
Chapter 100 - Coach Butler's Offer

Jason had taken the bus to the mall and that was how he planned on getting back home. But considering how urgent his mom sounded Jason decided to take out his phone and ask Tory for a ride home.

After answering the call Tory quickly agreed to pick him up. Jason talked and joked with the group for about fifteen minutes until he got a text from Tory telling him that she was at the parking lot.

"It was cool hanging out. Sorry about dipping early. My mom called and said that someone was at the apartment looking for me.

Congrats on finding something that you love Shania. Things might get tough every once in a while but I\'m sure you can handle it. You\'re a tough girl."

Jason bro hugged Kyle and the girls as he said his goodbyes. As he left the group and made his way to the parking lot he was stopped a few times by a couple of strangers.

They were fans of the Through the Hoops show and had recognized Jason. After taking a few pictures and giving out a few autographs Jason finally made it to the elevators to the parking lot.

Jason saw Tory\'s car parked close to the front. Jason tapped on the window and waved before hopping in.

"Thanks Tory. I was planning on staying at the mall for a couple hours but my mom called and said that there was a guest at the apartment looking for me."

Tory reached over and ruffled his hair before pulling him into a side hug "You\'re welcome Jaya. I told you whenever you need something all you need to do is call your noona.

You\'ve been so busy with basketball and I\'ve been so busy with all of my different things that we haven\'t been able to spend any time together.

I feel like my little Jaya is growing up so fast. You used to come knocking on our apartment door to ask if I wanted to watch some basketball or a movie."

Jason hugged her back "Geez Tory you\'re acting like my mom now with this melodrama mood.

I know that we haven\'t been able to spend that much time together because of our schedules but I promise to hang out with you more after basketball season is over."

Tory smiled as she kissed him on the top of his head before pulling out of the parking lot. The drive to the apartment was short but filled with laughs and smiles as the two of them caught up with each other.

After about fifteen minutes of driving they reached the apartment complex. Jason thanked Tory for the ride home.

The two of them said their goodbyes in the hallway as they went to their respective apartments.

Jason unlocked the door with his key card and knocked before walking in. His mom greeted him but Jason didn\'t respond.

His focus was on the face of the person sitting in front of his mom across the dining table \'I can\'t believe it. It\'s really him.\'

After a few seconds Jason came back to his senses "Hey mom. Is this the guest you were talking about?"

The guest stood up from his chair and walked toward Jason. He smiled as he extended his hand for a handshake.

"Nice to finally meet you Jason. My name is KeyShawn Butler. I used to play in the league but now I\'m coaching the team for Beach Side Academy over in Santa Barbara."

Jason was slightly surprised after hearing that coach Butler was still coaching at Beach Side Academy.

\'According to the memories from my past life coach Butler should have been fired from Beach Side Academy already. Why is he still coaching there?\'

Jason shook his hand "Nice to meet you Coach Butler. Me and my parents are huge fans. I was too young to remember but my parents love showing me the videos of us going to the parades every time you and the Lakers won a ring."

Coach Butler laughed as he patted Jason on the shoulder "Haha you and your parents are too kind.

I loved my run with the Lakers. It\'s a shame that we only got three rings. But my knee\'s just couldn\'t keep up with the constant wear and tear."

Jason took a seat next to his mom at the table and coach Butler sat across from them. He smiled.

"Like I said Jason it\'s a pleasure to finally get to meet you. While you were gone I had the opportunity to talk to your mother and I heard that you don\'t have any plans for high school yet?"

Jason nodded his head "Me and my family have gotten some calls from a few different high schools in the area but I haven\'t really made any decisions yet.

I\'m still in the seventh grade so I have a whole year before I even need to start thinking about what high school I\'ll go to."

Coach Butler began to shake his head "I know that you still have a whole year of middle school left after this year.

But I wouldn\'t push aside making a decision about this. Your high school career plays a vital role in your chances of making it into the league.

If you do well in high school you could get a scholarship to a good school and showcase your talent at the next level.

Or if you play well enough in high school you could get drafted as soon as you\'re done. It\'s not like before when you had to be a year removed from high school.

Although it doesn\'t happen as often because teams like to see a player at the college level before making the decision to draft them it does still happen.

So the high school you go to can play a big part in deciding how hard or how easy it will be for you to make it to the league."

Jason listened to coach Butler. After he was done talking Jason nodded his head "I get what you\'re saying Coach Butler. So I\'m guessing that you\'re here to recruit me for your school?"

Coach Butler smiled "Yes sir. That is why I am here. I would like to offer you an invitation to attend Beach Side Academy with a full scholarship. You wouldn\'t have to pay for a thing."

Jason\'s mom interrupted "I remember that you said that your school was in Santa Barbara correct? How could my son possibly attend when the school is over three hours away?"

Coach Butler turned to her before answering "At Beach Side Academy we have a dormitory where we offer housing for our players who aren\'t from the area.

We currently have seven students who are living there and there may be more by the time Jason moves on from middle school.

The housing as well as the meals would be covered by the scholarship of course. There is even a washing machine and dryer available 24/7 for whenever you need to do laundry."

Jason\'s mom looked at him as she began to tear up a little "So my boy would be living in a dorm all by himself?

What if the meals aren\'t enough for him? My son is a very big eater. And what kind of detergent do you guys use for your washing machine?

I\'ve only used one brand ever since my Jaya was a little baby. If you use a different detergent it might irritate his skin."

Jason held his mom\'s hand as he smiled at her "Calm down mom. I haven\'t even decided if I\'ll go yet.

And besides I still have a whole year of middle school to go after this one. There\'s no need to get so worked up right now."

Coach Butler gave the two of them a moment to handle things. Once it seemed like Jason\'s mom had calmed down he continued.

"I understand your concern Mrs. Yang. But like you said the school is only a couple of hours away.

If for any reason you or your husband need to see your son you are welcome to drive down at any hour of the day. I can guarantee you that you will be welcomed at the school.

And Santa Barbara is a wonderful city. Especially the area where the school is located. Everyone in that area are doctors, Lawyers, or big time business men. I\'ll be honest Jason.

I\'m from Riverside just like you. I grew up here and lived here until my second year of college when I got drafted into the league.

I love Riverside. It\'s a part of who I am. Riverside has a way of toughening you up and getting you ready for the world.

I wouldn\'t trade being from here for anything in the world. But I also know about the bad side of this city.

It\'s not to the level of places like LA or Chicago. But there are folks who live less than honest lives around here.

And for an up and coming star like you it\'s easy to get mixed up with those kind of things. I\'ve seen it countless times before.

A bright and rising star that gets pulled into the mud before it really gets a chance to shine. But if you go to Santa Barbara and attend Beach Side Academy you can steer clear of those distractions. What do you think?"

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