
Chapter 963

Another day rose, ‘-again,’ exhaled Igna, ‘-the ceremony’s today,’ he half-heartedly sat upright, a gentle moan followed, “-morning already,” he said, “-get dressed, you’ll catch a cold.”

“Why should I?” followed a flushed Katherine, “-was it not you who related the many compliments?”

“Words isn’t fooling anybody,” he slid into fuzzy warm slippers and scurried across the room, pushing the balcony door open, “-besides, compliments are just compliments.”

“Yeah,” she added sarcastically, “-I’ll shower first, want to join?”

“No thanks,” he turned onto the railing, and threw a smile at Katherine, “-I’ll have one later.” She but slithered from the warm bed, threw a coy glance at Igna, stretched her beautiful long legs and slender figure towards the bathroom, ‘-come, I dare you,’ said the very little motions made.

‘Good to see,’ he turned once more, this time, leaning against the sturdy barrier, ‘-Katherine’s regained self-confidence. Nightmares stopped haunting her lately,’ an edifice gained height and structure on the beach with the helpful aid of workers. White, frilly, and adorned by classy decoration, ‘-the wedding,’ passed the mind, ‘-Aceline steps into a new world. An iconic star retires for a peaceful and silent life. Gazettes will have a field day publishing.’ No mind to the day ahead, he simply allowed time and nature to guide action and thought, a sense of auto-movement.


“I’m done, go ahead,” said Katherine drying her hair, “-Igna?” she scanned, “-Igna...” the king’s scarred and tatted body slumbered earnestly. ‘-Igna,’ she sneaked to his bedside and watched, ‘-he looks so peaceful. The messy silvery hair, a relaxed and unguarded expression. Not many people get to see this side of the king, he’s normal as far as is concerned,’ a gust of sudden guilt whelmed from within, a suffocating feeling slowed the breaths, “-are you happy?” she asked, “-are you sure about this. I’m no Aceline, I don’t know anything about you, always mysterious and keeping shut. It’s scary, I’m scared, terrified one day you’ll leave. That’s why I said take a mistress, even if you don’t love me, at least I’ll be of service in bed... I just want to be close to you. Igna, I don’t know when, it happened so quickly... I’m impure and the daughter of a lady who caused so much trouble to this kingdom. It’s hard, everyone knows it’s my fault – I never wanted any of this. Ever since that day... I tried to be kind and help others, but my own mother abandoned me, I was lost and dejected, thrown to the wolves for their gluttony. I don’t deserve a second chance,” her nails unconsciously dug into her waist, “-you’ll leave me, you’re going to leave me. Aceline and you deserve happiness, I’m a side character, nothing more, nothing less. The author of my fate’s decided I’m no good, I serve no purpose, and I will only bring hardship... I’m sorry.”

“Honestly,” warm hands grabbed her cold fingers, “-try being this sincere when I’m awake,” he pulled, she flew and landed beside him, the bed rocked – “-look at you,” he wiped her tears, “-do I look like someone who’d abandoned another?”


*Cough,* “-okay, let’s try again. You’re my fiancé; there are no two ways around it. You’re right, I’m mysterious, tis my nature. I’ve learned to keep what’s important reserved. I don’t want anyone else to be harmed by association. I’m cursed,” he turned and stared at the ceiling, “-political marriage is the norm. Listen to me, Katherine, we’re bound by interest. A day will come when we’re separated. But I can say one thing, it would be from abandonment. We’ve lived as a family for more than two years now – spending that amount of time is bound to create affection. Wipe those tears, I decided long ago – don’t worry, and trust me.”

“O-okay,” she laughed and cried, “-if you say so,” her nose burnt bright red – in that instant, ‘-her smile,’ he gulped, ‘-she’s dangerous,’ reference to a sudden urge to protect her joy at all costs.

*Tap, tap,* “-Igna,” the door opened, “-it’s me,” thundered Eira, her pace slowed at the duo half-naked in bed, “-right, seems the night wasn’t sufficient for lovemaking, yes?”

