
Chapter 577 Welcome Back, Buddy.

"Sure, I can tell you more about Javier," Fey said with a smile. "He\'s really something special. He\'s got an incredible mind for technology, and he\'s always tinkering with some new device or gadget. I swear, half the time, I don\'t even know what he\'s talking about."

Fein chuckled. "I know the feeling. But it\'s impressive nonetheless. What kind of degu ability does he have?"

"He\'s got the ability to turn invisible like a kid and he can subtlely manipulate electromagnetic field to enhance his technology," Fey explained. "It\'s pretty amazing, really. He can use it to disrupt or enhance electronic devices, create electromagnetic pulses to disable enemies, and even levitate metallic objects."

\'Really, a smart guy. It might be the version of Nikola Tesla in this world.\' Fein couldn\'t help but think so. Even in such an era with a low-technological level. Being able to build techs ahead of times was an achievement.

Fein was happy about the improvement of the Ranger\'s Eye. He was sure that Gregory must be happy if knew about it.

"Wow, that\'s impressive," Fein said, nodding in approval. "Sounds like he\'s a valuable asset to the team."

"He definitely is," Fey agreed. "And he\'s also just a great guy. He\'s always eager to help out and is really dedicated to the mission. I think you\'d like him."

Fein smiled. "I\'m sure I would. Maybe I\'ll get the chance to meet him someday."

"I hope so," Fey said, before turning to Voli. "And then there\'s Maya. She\'s got the power of teleportation, which is incredibly useful in combat. She can also use it for reconnaissance and infiltration. Plus, she\'s really quick on her feet and has great reflexes."

Voli nodded. "Sounds like a valuable member to have on the team."

"She definitely is," Fey said, before continuing to describe the other two members and their abilities.

As the conversation about Javier came to a close, Fey\'s expression shifted to one of concern. "Speaking of the Ranger\'s Eye, I\'m worried about Michael," she said, her voice tinged with worry.

Fey sat down on the couch next to Fein, her brow furrowed with worry. "I\'m just so concerned about Michael," she said, her voice laced with concern. "He\'s been in a coma for so long now and we don\'t know if he\'s ever going to wake up."

Fein nodded, a somber expression on his face. "I know, it\'s a terrible situation," he said. "But there\'s something you don\'t know about what happened to him."

Fey looked at him expectantly. "What do you mean?"

Fein took a deep breath. "Kidd, with the Laughing Phantom members, tried to kill Michael," he explained. "But Michael survived, though his soul was injured."

Fey\'s eyes widened in shock. "Kidd? But he was one of our own!"

Fein nodded grimly. "I know, but it seems he was working with the enemy all along. And that\'s not even the worst part. Kidd stole the soul artifact that Michael had been using to protect himself."

Fey gasped. "No wonder he\'s still in a coma."

Fein nodded. "But don\'t worry, Fey. I have the soul artifact now. It\'s safe with me."

Fey\'s face softened with relief. "Thank goodness. I don\'t know what we\'d do without you, Fein."

Fein smiled reassuringly. "Don\'t worry, we\'ll get through this together. let\'s go, to Michael\'s house!"


As Fein, Fey, and Voli entered Michael\'s home, the atmosphere was heavy with worry and tension. They saw Michael\'s mother sitting by his bedside with a blank expression on her face. She looked up as the group entered and gave them a small nod of acknowledgement before returning her gaze back to her son.

Fein approached Michael\'s bed, taking out the soul artifact from his pocket. He activated the artifact, and a warm glow emanated from it, enveloping Michael\'s unconscious body. Fey and Voli watched in awe as the artifact worked its magic, mending Michael\'s injured soul.

After a few moments, Michael\'s eyes fluttered open, and he looked around the room with confusion. He saw Fein and the group, and a smile lit up his face. "Fein, Fey, Voli! What are you all doing here?" he asked, still a bit groggy from his coma.

"We came to see you, Michael," Fein said with a grin. "And to bring you some good news."

Michael\'s mother, who had been watching the scene unfold, stood up from her seat, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you so much," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "I don\'t know what to say."

Fein and the group exchanged happy glances, relieved that Michael was finally awake and well. They stayed with Michael and his mother for a while, catching up on old times and filling Michael in on what had been happening with the Ranger\'s Eye.

As they left Michael\'s home, Fein couldn\'t help but feel grateful for the soul artifact and the chance to save his friend\'s life.

\'Next is Brick...\' Fein felt the guilt in his heart come back for a moment as he thought how Brick turned into a monster because of their experiment.


Fein arrived at the cell where Brick Norty was held captive. The chains that bound him were thick and heavy, and the cell was reinforced with steel bars. As Fein approached, he could see that Brick\'s once-human form had been twisted into that of a monstrous creature. The scientist\'s eyes glowed with a crazed energy as he relentlessly struggled against his chains, desperate to break free.

Fein drew his sword and took a deep breath, readying himself for what was to come. With a swift strike, he cut through the chains that held Brick captive, and the monster roared in fury. But Fein was not deterred. He raised his sword again and brought it down with all his might. The sword\'s killer concept became active. The blade of the sword passed through Brick\'s hard, thick skull as the sword selectively attacked the hiding monster\'s consciousness.

The monster\'s eyes rolled back in his head, and his struggles ceased. For a moment, there was silence. Then, slowly, Brick\'s body began to change. His twisted form softened, and his eyes regained their sanity. The monster\'s consciousness was deleted with one strike.


System: Hurry the host! Brick Norty\'s soul fragment lost the monster\'s consciousness support. Heal his soul immediately or else his soul would collapse from the lack of soul energy that the monster was providing.

Fein stepped forward and placed a hand on Brick\'s forehead. With the power of the soul artifact, he healed the scientist\'s shattered soul fragment. Brick\'s eyes fluttered open, and he gazed up at Fein with a newfound clarity. The monster that had once been Brick Norty was gone, replaced by the brilliant scientist that Fein had always known.

"Welcome back, buddy." Fein has a smirk on his face.

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