Mirian Castrella, a student in her final year of a magical academy, unexpectedly finds herself caught in a time loop and haunted by strange dreams of the Elder Gods. Her plan had been to become an artificer to support her struggling family, but when the Akana Praediar army betrays her country in a surprise attack, everything changes. Instead, she finds herself delving into the dark secrets of the world, mastering magic, finding allies, and uncovering a vast conspiracy.However, just because the time loop can save her life doesn’t mean it can save her from everything. Mirian must navigate a dangerous world changed by the magitech revolution. Her quest to save the world from the apocalypse will lead her to battle magi and beasts, into the unfathomable underground Labyrinth, across distant lands, and into forgotten ancient ruins. Only through becoming a master arcanist who understands the true nature of the world can Mirian hope to stop the apocalypse she relives through time and time again. If she fails, everything she loves will be lost.What to expect:- Slow burn power progression- A clever protagonist who changes as the story moves from arc to arc- Expansive world-building full of complexity and secrets- A focus on magic- Intrigue and spell-flinging fights- A rotating cast of characters in each arc- Starts slow, then picks up speed
- Chapter 1 - It Begins
- Chapter 2 - Academic Life
- Chapter 3 - Academic Life II
- Chapter 4 - Study Session
- Chapter 5 - Nightmare
- Chapter 6 - What A Mess
- Chapter 7 - The Quarter Ends
- Chapter 8 - New Quarter
- Chapter 9 - Life Goes On...
- Chapter 10 - …And Then It Ends
- Chapter 11 - Begin Again
- Chapter 12 - Small Fixes
- Chapter 13 - Small Changes
- Chapter 14 - Letters
- Chapter 15 - A Plan
- Chapter 16 - New Quarter, Again
- Chapter 17 - Preparations
- Chapter 18 - Predictions
- Chapter 19 - Predicament
- Chapter 20 - Exodus
- Chapter 21 - Extermination
- Chapter 22 - Cycle Three
- Chapter 23 - Trap
- Chapter 24 - Lunch and A Story
- Chapter 25 - Calisto
- Chapter 26 - Progression
- Chapter 27 - Regression and Lessons
- Chapter 28 - More Changes
- Chapter 29 - Disappeared
- Chapter 30 - Secret Passage
- Chapter 31 - Conversation
- Chapter 32 - Departure
- Chapter 104 - Moving Along
- Chapter 136 - Discovery
- Chapter 138 - Double the Horror
- Chapter 139 - Deeper