
Chapter 159 - Sam's Mindscape

Author\'s Note:

Hi guys... I have written this bonus chapter to apologize for the irregularities that has been happening with the chapter release recently... I use this to ask for your forgiveness, and hope that you support me till the end...

Speaking Of Support; I decided not to release any Privilege Tier since i began this book because i wanted everyone to enjoy more chapters before i start setting privilege tiers... That is a loss on my part, but if you can pour your powerstones, gifts and constructive criticism into this book, i would very much appreciate...

My vows remains valid and once those targets are met, the rewards would also follow suit... Thanks; Enjoy...


[Alright, just think about your happiest moments, or the things you love or long for the most…] [Oh that\'s pretty easy…]

Sam said as he shut his eyes and thought about Ivory and Jacob, and the moment his thoughts wandered, Long tapped into it and instantly, they all appeared within an utterly dark space…

They could see nothing except from a white colored Dao Tree which was barren and simply looked like a tree that hasn\'t seen water in ten thousand eons…

[Is this my Dao Tree!?]

Sam asked with mixed emotions; one part was happy and wowed that he did actually had the chance to become a cultivator, whilst the other was disappointed and ashamed of its size and how barren it was…

Then Long took them around the tree where they finally saw a white colored mini-sam who was asleep;

[It\'s simply because you have yet to awaken your Dao Tree…] Long explained with a smile;

[How do I do that!?] Sam asked earnestly;

[Well since you are going to be going in our place, it is only natural that we would have to awaken it… Though it should awaken by itself soon…] Long responded;

[How!?] Dara was confused;

[Well we all share the same body but different mind, and we are only able to jump into one another\'s mind because your Dao Tree merged the three of us together, so the Qi that was previously flowing into your Dao Tree, should start flowing into his Dao Tree, but because  he has no meridians, I would help out and clear his meridians from within…]

Long spoke as he went to the sleeping mini-sam and placed his palm on its back, nd instantly, the tiny patch of Qi cloud which Dara saw earlier floated out of their spiritual body and appeared within Sam\'s mindscape;

[How\'s this possible!?] Dara asked in shock;

[It is mental sense…]

[Experts that has reached a certain stage are able to speak to themselves using their mind, and can even narrate five days\' worth of story and only an instant would pass in the outside world...]

[But it uses the sea of consciousness and a little Qi, and thus, I simply attempted to send a mental transmission to Sam, and thus, it brought my Qi along which the message is encoded within…] Long explained;

[If his Dao Tree had been awakened, he would have heard me in his mind…] Long explained as the tiny patch of Qi Cloud surged into the slumbering mini-sam…


It was like a chain was broken as the mini-sam lit up and began to glow, and instantly, Sam\'s consciousness began to become even more self-aware…

Then it began to glow as the trio watched the light begin to flow in two different direction, one was heading for the tree whilst the other was heading for his cultivation to open his meridians…

The moment the light entered the tree, it was just like a tree that had been starved of water; Sam\'s Dao Tree guzzled the light through its tiny vein like paths before it trembled and rustled…

Instantly, Sam realized that his thinking capacity, speed and depth soared to new heights;


[If I had this when I was born back on earth, I might have grown to become the most powerful man on earth, and I would have been able to all those good deeds that I desired…]

Sam blurted as Long and Dara simply smiled whilst the flow of light finally connected to Dara\'s meridians and cleared a path from it to Sam\'s Dao Tree…

Then they saw the stream of Qi which was flowing within Dara\'s Dao Tree root back then begin to flow through Sam\'s Dao Tree root;

[Alright, time to begin…]

Sam also didn\'t get carried away, after all, they all came her because they wanted to help Dara, and it wasn\'t like Dara had all the time in the world;

[Since our consciousness as linked, I should be able to get you guys to the Spirit Realm much faster, but then we would all look for the Golden Link of the Divine Realm, if we can get it…]

[That means when our consciousness gets powerful enough to break this seal, Sam would not need to go through another Qi Sensing Trial ad simply begin to cultivate Divine Realm Qi, and that means Dara would be able to reach the Divine Realm faster and then search for the God Realm...]

[But whilst we don\'t know what we are looking for, I believe we should at least try our luck, even though we might have to sort through 1 zillion links by then…] Long added;

[So, Sam, this trial is just as important to you as it is to Dara, in fact, it is even more important, because it would be for your cultivation in the end…] Long encouraged as Sam\'s expression changed into a determined one, as he began to ripple with a unique sort of military aura…

[Dara, this is also as important to you as it is to Sam, after all, it would determine if you would even be able to find a Divine Realm Link or if you are eve lucky get to enter the God Scape to look for a God Realm Link…] Long added;

[As for me, it counts as even more loads of good karma for me, which boosts my luck…] Long added with joy as they jumped appeared in front of the root that was flowing steadily with Qi…

They touched it and instantly, they were within Sam\'s cultivation root which was mysteriously larger than Dara\'s own;

[How come!?] That was the first thing that popped into Dara\'s head;

[Well he has been alive for much longer than you have, and has experienced several things more than you have, thus, you can\'t compare you mental fortitude to one another…] Long explained as Dara nodded in comprehension whilst it was apprehension in Sam\'s case….

[Alright, in we go!]


They jumped into the stream and were instantly carried along till they finally reached the trunk of the Dao Tree;

[Alright we are here…] Long revealed as Dara and Sam saw what the physical realm truly was all about…

It was like having ten tons of salt being poured into a massive container, and then they ask someone tell someone that; within the ton of rice, there are about 1,000 grains in it which are actually diamond shards, and the person was to find one, and whist the odds were still possible, it was still tons of rice grains that the person has to sort through…

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