IN HELL.”

“Adamant?” she exhaled and resettled, “-what then, allow the church to take over the northern province. Our forces are exhausted, they want to rest. This battle, might I remind you, will determine if Alphia wins to create an atmosphere for each nation to a few months and rest. Tis not uncommon for nations to agree on a truce for the sake of the troops, then again, if the Empire wins, they’ll take the momentum to use it to crash on our shores. It’ll be the greatest tsunami to ever hit our shores, do you know the implications?”

*Ding, ding,* her phone buzzed, “-who is calling at such an hour?” said her frown, the caller had, ‘-little devil,’ plastered in bold red, “-greetings, King of Hidros, I apologize for turning down the coronation.”

“Drop the formal talk, sis, there wasn’t a ceremony, rather use the money for a better cause. By the way,” a notification riddled her screen, “-toggle on video.”

“Ok?” she set the device on a glass table, it sparked a view of rainbows to project a corn within which a clear image of what Igna showed displayed, “-here’s what we found.” White and numerous laboratory instruments lined in a suspended shelf at the backdrop of the main piece, an oval-shaped ice-cage placed atop an operating table, “-princess Loftha used a teleportation scroll I gave her a few years ago. It must have been a bad situation; there’s a pulse and her mana is recovering. The ice’s prevented her mutilated limbs from going necrotic.”

“Is Loftha there?” the emperor leaped into the shot.

“Good to see you, brother-in-law. Seems my sister’s not taking too much stress. She’s at a crucial stage, expecting an heir must be a great responsibility.”

“I know...”

“Igna,” she took command, “-what are you going to do?”

“I’ll ask a friend to take care of her injuries. He’s a great healer, the man known for reviving the dead. I can’t say much about her brain injuries, looks to me she’s barely alive, the moment the ice is undone, the applied pressure may explode the rupture. Nothing’s a guarantee, we’ll try our best to bring her to a calm recovery.”



“Why are you hiding her face?” narrowed Eira.

“I was hoping you wouldn’t notice,” he casually scratched the back of his head, “-take it from me, you don’t want to see her right now.”


“Yes, emperor?”

“I have a favor to ask...”

“Is the immense army making way to Alphia?”

“How did-”

“I have my connections,” the video-stream died into only voice, “-I also had reports of a possible attack on Easel Run Gard. We’ve become the hub for energy production, don’t want to brag... however, at least 90% of the world want’s a piece of the technology Phantom’s developed. It wouldn’t be long until we’re able to create a town-sized airship to fly and conquer the sky. A floating city sounds like a fantasy, one I’d like to make real.”

“You can’t help?”

“Now, now,” he exhaled, “-I owe Alphia a great deal. As the little brother to sister Eira, I have an obligation to work for her help in bringing peace to the Ardanian people. The situation’s changed, I represent Hidros – the politics won’t allow me to move so freely.”

“Igna,” interjected Eira, “-what of the Federation, I heard it was disbanded.”

“Yes, true it was.”

“And Ariel, that too was disbanded.”

“Very true.”

“Not to mention, the Gaien Council. Little brother, I might be imagining this, doesn’t it look more of a clearing of the path for a new alliance to be formed?”

“Right,” he chuckled, “-my wise older sister, I’d hope someone picked up on my intent. I had to settle the kingdom first before moving into a new alliance. Since our families are already tied by the bonds of marriage – won’t be hard for Alphia and Hidros to form a new pact in the war against Iqeavea.”

“Wait, wait, wait,” interjected the emperor, “-if we were to make a new alliance; my hands are pretty tied...”

“Don’t matter,” he shrugged, “-forget the conglomerates, what’s important, the safety of the people or a few one-percenters?”

“Put that way... fine. What do you propose?”

“The foundation of new power, the United Nations of Alrosia, and yes, it will include Arda and Easel Run Gard – we’ll add more members as time progresses. My vision for us is to become a haven for the weaker kingdoms, a place for refugees and immigrants to find peace.”

“United Nations of Alrosia. The name has a nice ring – Igna, an astute of thy caliber must know of the rough path which lain itself before us if we are to take said route.”

“What’s life without conflict?” he smirked, “-Hidros and Alphia, Haggard and Sultria. Let’s make it happen, our people already share a bond from Eira and Aceline’s effort, we’re tight as a community of non-humans. They understand us, and we understand them, we’re xenophobic to other nations. I say – the cultural sharing over the Arcanum set to ferment for decades has made it the obvious choice going forward, being alone won’t do much good. Loners tend to stick in a groups, yes, sounds very paradoxical, yet, tis true.”

‘It’s a good offer,’ he thought, ‘-Igna’s making good points. I was scared of relying on other people to save myself. Even when he demands favors, the latter is very considerate and only serves to better him without making us seem worse. He has a history of great decisions, the collapse of the great name Haggard’s only served to fling his name over the barriers of normalcy. Take the dive, I have to take the dive!’

“We agree,” interjected Eira, “-I’ll use my powers as Empress and Archbishop of the Church of Qhildir to make the union legitimate.”

“There we have it,” said Igna, “-tis the founding of a new union of nations. Tis on a bigger scale to what the Federation was thought to be.”

“How long till you make it to Alphia?”

“Shortest, a few hours,” he laughed, “-I’ll fly over the fleet. Do make way for the sea-side estate, the places far suited for a war council,” the call ended.

“Majesty!” a troubled man blasted into the sterile laboratory, “-pardon my intrusion. We have a report from a fishing boat, a smaller fleet is headed for Easel Run Gard. They spotted the Church’s insignia...”

“Perfect, thank you for the information, I’ll take it from here,” it fell silent, ‘-Brother-in-law swallowed his pride and cultural norm to accept help. It’s my time to rely on my heirs,’ he motioned a few symbols in the air, four portals opened.

“Hello,” he said.

“POPS!” cried Draconis running into a tight embrace, “-long time no see.”

“We hung out a few days ago.”

“Draconis, it’s a bad time,” observed Raphael, the duo of Vanesa and Saniata held frowns, the tense atmosphere spoke of trouble.

“He’s right,” echoed Igna, “-we’re going to war,” he said, “-Been a while since I’ve asked for help. How about it, would you help your old man out in battle?”

“Pops?” they all tilted their head, “-we aren’t kids more,” winked Draconis, “-if its blood, we’ll take blood.”

“We’ll make our instructors proud,” each of them bore the blessing of the gods on their neck, they grew over the years, Igna could but stand and genuinely smile, ‘-they’re the best.’

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