
Chapter 1036

“Don’t say such things, majesty.”

“I’m not being passive-aggressive,” he explained, “-the world doesn’t need entities like us anymore. The concept of God, demons, angels – it made sense in an era where there lies naught but magic, swords, and the fight for survival. The advent of weapons, Maicite – all have grown into a fabulous world of understanding and logic. The dabble in Magic will remain part of history, and it should be. Powers of old have gotten scarce and strong. A low-tier fireball cast in the days of old, if used now, would kill many. Slow usage has greatened the mana in the air, less magic user more the potency.”

“The era of magic is at its end?”

“I guess,” he shrugged, “-adventuring’s there as a constant; it will remain as long as the tower of god shines.”

“About the destruction...”

“The Maicite plant?” he scoffed, “-there’s nothing about it. The attack isn’t from this realm, rather, the other realm. Speaking about those, tell me,” he inched, “-what is the state of,” a message rang across the channels.


“Warning to all agents, this is not a drill. Return to your immediate base,” said the intercoms. An outward broadcast cried the song of despair, a high-pitch that waved in intensity, “-to all citizens, this broadcast is not a drill. Projectiles have been detected half an hour from Hidros, we repeat, projectiles have been detected. Evacuate to nearby shelters,” the warning looped, Igna’s cigarette fell.

“An attack?” he glanced at Elixia, she returned a nonchalant shrug.

“I guess?” and without so much a sliver of hesitation, she took off towards the side-street and scanned. He followed in her shadow – a minute later came a roofless sports car. Engine tore right between the chaos of evacuation – traffic fled once side, the king and his aid headed towards another. More details wrote upon the interface, éclair joined the channel as did the ministry of Defense and Internal affairs.


“Igna’s back,” added a composed Eira, “-let’s keep the reunion for later. Minerva, any updates, we heard the broadcast. Rosespire is in full evacuation.”

“There’s reason to suspect Alphia’s sent the first attack,” she added, “-explosion at the powerplant, now this, it’s the perfect opportunity.”

“Elixia, were you not she who suggested the attack was unrelated?”

“I had it from a good source,” she physically leered, “-what are our options?”

“Orders have been issued to the Airforce,” said Igna, “-a squadron just left shy of the Vagrant Archipelago.”

“I hate to say this,” intervened Minerva, “-once missiles are launched, there is no turning back.”

éclair took the channel, “-submarines and silos are opened for a counterattack. Once the king gives his approval and speaks the oath, it will be done.”

Silence followed, Elixia elbowed to no avail – Igna had his head to the clouds. Airships held emergency warnings; advertisements were swapped for the end of the world as it seemed. People of no means ran, and trams and trains changed into a crisis-specific set of instructions.

“MAJESTY!” came at once.

“Pardon. I was deep in thought,” she accelerated, “-how long until the missiles hit?”

“About fifteen minutes,” relayed éclair. He turned to Elixia, “-give me access to the satellites.”


‘There,’ the interface toggled, ‘-I see, there was no misunderstanding. They did send missiles. What a bunch of bull,’ he grabbed the wheel and pulled harshly, the car flew off its wheels by which time it hung upside down, he took Elixia and smoothly left the slow-moving vehicle that in reality flew in the three digits.

“WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?” a ball of flame took the empty street – traffic didn’t much care for they all kept forward.

“We need to talk,” he dusted the shoulders, “-you all,” he said into the intercoms “-the attack is true. Alphia ordered for our destruction, that much is certain. What justification is there? War? Who knows, and who in the hell cares,” the broadcast escaped into the main screen by the aid of a passing local reporting station. A cameraman ran over with a reporter in tow, “-Hidros,” he smiled at the camera, “I hope you’re doing well. Tonight’s peace was shattered by news of a potential catastrophe. I’m deeply sorry about the loss of precious family and sleep time. Believe me, I’d be warm under my blanket at this hour. Age has quite an effect on this old body,” he smiled, “-take my words to heart, people of Hidros. Your ruler, your leader, your monarch, and sovereign,” he grabbed the lens, “-is no mere mortal. Neither is Lucifer, the emperor of our enemy. I speak with certainty on this matter – for our realm to remain peaceful and without disturbance – I shall take my title literally. The Devil of Glenda no longer extends his influence west, no, my comrades, the influence spans the whole of Hidros. To you, Lucifer,” he glared, “-my kingdom and her people are stronger than you think,” trails of light came into view, “-your five pathetic attempts have resulted in three being destroyed. The rest,” he turned, “-well, I consider it polite to return an unwanted gift,” wings expanded. The Devil’s true form came to the forefront. Sharpened canines, pointy ears, longer hair drenched in red. The wings spread – an aura of darkness enveloped his person, and sparks of purple twirled. “Do not mess with my KINGDOM,” a flap threw the cast off their feet.

