
Chapter 1103 - 1103 The Jury


“This concerns the future of Ragno.”

“I’m waiting.”

“Director, a ruler can be defined variously. I apologize for my behavior, it was unbecoming of a lady of nobility. You’re correct about my lineage. I’m a halfling, the product of a love affair.”

“The news?”

“I see I have made a bad impression. Director,” she breathed, a moment of thought to gather herself, “-the demon academy has joined Leviathan’s faction.”

“Where did you get said information?”

“Do not underestimate the power of a noble’s network. I have it on good authority. Such be the reason for my visit. I sincerely apologize for my behavior, it was very unbecoming, I’ll say so again.”


‘They join Leviathan’s faction. Trouble,’ he stood beside the door, ‘-my presumption of her persona was wrong. She was testing me, so she’d like me to believe. I need to verify her information, if true, it’s trouble. The academy’s built at the farthest edge, and our sole point of contact is the trade route that goes through the northeast. It will depend on what strategy… I’ve yet to know the reason behind the attack on Lilith’s castle. They can be acting alone or under orders, I rather they work on a whim. If it’s for a greater picture, we won’t have time to rest before Artanos launches another strike.’


“I appreciate the information, Memphe. Where do you stand?”

“As head of my family, I won’t stand on either side, not just yet. Observation before action, I shall see who deserves my family’s support.”

“Sitting on the fence, how fitting. Takes care of that, see you around, Memphe,” the grand gate opened, and she found herself outside on the pavement with the wind brushing against her visage, ‘-director,’ a faded grunt escaped.

The family gathered in the lounge, “-Lilith and princes of hell. The time is nigh for the truth to be known, *Genesis of the purge, absolution of the end, the cycle of creation and destruction turns, the cogs locks, and the gate shudders. Sinners have done wrong justice, thus opening the last gate towards forgiveness, arise for the Adjudicator takes his seat, Oriantia; Hall of Justice – Expansion.* Wind, somber sky, they reappeared on a circular platform placed high for they could see the horizon and half of the mountains. Twelve seats placed at the hourly markers on a clock stood dirtily, rain and decay took a toll on the structures – remnants of decadents statues carved out of pillars clambered to stand. Some had their arms cracked, others headless – the roof was nowhere to be seen. The twelve-hour mark faced north, and there, a bigger throne haunted the view.

“Are we at a tribunal?” narrowed Beelzebub, “-hey mother, where are we?”

With a snap of the finger, the somber sky changed to one bright and calm – the deceptively frigid and horrifying display displaced for solace.

“Here,” said a powerful voice, “-welcome to Oriantia, Princes of Hell, Queen of Demons. We’re inside the Adjudicator’s domain, my realm,” Igna crossed one leg and glanced sideways from the main throne, a translucent figure ambled, he transformed into a generic-looking young man and soon placed himself on the 11th-hour seat, “-greetings, Lilith, Asmodeus, Mammon, Beelzebub, and sweet Vanesa. My name’s Igna Haggard, though, it’s irrelevant – I go by another title,” a gust blew, “-Origin.”

They switched focus from Igna and Origin, “-Origin will explain the situation.”

“I’m tired,” Vanesa did as Vanesa would. She crawled up Igna’s lap and napped. Her peaceful expression could but take Origin’s affection, “-please, have a seat everyone,” he summoned a lovely cushion, “-and how about we discuss said matter within the estate,” with a clap, Origin teleported them to a grand castle surrounded by a bustling city and it’s giant walls. The sheer scale was twice that of Lucifer’s Academy by comparison. Houses, buildings, and roads were clean and immaculate – the looming sensation of loneliness and solitude hung like a dark cloud. The silence was piercing. The tribunal, as Beelzebub so kindly put it, sharpened in the distance; a massive tower that seemingly rose from the ground and clawed into the heavens. Tea was served, and they enjoyed the nice weather in a well-kept garden. The lax environment allowed Origin to deliver the current state of events. Lilith and Asmodeus were most concerned, as opposed to the others. “-As such, the Adjudicator has come to life to make the gods seek forgiveness. We will end reality as it stands and rebirth a new world where magic and otherworldly beings will not stand – this will allow for reality a longer life span without our intervention. To complete our goals,” he looked at Igna, “-sacrifices will be made. I can’t guarantee anyone’s safety – only the adjudicator can pass from one reality to another.”

“Like Origin said,” he took over, “-Asmodeus, Lilith, you saw what the world can become. There are fractures and cracks all over, domains and realms shattering due to stress – the heavenly faction won’t stop for I’m the enemy of existence. The tribunal and the twelve seats are numbered, they’re the jury. Of course,” he opposed Origin’s stare, “-if reality can be mended, if, and only if there is a way to resolve the issue – I suppose there won’t be the need for destruction.”

Origin surprisingly loved the idea, the big genuine smile, and relieved expression, “-if we can revert the changes – we might see the birth of a stable age. I’ll be grateful to see said age come to fruition. I have lived countless lives, the one Igna and the Haggard share are the most fun I’ve ever had. It’s sad to see all that work go to waste. No matter what, saving a work of art in a burning building is tantamount to one’s own death. Even if the building crumbles to ashes, the adjacent buildings will remain.”

“I see,” echoed Lilith, she crossed her regard with Asmodeus, “-there’s no ultimatum, yes?”

