
Chapter 911

“Lady Kul’s here,” giggled surrounding succubae, “-we’ll see you later,” they waved as did their considerable members wrapped in little clothing – every single one had an allure to them, some fierce, others innocent, playful, and uncaring. The prince rose his head, white powder toppled, “-you’ve had your fun,” she said, arms akimbo, “-duty calls.”

“What duty,” said lazy coughs, “-we’re the unrivaled leaders of Odgawoan. No one moves unless we say so. Evidently, we don’t care much about how the town evolves, long as those at the top are in our pockets, we won’t give the crown yet. Why the stern expression, haven’t seen that in a while,” he stood, panties and bras fell onto the soaked carpet, “-should really redo the wallpaper.”

“Don’t be stupid,” she threw her arms at the new wallpaper, “-changed it last week. Go on, get changed already, éclair called a meeting at the casino.”

“Awe,” he hummed, “-the prime minister has orders for us,” skipped halfway through the side entrance, “-by the way, could you clean up my mess below?”

Her energetic gestures dropped, “-seriously, now?”

“Yeah,” he winked and gave a flying kiss, “-you’re the best, thanks.” Kul shook her head at the concoction of sweat, bodily fluid, alcohol, cigarette, and vomit, “-what a mess,” she turned without the intention of stepping further. Asmodeus’ office, read on the side as she left the chambers, dark-colored carpet carried the step to the ground floor where resided a stage, poles, and a lot of bottles of booze behind jewel-like bars. She ignored the performances and moved to a secluded part of the building; the maintenance area said per the concrete color and well-lit atmosphere. Stairs went from carpeted to harsh and empty, the railings weren’t much support either – piping and electrical wires wrapped along the walls.


Down under as lady Kul hopped off the last stair and stood before a thick block of black in the middle of which laid a small square. No handles nor an indication of access, her gaze rose to the top-left and a click chimed, ‘-here once again,’ the heavily locked gate parted, she stepped inside to a line of cells, some empty, some full. At the end of said hall laid a bigger room, one darker and reeking of rot. Fortunately, masks were made plenty on a side-table, vis-à-vis which laid a disgruntle man of sunken cheeks, hollowed eyes, and pale skin. He emotionlessly watched through the cell.

A deep thud opened into the religious depiction of hell; red, hot, and foul. Piles of maimed bodies were thrown to the side. A few rodents were present, not to feast on the dead bodies but used as torture on living, screaming beings. A thicket of blond locks immediately caught her eye, Kul shuffled carefully across the matt floor. Still, beautiful blue eyes glanced from chains linking the lady to a Judas cradle, her front stretched onto the pyramid, pain, and sufferance in her eyes, faint movements laid to blood and grits, “-Lady Owny of the Rownder family.” The light-blue crystalline pupils blinked in acknowledgment, “-good,” said Kul, “-you survived the cradle. I mean,” she hopped into the gruesome contraption, threw open a lock, and toppled the infectious pyramid – another pull, and Owny lowered onto a square stool, an invention she thought would never come to pass, “-so much for being actress,” sighed Kul, leaping at the lady’s jaw, “-ah, no tongue and no teeth, they took away your voice. Too bad,” she forcibly pushed her aside, “-man, I don’t get it,” her head shook, “-how could a genetically gifted specimen fall to hell? Worlds a sad place. So much for a life of fame and fortune – knowing the prince of Lust, there’s no way he’d let you go untouched. Worry not,” the ominously somber Kul headed for a toolbox, “-as a reward for enduring our favorite means of punishment, I’ll grant thee a nice and easy death.”

*Humph,* Owny shrieked, the silent cries spoke volumes, her shoulders shook in defiance, “-trying to resist?” cackled Kul, “-I love a woman with spunk,” the demoness leaped behind the exposed actress, Kul’s long fingernails ran along the lady’s legs, to her stomach, up to her chest and to her neck, “-don’t,” she whispered coyly, “-else I’ll be forced to do unspeakable things. One orifice’ is already destroyed, don’t make me want to ruin the rest. I promise my way of doing things is far worse than the pyramid has to offer. Now, close your eyes and relax,” a rough edge knife rose, the shadow, amplified by lanterns blurred against the stone brick walls. Muffled screams ruled the dungeon.

“Welcome back,” said a well-dressed Asmodeus, “-seems like you had fun. Have a shower, there’s a change of clothes.”

“No thanks,” she narrowed, “-the prince of lust’s definition of clothes ranges from a simple string to, well, you know... nothing.”

They ended outside at the back of the club, “-isn’t the smell of fresh air the best?” he inquired.

“Yeah, fresh air as in the morning garbage pickup, then sure. What about the actress?”

“Don’t worry,” he passed his phone and jogged down a few stairs, “-look at the news coverage. Catch up on her story, I’ll go get the car.”

