
Chapter 1147 - 1147 Goddess of the Celesital Seas

Staxius raised his hand and snapped into life a white flame. The gentle glow cast a deep shadow; it enlightened the coming cells. The array was complex, ‘-a crypt turned dungeon,’ he explored further, ‘-or rather, a dungeon turned crypt.’ Skulls of various kinds were lain and stacked, a wall of bones, a wall of skulls – if not the smell, it’d have been a very pleasant sight.

The deeper he walked, the better grew the cells, and by cells, it referred to the inmates. Those closer to the entrance were dead, left to be eaten by the dungeon’s natural cleaners. Further, he walked, bones held morsels of flesh, and the more he advanced, the more the bones gained their prior status. Eventually, ‘-there’s the first cadaver,’ unmaimed though deliberately left in how they died. Arms tired to the iron cage, bloodied footprints, and torn clothes. ‘-Dungeons,’ he shook his head and continued, ‘-was abused to death. Good to see,’ he paused, ‘-not good to see?’ he lit a cigarette and reached the end. The darkness there was encompassing, he rose his palms to hung corpses, placed as if it were a slaughterhouse. Some skinned, others, gutted, the floor recked, ‘-the smell comes from here,’ he breathed through his nose, ‘-better get used to the smell,’ and continued into the swinging display of races. The flame eventually cast great darkness in one of the corners, ‘-the hidden room,’ he skipped over a puddle of muck, ‘-iron gates,’ he casually undid the lock and entered.

Torches lined on pillars, each lit automatically. The cells were empty, he continued, ‘-how far did they keep them?’ a muffled cough and pained yelps emerged. He clapped, and the torches spewed flames twice their size.

“No more,” came a disgruntled voice, “-Saniata’s had enough, she needs a break. I can’t keep healing her…”

“Shit happened, brother,” came another despaired sigh, “-if not Saniata, who’s going to treat those bastards. They’ve already cut her tongue and thrown acid on her face… she’s blind… I doubt she even feels pain now…”



“In the end, I guess we were abandoned.”


He crossed into an open space; three cells were in a triangle shape. A chandelier of body parts marked the center, under which resided an altar. “-Who said anything about getting abandoned.”


“Am dreaming?”

Staxius cast light onto the cells, “-you look like hell.”

A muffled plea, a cry for help whispered from the northern cell, “-Draconis?” Staxius stared at him and Raphael, the duo could but keep their gaze lowered. ‘They’ve shrunk. Their powers were restricted by Artanos… must have been during the war.’ He followed the muffles and sniffled, “-ayeh,” said unintelligible words, “-athyer.”

Dark mana flowed, ‘-for the third time,’ he grabbed the iron cage, a murderous ire filled his gaze, ‘-they’ve taken one of my children and abused them,’ he effortlessly split the cage, “-Saniata,” he dropped to his knees and held her blindfolded face. Her skinny, battered, and bruised body was apparent through the rags. She no longer held the dignified aura he once admired. Without a moment’s notice, she forced herself onto her knees and tapped her way around Staxius’ chest – her small hands trembled, she reached for his waist, “-STOP,” he grabbed her hands, “-what are you doing?”

“Pops, she can’t hear you,” came a woeful Draconis, “-Saniata gave her body and soul to save us. She willingly pledges herself to the foul beasts for us to be free. Our torture was to watch as the ritual lasted each night from midnight to three. Demon beasts would raise from the altar and invade her cell, they’d do unspeakable things, and she’d get beaten and thrown across the room. ”

“I used my magic to heal her,” said Raphael, “-after a while, the poison of their taint made her immune to my magic. Her pain, I don’t dare imagine it.”

They collectively exchanged glances and stared at Staxius, “-Father, you were too late to save her…”

“It’s never too late,” a bright red flame burst out of Orenmir, “-I heard everything,” gasped a familiar face. Scars filled her arms and legs, “-I’ve done it,” she gulped, “-father, I survived Orenmir’s trial, I’ve returned,” many swords hovered around her back, “-I’ll take care of Draconis and Raphael, you focus on Saniata.” She tapped his back and nodded.

‘Guess Sathanas’ returned stronger than before.’

‘Saniata, my foolish daughter,’ he caressed her head, and her trembling stopped, “-can you hear me?”


“The telepathy works. Saniata, it’s me.”

“You’ve come to save us?”

“A little too late for that. What happened to you?”

“Look at my body, it should be enough explanation. Come on now, restore it so I can wear cute clothes again.”


“Are you surprised?” she chuckled, “-pops, I knew you would come. I needed to buy time, the only way to appease those sadists is to give them what they wanted. I had to take the fall for the team, otherwise, Draconis and Raphael would have fought and died needlessly. We can’t lose any more people. They killed Formle and the apprentices – if I were to die, it wouldn’t take from your firepower. Draconis needs to live as does Raphael, I’m not that special, I can be cast aside.”