“Depends,” Origin returned, “-if what Igna’s suggested is to be enacted, then I suppose we must act in haste. The lesser the damage, the easier it’ll be to sustain and gradually rebuild depending on the method we ought to create. I iterate once more, the possibility of remending reality is imperceivable, and not even improbably, I’d say impossible.”

“Making the impossible possible is a Haggard creed,” said Asmodeus, “-why were we brought here, master?”

“You are astute as always,” he gently caressed Vanesa’s hair, “-the council of Juries, I want the Princes of hell to join me in my conquest. I’ve tried and tried again, but the matter won’t end, even if I’m overwhelmingly powerful, there is so much one of me can do. Staxius created the Shadows as a home for his allies, the creation of a Realm that one can say is fair and just. The monster army Scifer cultivation has yet been put to the battlefield and so has the puppet army. They’re cards I’d rather not resort to – war is a fickle thing, and when we’ll call upon those forces, their daily lives will be distraught. The argument of it being their purpose can be made, however, as the Watcher of the Shadow Realm, I rather let them live.”

“Then what?”

“Instead of them, I will use the art of necromancy. Turn the enemy into slaves and have them fight the war for us. It’s going smoothly, I have made preparations. As for additional help – the gods and demons who have taken shelter will be called to duty. The battlefield of gods and demons is one reserved for the entity of said rank.”

“Igna,” narrowed Lilith, “-are you going soft on us?”


“No, it’s just. I don’t remember you being so kind towards your own people. I remember a time when it’ll be nothing for you to sacrifice thousands of lives for the sake of a single person.”

“I don’t argue that,” he exhaled.

“Master, are you asking for us to join the jury?”


“Then I, Beelzebub, Prince of Envy, shall kindly accept thy offer, dearest father.”

“Mammon, Prince of Greed, accepts the position.”

“Vanesa, Princess of Sloth, Aedric Mistress of Plague and Disease, accepts Pops invitation,” she gently poked his cheeks and drifted into another slumber.

Asmodeus and Lilith were yet convinced, ‘-becoming a juror in the Adjudicator’s council all for the sake of ending everything. I love my life and I love my harem… what to do. Should I join father or go against him, who do I trust the most?’ memories of Vanesa and Lilith struck, ‘-they haunted my family, they made them suffer… how can I forget, did the peaceful garden take away the truth behind this meeting. They have to pay, they will pay, such is my conviction – I’m a prince of hell,’ he firmed the stance and knelt, “-Asmodeus, Prince of Lust, graciously accepts the offer, father.”

“What sort of mother would I be if I didn’t join my lovely children? Queen of Demon, Lilith, comes to the rescue,” she playfully caressed Igna’s cheeks and winked, “-you owe me quite a bit, Igna. When the devil knocks,” she leaned, “-let him in,” and whispered.

He stood, *-by the authority of the Adjudicator, I grant thee the power of the Jury,* different symbols of power burnt into their arms. Asmodeus, I, Mammon, II, Beelzebub, III, Vanesa, IV and Lilith, X. “As such, the domain of the Adjudicator is open to your whims. Do as you please here, the land is vast.”

“I feel stronger,” Asmodeus commented, “-what are the advantages of this power?”

“it depends on the user,” said Origin, “-aside from taking your standing from demon to that of a Juror, your rank surpasses that of Gods and enters the realms of the untouchable. The main advantage I’d say is invulnerability, not to be confused with immortality – as a being of a higher standard, no gods nor demons will be able to definitely kill you. You’ll get wounded, have your arm shot off or beheaded, the core will always return you to your state, and in case of the damage taking more than an hour to fix, you’ll be reincarnated here.”

“If I understand,” Mammon took a step, “-our souls are preserved here?”

“Not preserved, I’ll say linked.”

“Cool,” he yawned, “-master, do we have duties?”

“Yes, there are quite a few things to take care of. Sathanas is missing, we need to see if the other kings are willing to negotiate and be ready for the next attack from the heavenly realm. I’ll see to gathering more allies.”

“Leave the kings of hell to me,” said Lilith, “-I’ll need a place at the academy.”

“We want to join the academy,” echoed the children, “-father, please?”

‘Switching from master to father. I suppose they’ve never experienced academy life. They’ll be active in Ragno’s protection. Good, this works out perfectly.’

Puppy-dog eyes begged to join the academy, “-you win,” he exhaled a sigh of defeat ‘-long as the memories of the attack are gone, I don’t care what they do.’

“You also can willingly come and go. Don’t worry about keeping it safe, no one can enter lest the Adjudicator or the jurors give permission.”

“Seems we are all on the same page,” Igna looked at Origin, the latter motioned a stopping gesture, “-before you leave, I’d like to show you something,” they went along the garden, climbed into the castle, and were led to a particular chamber – the highly ornamented corridors put the Rosespire castle to shame, “-here we are,” he pushed a block, “-the Adjudicator’s war room. There are many relics and artifacts in the treasury – most are unusable lest the weapon or gear allows so,” the envy strayed, ‘-power weapons and gear,’ they gushed at the thought, “-focus here,” said Origin, an empty desk stood in the middle, “-please gather and hold our your hand,”

“Verification complete,” it said, “-welcome to the war room, my lord.”

‘Wait a minute,’ he looked at Origin, “-is this what I think it is?”

“Yes,” he winked, “-I know how much you loved having an assistant – this particular relic does the same thing.”

“If that’s true,” he rubbed his hands, ‘-I should be able to connect them… how I’ve missed their voices and sarcastic remarks.’

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