
Chapter 829

“No time for questions, get in,” the gestures motioned hurryingly. Markus could but tap Igna’s shoulder and rush onboard the two-seater vehicle. In the rush, Igna found himself latched onto the roof and traveled at twice an average joe’s running speed.

On the skyscraper-filled surrounding of the city-scape, a massively open stage flashed lights in consecutive rhythm, the epicenter of the latter being the drummer, Sheiwai and her spins of the drumming stick, around inside her palm? No, she twirled it around her actual wrist and timed it perfectly on a drop – the guitarist jumped and played, Aceline, Sugar, and Yuna sang in tune on differing intonation. The beat slumped to a dormant harmonious melody, the gathered crowd – a mass of black, banged their heads and tandem – television stations displayed the events in live. The end was in an hour, the slumped beat was a tell-tell sign of the performers’ fatigue, why would they not be, singing and playing for more than 12 hours.

A simultaneous interruption leaped across their earpieces, “-go silent,” it said, the spotlights dropped – Sheiwai slapped to a stop, the pianos and guitars followed suit. The dullness spawned anxiety in both performer and listener, “-why are we stopping?” fired Sugar to Dei who shrugged and stretched her shoulders. There laid barely enough light to see outlines, the shadow of the massive theater trumped the jarringly cloudy sky. Confusion forced many to look to the backstage crew, they also stood empty without answers. A few seconds after the lights shutting, two silhouettes ambled onto the stage, the singers veered heads and squinted – no idea, they walked, the performers waited with instruments in hand.

“Markus,” spoke Igna, “-we’re going on stage,” he smiled, “-ready to give them the best end of the show?”

“Obviously,” he pulled the violin to his shoulder, “-let’s lead together,” the hand swayed, a beautifully melancholic note tore through the silence – the lights flashed onto the suited Emperor carefully caring his emotions to the crowd. They watched in awe, from bystanders to superstars on said stage, the jaws dropped, unlike anything they’d ever seen. He played a beautiful opening – to end on the start of a terrifyingly ominous muted chug, the buildup had silent musicians tap their feet – no words need be exchanged, Sheiwai caught the intent and slammed into the rhythm the moment the lights flashed on Igna, the crowd cheered, Dei and the others joined in – King and Emperor played back-to-back, their energy reignited the ambers of fire.

“HOLY SHIT!” exclaimed Sugar over the microphone, “-ladies and gentlemen,” interjected Yuna, “-our very special guests,” winked Aceline, “-Igna Haggard and Markus Sultria!” the melody leaped into the drummer slamming her stick explosively, the buildup halted at the peak of the chaos, a short silence held the crowd in suspense – Igna and Markus became the lead, all looked to them for answers. “-Markus,” he grinned, “-how skilled are you at the violin?”


“Very skilled,” he winked, “-don’t worry, I’ve trained every day – throw what you have, I’ll follow.”

“Viper’s lair,” he said.

“Oh boy,” he exhaled, “-go for it,” the focus heightened. The symphonically recognized opening held the musician’s faces in contempt, there were only a few who could perform said song, including Sugar on his worst days. Kinless’s variant cried in the muted notes, “-HELL YEAH!” screamed the drummer, spotlights dawned on the duo, and Igna took off. The guitar became more or less of a piano, he played notes inhumanly fast with complex structured chords and taps, the crowd watched in awe, the difficulty in the movement barely came across – a true master makes skillful motions looks simple, and there laid the greatest illusion. His variant trumped anything the music scene had witnessed in years – a shadow laid behind his notes, Markus’ speed and vibratos, he hung akin to a painting supporting Igna’s art, the duo made a pair of insanely talented individuals, at that point, only the drums, guitar, violins, and Dei’s bass held the pace – the intro eased, he threw a smirk at the musicians, the difficulty nonchalantly eased to allow the others to jump in, and they did so on cue. Sugar and Aceline leaped in and cried their hearts – a missing person soon leaped from the other side, Emi Muko, the lead singer on Xius, her rough booming vocals growled, the crowd lost itself.

The time arrived for the solo, Igna gave the floor to Markus – the music followed to back the violin, a flick on the toggle changed the guitar’s tonality, to which Igna supported the emperor similar to how the latter supported him in the opening. The slow-paced and long heart tearing stretches held the emotions in a tight grip – he engraved the melody into their ears, turned to Sugar and winked, the lead pulled to the front – in a similar pattern, all the musicians were given the spotlight to show their skill and rile the energy for themselves, a drum solo slammed into countless stares thrown at Igna, he’d supported everyone, “-show them what you’re made of Kinless,” said Suga. He moved to the front, the instruments lowered, the tranquility held the crowd by the neck, dark tones, dark motif, and dark imagery – he flicked to the lead pick-ups and ran down the fretboard, the hands seemed to become a spider, the speed, muted notes, and attention to the progression, everything culminated, and he nodded at the others, the intent was clear, the solo was nothing more than a buildup to a great merging of talents. Opposing to ending the song on an electrifying show of skill, he voluntarily focused on rhythm and kept the flow till the drop, everyone laughed and played as did the crowd, from live to people at home, everyone jumped to see the headline, “-Emperor and King play for their people,” read the many titles.

Sheiwai slammed the crash and silence, sweat trickled, singers’ beautiful outfits stuck to their body, the crowd breathed a collective sigh of relief. “-We did it,” panted Markus, “-this experience,” he gulped, “-I’d have never thought...”