*The Disappearance of Owny Rownder. On the 31 of December X114, before the clock struck midnight in the city of dreams, one of the more influential actresses went missing. A missing person’s report was filed shortly after when her roommate, Yanette Ender, co-starlet of the hit series Insatiate, returned the next day. ‘-Owny’s never home late, she said she’d stay at the manor and practice. She’s the hardest working friend I’ve ever met – I left that night fully intending to return before midnight. Things took a turn for the worse, matters grew hard to handle and I soon found myself home the next day at noon. I thought she went for lunch, then, I noticed her phone and her handbag. There’s no way she’d leave without her purse – I don’t believe my friend would be so careless,’ a quote from the heavily publicized statement. Law enforcement had this to say, “-disappearances are sadly commonplace during times of celebration. We have to remember, Odgawoan is secluded, we’re surrounded by forest and unpredictable weather. Aside from Owny Rownder, we’ve had reports of other disappearances. We’re working each case equally, no life is better than another,” we raised many questions and were returned with cold stares and avoidance. A hotline was broadcasted for any tip which could lead to her safe recovery. Fans of Insatiate kindly gathered outside her manor and placed candles and flowers in hopes of finding her soon,* front page of the Odgawoan Gazette. Other news outlets ran at the chance of profit, speculation stacked upon speculation, die-hard fans started funding campaigns to call on Count Avian Stark.

“Here,” roared Asmodeus, “-get in,” said he opening the roof of his convertible.

“What’s with the long face?” he asked once on a road headed for the De Costle stripe, “-something happen?”

“Really?” she popped her head in astonishment, “-are you serious?”


“Owny’s disappointed?” she pushed the phone into his face, “-does it not ring a bell?”

“No cause for mystery, is there?” said Asmodeus, “-the lass’s dead, another starlet who leaves the mortal realm too soon.”

*Dring, dring,* “-the special line,” remarked Kul tapping her earrings, “-hello?” she answered. Asmodeus joined by tapping his earring, a channel of three-person established, “-Asmo, Kul, you guys there?”

“Hey, long time, Odgar, how’s it going?”

“Good,” he replied cheerfully, “-I’m calling on behalf of my wife. Recent disappearance of Owny, any idea on who’s responsible?” the prince and demoness locked eyes, “-SSY, transfer the call to secure channel,” ordered Kul, the connection forcefully rerouted, “-SSY, trace the caller and examine entourage.”

“Trace called, nothing unusual detected.”

“Gosh,” glanced Asmodeus, “-you can be so paranoid.”

“Rather be safe than sorry,” the other side grew worried, “-guys, can you hear me?” he asked at regular intervals, “-hello?”

“Back,” she replied, “-connection problem, don’t worry. What about the disappearance?”

“I need to know if it’s a gang killing or if she’s truly disappeared. Law enforcement is already stretched thin dealing with gang violence.”

“Odgar, friend, look, Owny won’t be found, trust. I can’t give details, think of it as a favor. I’m sure lady Valentino appreciates the gesture.”

A faint pause floated, “-so you knew?” interjected a female voice.

“Lady Valentino, how’s the day treating you?”

“Don’t you start, it’s the fifth this month. Keep killing and I won’t have recourse but to formally launch an investigation on the matter.”

“No need to fret,” he said nonchalantly, “-wait a moment,” another tap placed the call on hold.

Kul watched with a, ‘-what is he thinking?’ look.

“SSY, call Starix.”

A brief pause, “-Starix here,” yawned a half-asleep man, “-what is it, Asmo, I’m not coming to your orgy, stop bugging me.”

“As fun as it would be to enjoy the gender transformation powers; I have a little problem requiring the aid of an intellectual.”

“Have Mammon do it, I’m not in the mood of playing another one of your games. Last time I heard the word intellectual from that foul mouth I found myself in bed surrounded by ladies I’d never met.”

Kul’s frown worsened, “-can’t fault the prince of lust and gambling to take chances, can you?” he laughed, “-Starix, serious, we’re quite in need of help.”

“Fine, put the call through,” said a yawn.

The call reconnected and held four participants, “-lady Valentino, I present my get-out-jail card.”

“Pardon?” she asked

“Ignore the prince,” interjected Starix, “-is it the thing about the disappearance?”

“Exactly, law enforcement is under much scrutiny. It’s one thing if the target is an unknown, but a star?”

“Really, is that all?”

“What do you mean is that all?” she glared, “-we’re in big trouble here.”

“No, we’re not,” to which a few files transferred, “-look here, Owny’s a hardworking lass. There’s no arguing that fact, yet, hard work alone doesn’t help in the cutthroat world of stardom. I mean, the reason she died is for the greed of another, so it seems. I heard Lord Culstan’s running for office, a direct challenge to you, lady Valentino, Mayor of Odgawoan. Culstan’s known for his love for actresses and the world of fame and stardom. Flip the whole murder on him; there’re details on how to make the murder legit. Use Yanette Ender as she who finds the clues which we lay. Law enforcement saves face, Yanette gets credited in solving the death of her comrade and I get some sleep,” the call showed three participants.

“Heard the man,” said Asmodeus, “-our strategist is one of the best. Follow the plan and I’m sure you’ll have another decade on the throne of Odgawoan.”

“Man,” she exhaled, “-there’s no rivaling the power Raven has.”

“Not power, lady Valentino, tis a mutually beneficial relationship, an equal agreement, just like the way our master devised it.”

“Thank you for the help,” she said, the call ended at the sight of the grand casino. Asmodeus’ car pulled into private parking, “-we take the office entrance,” said Kul, “-it’s urgent.”

“I wonder what éclair has to say?” they hurried to an automatic door, “-maybe he’s retiring?”

“I doubt it,” she said, “-he only ever calls when he needs money or someone taken care of. Too bad Alrosia’s got the prime minister tied.”

“Ha-ha, you’re mean.”

“Shut up.”

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