In a monstrous post-apocalyptic setting, this is a story of how a lowly Inventor, Lance, conquered a nation governed by immoral group of Scientists called The Corporation. He grew and climbed up to the highest rank possible as a Scientist with his inventions and side businesses.
Eventually, he became a weapons inventor, building weapons to two opposing sides. In doing so, Lance always crossed a dilemma.
How could a nobody topple the most powerful government? How could one overcome circumstances beyond his grasp, especially in a world filled with monstrous mutations called the Abominants?
- Chapter 1: Infused Electromagnet
- Chapter 2: The Market
- Chapter 3: Infinity
- Chapter 4: Specialist
- Chapter 5: Abominant
- Chapter 6: MAF
- Chapter 7: Boneyard
- Chapter 8: Obsidian Scorpion
- Chapter 9: Outsiders
- Chapter 10: Knife
- Chapter 11: Conductivity
- Chapter 12: Exoskeleton
- Chapter 13: Axiom Trench
- Chapter 14: Seer
- Chapter 15: Trade
- Chapter 16: Trade Work
- Chapter 17: Inland
- Chapter 18: Unitech
- Chapter 19: Tyllrium
- Chapter 20: Zelkian Farm
- Chapter 21: Black Marketing
- Chapter 22: Menacing Thoughts
- Chapter 23: Bloomforge
- Chapter 24: Mafia
- Chapter 25: Synapz
- Chapter 26: Synapz 2
- Chapter 27: Kitchen
- Chapter 28: Jonaz
- Chapter 29: Jonaz 2
- Chapter 30: Roflo
- Chapter 31: ShowerSmart
- Chapter 32: SARS
- Chapter 33: Sidetrack: Lost
- Chapter 34: Sidetrack: Nightfall
- Chapter 35: Jaqi
- Chapter 36: Sidetrack: Salt
- Chapter 37 - 36: Sidetrack: Salt 2
- Chapter 38: 1st Deal
- Chapter 39: 1st Deal 2
- Chapter 40: Kilotonic
- Chapter 42: Aiveez
- Chapter 50: Overlord
- Chapter 56: Suckers
- Chapter 58: Presentation 2
- Chapter 64: SkyCorp
- Chapter 68: Dome