“Big sister, at least know when you enter,” he rose slowly, “-what’s gone wrong?”

“Change and follow me,” she spun, “-also, Katherine, you’d be wise to wear something less revealing. I know the swimsuit yesterday was modest... you know, people are drawn to what they can’t have,” quick as she came, her commanding presence left.

“What about my outfit?”

“Reference to your body type,” said Igna, “-be more careful,” he laughed, “-who knew being attractive had such a level of danger,” into a semi-formal ware, “-I’ll have breakfast with Eira, seems important. Take care, Katherine.”

“Take care,” she waved and shortly caught the attention of her own reflection, ‘-guess the empress’ right. I DO look nice.’

Eira’s urgency led to a random spot within the resort, “-the reception?” they sat side-by-side in the waiting area, “-sister?”

“Okay,” she slowed her energetic aura, “-I had a nightmare, a premonition. I dreamed about Aunt Ayleth and how they were massacred on the wedding day. Tell me, are we truly secure?”

“Lest the enemy be an unknown race – we’ll be fine.”

“Suppose the wedding spirits made me anxious.”

“To bad about Markus, I heard éclair threw him on a ship to Alphia?”

“Yeah,” she exhaled, “-a talented trader’s best used to trade. I should check on Arie.” Thus, the icy-cold Eira ambled into the distance. 14:30 – what looked to be minuscule pillars from the bedroom rose into a formidable theater, seat arranged and altar to the goddess of marriage placed at the ready. Brides and grooms’ sides filled gradually, and Aceline’s entourage was filled by leaders; Queen of Arda, Kreston’s pope, and lady Elvira to name a few. Scott’s entourage held their own; actors, actresses, idols, and talented musicians.

‘He’s nervous,’ whispered ladies within the crowd. Scott’s fit physique and exalted visage told more than needed to be known. Aceline arrived by the sound of a violin, Piers offered to walk the aisle. The idyllic scene plucked from a movie – wouldn’t last. Eira’s concern rang true, a whistle blew – the violin stopped, Aceline fell to her knees.

“Honestly, Katherine, we’ll miss the ceremony.”

“Not my fault,” she argued, “-Arie spilled juice over my outfit.”

“Right, of course, it’s the child’s fault,” they hurried, he held her hand, “-how’s your leg?”

“Not bad,” she returned, “-could be worse.”

“Yeah, let’s hope for the former,” down the stairs, *Urgent Call,* flashed the interface, *-éclair.*

“What’s the matter?” Igna slowed, Katherine’s momentum had her dash against his back.

“Master,” background ran in true demented fashion, screams, gunfire, and carnage, “-we’re under attack.”

“From who?”

“WE DON’T KNOW!” *Call Ended.*

‘Under attack, everyone I care about is here,’ he unbuttoned his suit, “-Katherine,” he slid a scroll, “-we had a lovely talk this morning, I meant what I said,” *GRR,* a metallic growl leaped for her neck, Igna flashed and slammed the humanoid figure into the tiled floor, “-situation’s grown tedious. My jest turned truth,” a self-healing wreckage gave flickers and sheers, “-these aren’t entities native to this realm.”

“What are you talking about, I’m scared.”

“I know you are, this is why,” he pushed a scroll against her closed palms, “-take this and leave.”


