
Chapter 160 - The Elusive Bronze Link

[Alright we\'re here…]

Long revealed as Dara and Sam saw what the physical realm truly was all about…

It was like having ten tons of salt being poured into a massive container, and then they ask someone tell someone that; within the ton of rice, there are about 1,000 grains in it which are actually diamond grains, and the person was to find one, and whist the odds were still possible, it was still tons of rice grains that the person has to sort through…

The Mortal Realm and its links were like several ropes of different colors from hanging downwards from above;

[These are the links guys… Like I said it is based on your desires….]

[Once you find a Mortal Realm Link or any bronze link hanging from above, you will grab it and then desire if that is what you want or if you want to ascend higher into the Spirit Realm to get a stronger link…] Long reminded as they saw these links shuffling within themselves with no apparent rhythm;

[Damn, as if finding a Bronze Link isn\'t had enough, but you must also chase it otherwise it would elude you…] Sam said when he saw the rate at which over 1 billion links were shuffling into one another;

[No shit… If one isn\'t careful, one might mistakenly grab the wrong link at the last moment…] Dara added;

[That is why I used the term \'Latch Onto\' guys, once you see it you must latch onto it before it eludes you…] Long gave a last minute advise, as their consciousness searched about with insane mental speed;

[There\'s one!]

Dara blurted as Sam and Long looked in the direction which he was gesturing too and indeed, there was a bronze link in there nestled and squeezing through every available gaps as it tried to flee from their sights;

[After it, don\'t let it out of your sights!]

Long screamed as they chased the Bronze Link which for some reasons began to tease them and toy with them, and after about an hour of chasing, they still hadn\'t caught up, and not only that, the Bronze Link made sure to cause a very disturbing ruckus as it fled, chasing every other Bronze Link they found on the way before Dara\'s group could even see them;

[Tch… Does this happens every time!?] Dara was somewhat getting tired and stressed out as Long reminded him;

[I have told you it depends on luck, your fate, ambition and desire, and these Links would test them to the limits of your endurance, and some would even supersede your endurance limits…]

[Perhaps, it is just nature\'s way of preparing everyone for the cultivations journey, or perhaps it is its way of weeding out the faint hearted from the rest, or perhaps, these links are just being assholes, but that is how it is…] Long explained as they chased it, but after a short period of time;

[Wait!] Sam abruptly spoke as everyone stopped;

[What is it?] Long asked;

[I have an idea…] Sam responded;

[If something keeps hoping around or behaving like we are in a cat-mouse chase, then we will step up the game…]

[What do you mean?]

[We take the viper approach…] Sam said as he explained his idea to them;

[Are you sure it would work?]

[Like, you know we really have no time right?] Dara and Long asked respectively, just to be sure;

[Trust me on this one… One thing I learnt in the military is how to study the behaviors of our targets, and I think I have this one all figured out…]

Sam added as they abruptly split up in three different directions, but were still connected via the seal from Grandma Meng\'s milk…

They hid in three separate areas of the Realm but very close to each other, and soon enough, about three minutes later, they saw the same Bronze Link [or rope] they have been chasing for an hour…

It returned and moved around in all directions in a probing manner like someone who was looking for something;

\'To think Sam would truly predict the behavior of this thing…\' Long thought to himself in wonder as he mentally gave Sam a nod of approval…

But he was not the only one, Dara also saw the Link and was stunned by its humanly behavior;

\'Damn, if even the Mortal Realm Link is this difficult to find and catch, just how difficulty would the Spirit Realm be?\' Dara thought as he saw the Link;

\'Alright, Sam should be making his move anytime soon…\'

Long thought to himself, and the moment his thought ended, Sam\'s consciousness jumped out of the crowd of empty links and spooked the Bronze Link, which instantly took flight in the opposite direction…

But it had barely moved three meters when Long\'s consciousness popped out right in front of it, forcing it to rapidly change direction, but just as it chose a direction, a consciousness abruptly latched onto it from below;

[Great job kid!]

Long praised Dara\'s reflexes as Dara desired the Link to take them into the Spirit Realm, and the moment that happened, the Bronze Link abruptly sped upwards towards the direction the other empty links were hanging down from;


Dara\'s group found themselves moving at inhuman amount of speed, until they finally popped into a new scape…

In this area, the Links here were more but were more spaced out as Long explained;

[This is the Spirit Scape, and the tactics of selecting the right Link here is very different…] He said;

[Here all the Links are in a set position, but we would have to identify the Silver Link amongst all this shade of white and jump just like someone trying to cross a ditch, and we have to catch the right Link, otherwise, if we fail to catch it, and we fall, we will fall into the Mortal Scape...]

[Then if we fail to catch another Link in the Mortal Scape whilst falling, we will eventually fall out of the Trial and then you can kiss your cultivation goodbye!] Long rapidly explained as Sam and Dara froze in shock…

The sheer speed a with which this Link was pulling them would barely enable to them to spot a Silver Link, not to talk of jumping to actually catch it on time;

[How is it even possible!?] Sam asked with a hard frown;

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