“You know well-”

“-that you hate self-sacrificing bs. I know, I hate it too. It’s just, it was the best option available at the time. My teacher did say to cut your losses and retreat if the battle is unwinnable.”

“Quoting me now of all the times,” he sighed, “-at least the ritual didn’t break your soul. You have good resistance.”

“Yeah, I acted hurt but was alright in comparison. Sure took a beating physically… nothing a few spells can’t heal. I’m so happy you’re back, pops, I waited for so long… you’ve returned, thank you.”

Bright lit beamed from her cell, “-I should be the one thanking you.” They are mentally transported into a realm of white and purity. Saniata walked about, white and distant grey giving features to blocks and squares, there were no details, and the ground she stood upon was a darker shade of white with lines of black stripped as if to make many smaller squares.

“Confused?” said a prominent voice.

“Who’s there?”

“Me,” Staxius materialized, “-Saniata, it’s good to see you.”

“Where are we?” she turned and turned, looking at the infinite white space.

“This, my daughter, is the Realm of Naught, the place of nothingness, the place where all comes into creation. It is an unknown Realm, those who step into this place are blessed and cursed at the same time. I’ve never revealed this card to anyone, it is one I keep hidden and never wish to use. For tis a realm not for battle, but for creation and alteration of Reality itself,” he swiped, strands of various hues manifested as if holograms, “-each one of those lines is a different dimension with its many timelines. The center,” he opened his palm, “-is my symbol, the three in one. This is the true power of the Adjudicator. I can change reality with a single word, it is as simple as saying yes,” he clapped, the strands turned image-boxes, “-those are memories and glimpses of the future. I was never really one to glance at the future.”

“Why are you showing this to me?”

“You said you were useless, willingly sacrificed yourself for your siblings. You did what I should have done. I’m the parent in name, not in action, I should have been there sooner, or so I’d have said,” he paused and sunk his dense piercing gaze into her soul, “-such be the ideals Igna spouts. I’m not Igna, not anymore. Consider him gone. You stand before Staxius Haggard,” he grinned, “-Saniata, you’re here for one reason.”


“To become an almighty god,” he clapped, her body in Draebala faded into ash, and it reappeared in the Realm of Naught, “-there’s the mortal vessel. We’re going to transfer your soul into a body that is far better suited for battle. This is the one and only time I’m going to create an entity with enough power to rival even the supreme god.”


“For my satisfaction,” he smiled, “-there’s no nothing sweeter than revenge served on a cold plate. Don’t you want retribution?”

A similar sinister smile rose upon her face, “-how did you know?”

“We’re related after all,” they smiled. *Book of Rue, on the first day of the devil’s awakening – the ancient art of creation falls, for the conjurer is a priest sworn to the gods but led astray by evil. The anti-god, the devourer of angels, the embodiment of evil, cursed King Alfred, reaches the heavens and swallows Creation’s heir, gaining the powers of Creation. Fashion into life a perfect replica, grant the symbol of Creation; Yeve,*

An empty shell built from the feet up, “-you want it exact or want some changes done to it?”

“Give me long blue hair, a good female physique, and blue eyes, and keep my tanned complexion. I want to be a little taller if possible.”

“Yeah, character creation,” he shook his head and sighed, “-that better?”

“Yes, perfect!”

He rose from his stead, *-Words hidden from the world, symbol kept underneath Reality’s many fa?ades, heed the call of thy creator, heeds the voice of thy master. I beckon the power of the one and truth, I call upon my name as the one who rules and guides all; Reality Bend – Art of Creation: Power Symbol Genesis!* the realm of naught shrunk onto Staxius, “-with this, I create the legend of the Goddess of Celestial Seas, the guardian of the passage between the mortal and the divine, the protector of the Celestial Space – Saniata the Celeste,” the threads of reality twanged,”-for the ritual to complete, you will have to die,” he casually lifted his finger, her head rolled off her shoulders, *Order of the Adjudicator – symbol of the Celestial Seas, Saniata’s Daggers, from genesis to its host, under my contract, I seal the pact and grant Saniata – the position of Guardian of the Shadow Realm and instate her as a Candidate for Supreme God,*

A blinding glow flashed, Saniata opened her eyes to a peaceful beach overlooking an idyllic ocean, “-like it?”

“Pops, where are we?”

“That is the Celestial Sea,” he clapped, the sky vanished for a starry night, “-the place you whole dominion over. I created your legend and bestowed a powerful body as well as a symbol of power. You’re without a doubt, on par with the Guardians now.”

“Do I have responsibilities like, do I have to protect the Celestial Seas or whatever?”

“Not really, it’s your background story. The Celestial Seas didn’t exist, but now it does. It’s the realm separating the Shadow Realm from the other dimension. Long story short, you’re strong and don’t have to do much. Same life, just stronger.”

“What about you?” she turned, the realm shattered for reality, “-pops?” she blinked. Staxius dropped.

“What happened?”

“He coughed blood then fell, I don’t know.”

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