
Chapter 101 - Coach Butler's Offer: Part-2

Jason thought about Coach Butler\'s offer \'This is way different than the timeline in my past life. I don\'t know how things will turn out if I accept his offer.

Originally Coach Butler was supposed to get fired from Beach Side Academy. He would then move back to Riverside and take up a job coaching AAU basketball.\'

Jason looked at Coach Butler "I have a few questions for you Coach Butler. That is if you don\'t mind me asking?"

Coach Butler shook his head and smiled "Not at all son. You go ahead and ask whatever you need to ask. I\'ll try my best to answer."

Jason nodded his head "No offense but I\'ve never heard of your school before. A private school that has a ex NBA player for a coach should have made at least a little noise. Can I ask why it hasn\'t?"

Coach Butler clasped his hands together and took a deep breath before answering "It\'s because I haven\'t done that great of a job."

Jason and his mom were surprised by Coach Butler\'s honest and direct answer. They didn\'t expect him to answer the question so candidly.

Coach Butler continued "I thought it would be easy. I know basketball and I know talent. But what I didn\'t know was how dirty this coaching game is.

I was trying to honestly recruit kids while the rest of these coaches from these other programs were offering them money under the table. 

If it was college I wouldn\'t mind the students getting paid. Student athletes of the past fought for their right to get paid in college.

But high school basketball is still regulated where paying the students is illegal. And I will not compromise myself or my players."

Coach Butler looked Jason straight in the eyes "I know that you might be tempted to accept these schools money.

But trust me Jason. That kind of dirty money is never worth it. No amount of monetary gain is worth selling your self worth and your beliefs.

I can\'t offer you the money that Montverde Academy or Sierra Canyon could. I won\'t. But what I can do is promise you that I will be dedicated to your development as a basketball player.

I promise you that you will be the centerpiece of the team and that you will learn how to play to your full potential.

And although I refuse to offer you any money if you have any requests that don\'t go against any rules I will try my best to get it done. How does that sound?"

Jason was silent as he began to think \'I love Coach Butler. He\'s practically like a second father to me.

He\'s the one that taught me my love for the game. He helped guide me to the person that I am today.

But I don\'t know about coming over to Beach Side Academy and playing for him. In my past life that school never made any noise in the world of basketball.

If I join a no name program it might hurt my chances of getting into the league. High school isn\'t like middle school.

High school can make or break your basketball career. I went to a pretty decent high school program and yet I struggled just to get into UCLA.

How much harder would it be if I go to a no name program like Beach Side Academy? Would I even be able to make things work?\'

After struggling to come to a decision Jason looked up at Coach Butler "Thank you for the offer Coach. But for now I can\'t make any decisions. I will keep your offer in mind though."

Coach Butler stood up from his chair and shook hands with Jason and his mother as he smiled.

"That is perfectly alright son. It\'s a big decision to make and I understand if you need some time to discuss it with your mother and your father. 

I left my number with your mother so if you have any questions about the school or our offer you just go ahead and get in touch. My phone is available 24/7 if you need anything.

Thank you Mrs. Yang for hosting me at this late a time. I hope the both of you enjoy the rest of your evening."

Coach Butler closed the door on his way out. Jason looked at his mom "So Santa Barbara huh? I heard the beaches look great."

Jason\'s mom laughed as she playfully knocked him on his head "Are you sure it\'s the beaches that you\'re interested in? I think you might be looking at the girls in bikinis more."

Jason sat in the living room and watched TV with his mom. Because of his busy schedule it had been a while since the last time he was able to just sit down and spend some time with his mom.

Jason\'s mom talked as she watched TV "That coach was something else wasn\'t he? I can\'t believe that someone that we used to watch on TV actually came over to our apartment."

Jason nodded his head "Yeah, it almost doesn\'t seem real. For someone that played an important role in the Lakers repeat and then a final ring a couple years later he seemed really nice.

He was really honest about why the school\'s basketball team hasn\'t done so well. And he seemed pretty adamant about doing everything clean and by the books." 

Jason\'s mom nodded in agreement "He seemed like a good man. If it\'s him I might not be so worried leaving you in his care."

Jason turned to his mom in surprise "Wow mom. Is this your way of telling me that you want me to go to Beach Side Academy in Santa Barbara?"

Jason\'s mom chuckled before pulling him into another hug "No dummy. That was my way of saying that we can talk about it with your dad when we all have time to sit down and talk."

The two of them continued to enjoy each other\'s company as they sat watched the TV.

- - -

Later that night Coach Butler unlocked the door to his motel room. The inside was dusty and in the corner of the room Coach Butler could see a cockroach crawling on the wall.

Coach Butler tossed his bag onto the bed, which caused some more dust to start flying around, before pulling out his phone and making a call.

"Hey Jonathan. Just wanted to call and let you know that I got to the motel safely. I\'ll drive back to the school in the morning."

Jonathan\'s asked "Glad to hear that you made it to the motel safely. So how does it feel to be back in your old hometown?

It\'s been a couple of years since you were last there right? Things still feel the same?" Coach Butler shook his head and smiled as he answered.

"Riverside is still Riverside that\'s for sure. Especially in the area where this motel is. I\'m pretty sure I saw a crackhead getting his fix outside in the parking lot."

Jonathan gasped "Jesus Shawn. Why didn\'t you just spring for a nicer place? I told you that the school would cover you if you stayed at an actual hotel."

Coach Butler shook his head "That money is supposed to be for the players and the team Jonathan.

I\'m not about to spend our budget just so I can spend a night at a fancy hotel."

Jonathan laughed.

"Well if you\'re paying out of your own pocket anyways why didn\'t you just spend a little more for a nicer place?

You were in the league for twelve years Shawn. I\'m sure you\'re not hurting for cash to the point where you need to pinch pennies like this."

Coach Butler unbuttoned his shirt before sitting down on the bed "I might have been gone for a few years but I\'m still from Riverside Jonathan. 

I think you\'re forgetting that before I got drafted and got that NBA money I was actually living a rough life. One night in a dusty motel won\'t hurt me."

Jonathan sighed "If you say so Shawn. So how did the recruitment go? Were you able to get him to commit to Beach Side Academy?"

Coach Butler paused for a second before sighing "I wasn\'t able to get him to commit. But he also didn\'t seem to be completely against the idea. And I think that I made a good first impression."

Jonathan was shocked "What!? He didn\'t want to commit!? He didn\'t want to give you an answer even after the $100,000?"

Coach Butler went silent for a second "I didn\'t offer him the money Jonathan. You know how I feel about that. It\'s illegal to offer high school athletes money."

The frustration was clear in Jonathan\'s voice "Can\'t you just make an exception this once? This is your last chance Shawn.

If you can\'t get him to commit to us next year could be your last. You\'re lucky that we were able to convince the committee to keep you for another year. They wanted to fire you just a couple of months ago." 

Coach Butler massaged his forehead "I know Jonathan. And I appreciate you sticking up for me. But I won\'t offer anyone money to play for the school as long as it\'s not legal.

Did you already forget about Virgil Taylor? Or how about Nicky Martin? Two young athletes with bright futures.

They were supposed to have been drafted already but now they\'re playing overseas because they had their draft and playing eligibility postponed after it was found out that they took money from their high schools. 

I will not risk the careers and reputation of my players Jonathan. If I really can\'t make it as a coach by playing by the books and being clean then maybe this coaching thing just isn\'t for me."

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