“I know,” he said, “-the life of a musician is a double-edged sword. We’re lucky to play at the highest honors there is to play, the way to this stage is one suited for only the motivated and talent.”

“Igna,” exclaimed Emi leaping into an embrace, he slipped on Markus’s sweat and ended on his bottom, the hasty crowd, mostly – Nola, Aceline, and Emi, all slipped to end on suspended conjured air-cushions.

“Honestly,” he smiled, “-take it easy.” Markus took the queue and also dropped on his bottom beside Igna, the spotlight leaped from them to the announcer, he spoke on the event and how much it meant.

“Hell no,” said Nola, “-I never dreamed this day would come. Us playing side to side again,” she panted, the elation flushed her cheeks fleshy pink.

“Majesty,” nodded the pianist, leader of Vorn, Enna, “-his imperial majesty.”

“Drop the formalities,” he insisted, “-Markus, or Mark for short.”

“The best end of shows I’ve experienced,” cheered Sugar.

“Aceline, Emi, are you both alright?”

“Yeah, I think,” Aceline kept her head inside the cushion, “-comfy,” she said.

*Snap,* the soft pillow vanished to which he caught her fall, “-I’m sorry about what happened.”

“Don’t worry,” she knelt, “-I’m happy.”

“What about it,” narrowed Nola.

“I’m glad to see you too,” they did a complexly weird handshake.

“Right on,” she cheered and stood, “-let’s bow to the crowd.” They split into their clicks, leaving Igna and Markus facing the unknowing watchers, “-such an awesome feeling. I understand a bit why you choose to be involved in many activities, the joy of completion feels like a drug – I suggested it on a whim, turned out great.”

“If we pulled this without our title, look at security.”

“Those are some big guns,” he gulped, “-it’s good we’re at our station,” he chuckled unable to keep a straight face, both ended in a loud string of laughter. The backstage crew climbed the stage to clean the sweat off the ladies and fix their makeup. Through the wait, during which Mark sat back-to-back with Igna, ‘-I missed performing,’ he thought, ‘-Aceline’s forgiven what I did. The joy, nothing compares to the excitement. Markus changed and gave a lovely break from what lays ahead.’

“Pardon me,” said a backstage member, “-would his imperial majesty and king Igna please take the stage to say a few words?”

“With pleasure,” said Markus, “-tis the reason we hijacked the show after all,” he sprung to a stand, held his hand at Igna with a gleamingly honest grin. The contagious joy had Igna before the crowd side-by-side with the musicians, “-in remembrance to the fallen fighters and heroes who protected our nation from harm, I, Emperor Markus Sultria, hereby degree compensation for the families unable to stand on their own. I hate to make this political, yet, I must say so to show our resolve in recompensing the fallen. This show wasn’t merely a festival – the graceful memory, the joy looking back on the event will be a reminder to honor those who gave their lives to make it possible,” he handed the microphone to Igna, “-people of Alrosia,” he exclaimed, “-today onward, our nations are united. Emperor Markus and I are pleased to say, the performance is one we’ll never forget. The gathering of the many talented stars,” he motioned at the standing performers, “-different backgrounds and upbringing were proven unnecessary for unison to settle. The music they played was the best I heard – move past prejudice and embrace what blood and tears were poured to build. Enough said,” he backtracked, “-the musicians are the true heroes of tonight, let’s give them their dues,” applauds and cheers rattled the front to back. Ending sentiments eventually led to the curtains being pulled.

‘Over,’ thought Igna looking at the guitar he played, a full-body sunburst beast lined by golden frets on which the design of skulls prominently glared. The movement of teams nonchalantly erased his presence, ‘-last time I perform,’ he clipped the case and rose his head, “-hello,” said an innocent face.

“-Aceline, what are you doing here?”

“Watching you?”

“Stalking, there’s a clear difference.”

“Don’t run,” she grabbed his hand, “-believe me, I won’t do anything to jeopardize the marriage, just listen to me.”

“I’m all ears,” they stood a fair distance apart considering the energetic to and fro.

“Johna and I had a long talk after the party, he laid out my flaws and I agree. After the footage of the fight floated around the Arcanum, I knew – our worlds are different. My job comes from singing my heart and acting, the time we spent healing one another, I don’t regret it, I’m sorry you had to open your heart for my sake. We should end everything on a high note. Saying let’s stay friend will only grow our distance, if it happens, so be it. We’ve known each other from the very start, tis the relation I want to salvage.”

“I never said we should stay apart,” he smiled, “-I’m glad to have you as a close confidante. Nothing will ever change how I felt, you helped me get through a lot of stuff, and I wouldn’t give it for anything,” he held a hand, “-to us keeping in contact.” She grabbed his hand and pulled into his arm, they hugged tightly, “-I won’t promise anything.”

“Neither will I,” they stepped away, “-good show, I had fun.”

“Me too,” she spun and scurried into the crowd.

Watching her hide the tears hit home, opposed to taking the instrument, he spun and made his way out, interviews kept the performers occupied, “-éclair, is the helicopter ready to leave?”

“Master, are you certain not to exchange a few words to princess Loftha?”

“No, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” the woeful outside glared upon ducking under the curtains, wooden stairs lain upon a metal frame ended in soil, he hurried towards the metallic bird.

“Igna,” said a figure, “-I knew you’d leave without saying anything.”


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