“DON’T HESITATE, LEAVE, NOW!” she opened and instantly vanished, a single pair of her heels remained, ‘-now then,’ the entity healed, ‘-what are you?’ it pounced twice as strong – Igna countered and easily crushed it’s grayed visage, ‘-what are these?’ sparks and flickers sprung anew, ‘-seems less of an attacker and more of a mechanism, *See the unseen, feel the unfelt, knowledge deep within, awaken for I order so; Eye of Truth.* ‘-Clockwork, a race of semi-artificial and semi-sentient golems. Why’s Artanos, the God of Knowledge getting involved?’ the machine leaped, using the same pattern to its demise, a well-timed slash from a nearby knife ended the folly. ‘-Run, Igna,’ he sprinted to a post-war landscape. Once beautiful beaches turned black and dark – the full audience scurried outward – a fortress of ice replaced the wedding venue, ‘-to many at the front gate,’ he ran towards Eira’s fortress – a growl from the transient materialization of Gergusser froze over those wailing at the gates – the walls dimmed, ‘-she’s not warmed up yet,’ open hand to the side, *Hear me, weapon forged in the death of my enemy, relish the thought of slaughter, enjoy the joy of sufferance, raise from thy slumber, Orenmir, COME!* scabbarded landed with a thud, “-vile beasts,” he drew – an aura of dread weighed. ‘-some have blood,’ he parried and sliced, those able of body swarmed his position, ‘-others have mechanical parts,’ he slashed left and right, the swarm grew, ‘-cut one, two raises,’ sweat washed the forehead, ‘-how strong are they?’ no option laid, *Mana Control: Purgatory flame Variant – Endos,* a giant ball of pure flame expanded – blurry outlines of the figures, set against a growing ball of flame, turned into dust. *Huff, puff,* Intherna’s Phoenix robe swayed, ‘-good ol’ partner,’ he gasped, ‘-they keep on coming,’ a squint inside showed Eira and the others extracting the guests.

“Let’s move!” thundered Eira.

“Our priority is evacuation,” said Minerva, “-reinforcements on their way,” reassured the general.

“Stay with me,” healing spells lit a darkened chamber, “-don’t die,” gritted Alta.

“She’s not going to make it,” mumbled Starix, “-we were taken by surprise.”

“I don’t care,” the greenish hue brightened, “-I’ll make it happen, don’t worry.”

Four enigmatic figures watched, “-brothers and sister – those who dare attack will pay.”

“Keep her steady,” added a monotonous voice, “-we’ll handle the indiscretion.”

Asmodeus, Mammon, Beelzebub, and Sathanas unveiled their masks, the powers unlocked per order to the Shadow Realm, “-Mammon, Beelzebub, watch the evacuation. Sathanas and I will hold the assault.”

“Sure,” a swarm of insect-like demons rose from Beelzebub’s cupped palms, “-go help,” he mumbled. A stronger Mammon waited patiently.

“Don’t get in my way,” winked Sathanas. Igna’s explosion rattled just as the duo landed over the castle walls, “-well damn.”

“Let’s ho-”

“Wait,” said the prince, “-not yet. Look,” he pointed, “-master’s having fun...”

Projectiles as powerful as rockets landed across the swarm – each death brought more, the forces grew, ‘-I love it,’ he landed, facing away from the sea, *Souls of the dead, thee who’ve sworn to serve me in life and death, come to my side. Blood-Arts: Ghouls Requiem,* a profound boom beckoned what could have been the world. Ghouls of vibrant crimson clawed from hell – each dawned weapons and an unjust amount of power, “-Vengeance.”

“Orders, my lord?”

“Exterminate them.”

Tragedy is never far. Truth in said lonesome sentence touched Igna’s heart. For years, ‘-let go of my own limitations,’ ancient symbols wrote effortlessly. Sharp canines, features of a true Demonlord, Igna finally accepted who he was, “-come forth, my demons!” The gate of Vhavla opened; a personal army of trained monsters who’d fought humanity for decades materialized on his side. He stood above the gates and pointed, “-ATTACK!”

‘I’m done,’ Eira’s fortress dispelled, ‘-we evacuated everyone.’

“What about the rest?”

“Leave it in my brother’s hand,” she gasped, “-he’ll take care of the enemies,” ancient writings glowed above her palm, “-to the guardian of Nexsolium; have a taste of my power. My army of clockwork warriors won’t die so easily. Heed my words, Qhildir will pay – Lucifer shall rise, and thy world destroyed. Relay this to Alfred, he’ll die and lose everything again. Until we meet.”


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