‘Missiles,’ he reappeared over the weapons, ‘-concentration’s enough to destroy a city. Five of them would have ended Rosespire. How presumptuous,” he softly got under the two, placed his hands on each, and slowly reverted the trajectory. Smoke coughed; power lessened – a guide accurately marked the correct path for a returned to sender. ‘-Disable the warhead,’ a touch crumbled said piece into dust, ‘-and go,’ he pushed – and thus the projectiles boomed into the distance. A news helicopter at his side, the reporter cried inaudible words against the loud churn. ‘Enough hiding,’ the wings flapped and he instantly appeared on the street where traffic halted. “Here is your king,” he smiled, “-people of Hidros, I truly am the Devil. The strange is commonplace and magic was once our creed. Don’t forget where we hail, don’t ignore our roots. Just because things are more convenient doesn’t excuse compliance. What would have happened if I were to die, would you watch as the kingdom dies? Or like heroes, would you have led aid and before your own protectors? Think Hidros, what are we, what do we represent? To people watching from overseas – Hidros means no harm. We’re a military faction by heart. We thrive in bloodshed; the cycle of murder and vengeance won’t ever disappear. It is what makes this world what it is. Thus, I say these words, become strong so that kindness is second nature. Let regret not take one’s heart, show strength in persevering, and believe, that behind struggle and pain waits for the Devil. If nothing works, I will be here, I’ll be at arm’s reach, take how many retries it takes – Hidros will be safe on my watch, that much I promise. To those who wish a direct challenge, my people will be waiting.” Thunder cracked; the broadcast ended.

‘He detected the fear and uncertainty. Being gone for a few years meant much in ways of complacency. The king’s presence is what’s needed. His servants will do the bidding, and make the kingdom a better place. His name and influence are driving factors for a kingdom of loyalists and compatriots. Devil of Glenda is famous as is, a monarch recognized the world over. Igna is the ideal ruler – he knows when to act, how to act, and the measure of strength needed. It is true, that what makes king Igna terrifying isn’t the strength or otherworldly powers, no, tis intelligence and foresight. The accident, the news crew – it was planned, he wanted a show and he got one. Scary,’ a shiver struck – cold air blew as the chaos settled.

“My king, it is a-a-a-an h-h-honor,” stuttered the reporter. He calmly grabbed her microphone and smiled, “-you need no be scared,” without hesitation, noticing her shiver and reckless attire, threw his coat around her shoulder and nodded at the crew, “-the night gets very cold,” the devilish features trailed into outlines as did the bubble of power, “-crisis’ averted. Please head on home. Public safety will take over,” sirens and ambulances arrived. The police skillfully unclogged traffic and helped the smooth transition. The Devil vanished into the crowd – broadcast hit the minister’s screen.

“Igna?” came an exhausted sigh.


“Little brother, I swear you’re more trouble than before. Good job stopping the crisis. There’s a revision to be made in case of another attack. We’re looking at an overhaul, Minerva.”

“Yes, I heard it clear, no need to rub it in. Congratulations on a passive-aggressive resolution. The world knows who we are, only took a few years. Expect praise or hatred, Devil, the church won’t be kind.”

“As if it matters,” said a scoff, “-welcome back, master.” Moment Igna’s appearance hit the other side, the nukes landed at the center of a military compound and the head of the state’s manor. The message was clear and Lucifer seethed, “-why didn’t the attack work!” he threw arms, ‘-Igna, why must you always get in my way... don’t you worry, I’ll make sure your friends never leave the depths of hell. The other kings won’t sit ideally, the poor ol’ devil. Neither will I.”

A few hours before, *Smack,* black hair echoed against a white table, “-poor ol’ goddess. Sucks to be here isn’t it. You got careless,” Lucifer’s curly hair hid his gaze, “-divide and rule. You’re a pathetic excuse for a femme fatale. What did you expect, Syhton? Was I going to let you leave, would Zeus and Qhildir not have become aware of the rudimentary strategy? Why,” he grabbed her sharp jaw and pulled, “-look at me with envy, look at me with lust. I’m Lucifer, and you will do my bidding. No longer a chaste goddess, are you?” he laughed, “-poor ol’ thing. Zeus has a thing for the innocent. I’m not keen on black hair,” he pushed, her head echoed against the floor, “-so sad, really.”

“Lucifer, shut the fuck up,” a shot of energy turned the black hair white, her eyebrows and eyelashes followed, a sense of purity washed her whole self, “-I’m revered and prayed to for a reason,” her powers melted through binds and grabbed his throat, “-my name’s Syhton, and I’m a high-tier goddess. Your strength pales in comparison to mine, a fallen angel. You’re nothing, worth, and are nothing. Intruding in the mortal realm was the last mistake you made,” a cursed symbol materialized, “-as why,” she smacked the symbol on his forehead.

“MY HEAD,” he dropped backward and cried, “-IT BURNS!”

“The curse of imprisonment, henceforth, on my name and power, you will forever be bound to the mortal realm. You are to become a mortal and live as them – you will be their emperor, you will be their champion, and you will be subject to the barrier of attainment. Once more thee allowed pride to overwhelm judgment.”

“What have you done... what HAVE YOU DONE?”

She stepped over and moved towards the door, “-I’ve cursed you to a life of mortality. The true wielder of Lucifer’s name is Igna, not you. A wingless bird is not free, and you, Lucifer, are nothing more than a pawn. You won’t win, you can’t win, for it’s been decided,” wings spread, “-I’m headed home. I appreciate you making the job easier,” her outline was noticed climbing into the heavens.

‘Igna...’ in a fit of rage and humiliation, Lucifer ordered an empire-wide attack. The unsanctioned action brought only five out of their arsenal. ‘I was outsmarted again,’ he gritted. Therein, yellow amidst black rose from the corner of the room, “-Lucifer.”


“What is wrong with you?”

“I’ve been cursed,” he slammed, “-that bitch played me for a fool.”

“I did say not to intervene in mortal affairs.”


“Don’t raise your voice at me. Lucifer, step down from the position of Emperor. I have tracked down the location of what I need. We can leave this domain after I take it.”

“Where is it?”

“Tower of Aria,” he chuckled, “-Draebala will be mine.”

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