
Chapter 576 Ranger's Eye New Members

After continuous use of long-distance teleportation. Fein and Voli finally came back to the city.

Fein felt a rush of emotions as he arrived at the doorstep of his childhood home. He could hardly believe that he was back in his hometown after all these years. Voli stood beside him, a reassuring presence, as they knocked on the door.

Melissa opened the door, her eyes widening in surprise as she saw her son and his companion. "Fein! Voli! You\'re back!" She exclaimed, pulling them both into a tight embrace.

"It\'s good to be back, Mom," Fein said, hugging her back. "Is Fey around?"

"Yes, she\'s in her room. She\'ll be thrilled to see you," Melissa replied, beaming with joy.

Fein and Voli made their way to Fey\'s room, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. Fey was the vice president of Ranger\'s Eye, and she was in charge of the organization\'s operations in the southern region. Fein knew that she had a lot on her plate, but he hoped that she would have some time to catch up with him.

As they entered Fey\'s room, she looked up from her work and gasped in surprise. "Fein! Voli! What are you doing here?" She asked, getting up from her desk and running over to hug them.

"We came back to visit and to heal my friend\'s soul," Fein explained, returning her embrace. "How have you been, sis?"

"I\'ve been good, busy as usual," Fey replied, pulling back to look at her brother. "You look different. More mature, I suppose. And Voli, you look like you\'ve been through a lot."

Voli chuckled. "You have no idea, Fey."

Fein and Voli spent the rest of the day catching up with Fey and Melissa. They shared stories of their adventures, and Fey filled them in on the current state of affairs in the southern region. Fey also showed them some of the new technology that Ranger\'s Eye had developed, including a prototype of a new communication device that allowed for long-distance communication without the use of degu energy.

As the night grew darker, Melissa insisted on cooking them all a hearty meal. Fein could smell the delicious aromas wafting from the kitchen, and his stomach grumbled in anticipation. He was grateful to be back home with his family, and he knew that there was a lot of work to be done in the days ahead.


The next morning...

Melissa sat at the small kitchen table with Fein, Fey, and Voli, sipping on a cup of coffee. The warm, nutty aroma of freshly baked bread filled the room.

"So, we had a lot of orders for bread today," Melissa said, smiling. "I had to wake up extra early to start the dough."

Fey nodded, taking a bite of her toast. "I saw the line outside the bakery when I was on my way here. You\'re really doing well, Mom."

Melissa beamed at her daughter\'s words. "Thank you, sweetie. I couldn\'t have done it without your help."

Fein, who was enjoying a warm croissant, chimed in. "You\'ve always been the best baker in town, Mom. It\'s no wonder people love your bread."

Melissa laughed, shaking her head. "You\'re just saying that because I\'m your mother."

Voli, who had been quiet during the conversation, finally spoke up. "I must say, Mom, your bread is truly delicious. I can\'t wait to try more of your pastries."

Melissa smiled gratefully. "I\'m glad you like it. Please, help yourself with anything in the kitchen. I have some new recipes I want to try out, so feel free to taste-test."

Fein grinned, already thinking about the delicious treats that awaited them. "That sounds great, Mom. We\'re looking forward to it."

"Well, I\'m gonna go now. Enjoy yourself!" Melissa suddenly excused herself. She gave Fein and Voli a hug.

Fein waved at his mom. "Take care..."

"Be careful on the road mom!" Voli said.

Fey emerged from her room, looking refreshed and ready to start the day. As she joined Fein and Voli in the kitchen, the conversation naturally turned to the Ranger\'s Eye.

"So, how\'s the Ranger\'s Eye been doing lately?" Fein asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"It\'s been going well," Fey replied. "We\'ve been getting a lot of new members lately, which is great. We\'ve got four new members in particular that I think are going to be really valuable to the team."

"Really? Who are they?" Voli asked, intrigued.

"Well, first we have Claire. She\'s a bit quiet and reserved, but she\'s incredibly skilled with her degu powers. She can manipulate the elements, so she\'s really versatile in combat. Plus, she\'s got a sharp mind and great attention to detail."

"That sounds impressive," Fein commented, his interest piqued.

"Next up is Javier. He\'s got a bit of a hot temper, but he\'s a great fighter. His degu ability allows him to enhance his physical strength and speed, so he\'s really fast and can pack a serious punch. He\'s also got great reflexes, so he\'s good at dodging attacks."

"Interesting," Voli said, nodding.

"And then there\'s Maria. She\'s got a bubbly personality and is always eager to learn new things. Her degu power allows her to heal others, which is incredibly valuable on the battlefield. She\'s also got a few tricks up her sleeve, like the ability to create illusions to distract enemies."

"That could definitely come in handy," Fein said, impressed.

"Last but not least is Alex. He\'s got a bit of a mischievous streak, but he\'s incredibly creative and inventive. He\'s a master of technology and can create gadgets and weapons on the fly. He\'s also got a few tricks up his sleeve, like the ability to turn invisible."

"That\'s quite the diverse team," Voli remarked. "Sounds like you\'ve got a solid group of fighters and strategists."

"Yeah, I\'m really excited about what we can accomplish together," Fey said, a smile on her face. "But I have to admit, it\'s been a bit of a headache trying to manage all these new personalities and abilities. But I think we\'re making progress, and I\'m confident we\'ll continue to grow stronger as a team."

\'I didn\'t expect that a mechanic would join the Ranger\'s Eye.\' Fein thought inwardly as he learned about Javier.

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