
Chapter 391

Next came the lighting, not overly bright nor dim, the perfect balance. By the standards of which other shops and reselling establishment conformed too – the new Meldorino showroom was well beyond the high-standard. It screamed of rich and famous. A few empty frames were dotted around. Leaving the Gaso Group and taken over by Phantom, customers weren’t known to the changes. Going public would but break the degrading brand name; a new strategy had to be figured out.

“A very pleasing room,” said Julius going back and forth.

“And here’s the payment device,” said Skokdrag giving a tour, “-the cases are empty, I made sure to have few compartments for clothing and accessories. The emphasis and design screams of clockwork.”

“I noticed,” said a satisfied Staxius, “-I like how the floor seems to have a certain feel of gears to it. I don’t know how this was achieved; by changing the reflection, one can make out gears that seem to move.”

“Good eye there, majesty,” said he with a proud chest, “-it’s a new type of floor; the name ain’t decided just yet.”

“What about your fee?”


“Tough times, my liege,” the face seemed hesitant as the stare darted around.

“Go on with it.”

“350,000 Exa.”

“Sure,” touching the earlobe, “-transfer 350,000 Exa to Guild Leader Skokdrag’s account.” Lit with a darkish hue, “-confirmed,” returned the AI.

“Ohh,” grunted the Guild Leader, “-it’s been deposited already, nice, nice.”

“Well then, you’ll be fine going to Marrowy with the other workers, right?” stopped midway, “-perish the thought,” once again he spoke to éclair, “-have a bus be called to the current address. The destination will be Marrowy Village.”


“Majesty, you didn’t have to.”

“Taking care of my fellow comrade is a responsibility of which I take utmost pride. Well then,” holding out a hand, “-may thee have a good journey home.”

“You too, sire, you too, may the gods shine upon thee.” A press of a button had the showroom closed automatically; the bus arrived at an astounding speed.

“What now, father?” asked Julius.

“Let’s head to the hotel first,” another press had the car started with doors opened.

“Beautiful,” commented the prince yet again. A month had passed since the start of construction. The dwarves did much in haste. Haru’s promise of items was delayed for Wyvern scale and leather sky-rocketed on the market. Either one had to slay the beast, pay adventurers, or buy it from the traders. One could but guess the cost involved with such goods.

The 8th of February displayed across a digital clock. From silent to noisy, Prince Julius took to watch television as the blinders opened to a clear-sky. The view of the penthouse was a thing to behold. The hotel, named Lekdo, stood up high in the entertainment district of Melmark. Far beyond the eye could see walked the capital, a city far from being explored. Day or night, nothing could compare to the beauty out the large windows – it especially gave onto Stellar Avenue with its posters and advertisement.


“What is it?”

“When are you going to meet the Emperor?”

“Why this all of a sudden?”

“Don’t get mad, but the computer has been flashing blue from notifications.”

“Really?” sliding the balcony door behind, “-let’s see,” the screen’s reflection was seen on his eyes, a waterfall of pages. ‘I attended the meetings, what is this about?’

*Dear Father-in-law, I know this is a selfish request of me. Could you get a hold of Luna? I’m being pressured by the AHA to have her join their organization. I know full-well of the story I recounted, yet, this is beyond what I can handle. They’re holding our family’s sister company as hostage; thee must know that being Emperor doesn’t assure thee a life of luxury.*

‘Get a hold of Luna?’ thought he, ‘-they took the bait.’

“éclair, have you found the location of the Feline force?”

“Lady Emi is hiding in the Monfae building,” replied the virtual butler.

“Monfae building,” sat blankly, laughter crept from the speakers behind, ‘-wasn’t that the place where Dorino was supposedly renting office space?’

“Search up Monfae and their relation to Meldorino.”

“Which Monfae, the apartment complex, or the office building?”

“Office building.”

“Meldorino rented the office a few months ago for foreign affairs. Not much detail can be obtained, should I dig further?”

“No, what of the apartment complex?” *brr* its location was highlighted on the phone. ‘éclair is very helpful; work is going to be so much easier from now on.’

“Julius,” he called deeply.

“What is it father?” returned he holding a pillow.

“I’m stepping out for a bit, need something?”

“I’ll ask room service, come back soon, mother’s going to call.”

“I’ll try my best; call me if anything happens.”

“Yes, father, don’t worry,” preoccupied with the entertainment of the world, the mind was corrupted.

Not that far from where they lived, into the darker area of the district, a shady complex with not much attention nor guard details. Hidden by an abandoned construction sight stood the Monfae apartments. None would have ever guessed such a place existed for people naturally deviated from the unknown. Where one could say the curiosity of such a place would invite more attention, the reality was of the setting – dark, crude, and beyond inviting. An association to murder, drug deals, and more birthed by television. Parked under a shop with a broken window, a singular board wrote the name, Monfae. The security guard slept with his cap covering from the less than visible sun. The brighter the light, the darker the shadow, tis was the truth here. Graffiti, decals, uninviting stares from delinquents, gang members, ladies in short-skirts being manhandled. Meters off and one could see another working the corner performing sexual favors for money. Obviously, this part of the district was overlooked; well, one could say ignored for not getting involved. Cimier stood as the reason.

‘Impactful but not as impressive,’ thought he with the All-seeing eyes deactivating, the crimson hue faded. The prior descriptions were of the alleys, shut buildings, and general vicinity around the complex. In no way would one adventure those parts and not get mugged, robbed, or killed. The door opened brazenly with two individuals walking at a slow pace. Chest out, dark-glasses, tattooed necks, faces; a small glimpse into rumors of the elusive Cimier members. A pin, a tag, whatever one would call it, a piece of metal differing from person to person with three simple lines; the only recognizable part of those figures. Slow to admire the car from top to bottom, they left with hands in pockets.

‘I have a bad feeling,’ *All-Seeing Eyes,* jumping person to person inside the complex, ‘-oh no,’ *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

“Don’t you dare die on me,” said he quick to summon a pentagram with the symbol of death. Just as he could take life without effort, the other could be done though not as easily. The magic of revival, ancient and bound to mostly scroll-craft. Hands pressed, *Mana Control: Waves,* shone the very fabric of which used living beings, spirit lines. Unperturbed similar to a resting lake, *Mana Control: Spiral,* the calmness devoided into a whirlpool abled to sink the largest of ships. Darkish blue veins rekindle with pulses, the unconscious figure gazed unknowingly.

‘Emi Muko; you who was forced to take the blame and protrude thyself to the superiors, was this the best attempt at hiding they provided. My doubts are confirmed, the feline force really is but normal citizens dragged into a game of publicity. I honestly don’t pity you in the least,’ he stood to a wooden window, ‘-you’re lucky the killers didn’t aim for vital spots. The foul stench of their produce is rampant, abused before death – the world is as a cruel place as I thought,’ cut, a cigar lit to remove the odor. ‘I guess those two were recruits to the organization. The work is sloppy, falling for the carnal desires is unprofessional.’

“W-where am I?” came the feminine soft voice.

“Want to have a guess?” said he watching as she stumbled to sit. Her denim vest was filled with bullet holes accompanying its fair share of blood. Her jeans were more shredded and seemed to have been put in a hurry. The buttons were untied, her hair messy, eyes were swollen from crying, a wreck of a pretty face.

“Monfae?” said she holding onto her bed to stand.

“Yeah,” the attention turned to an outside bagarre1, ‘senseless fights.’

“What happened to me?” the confused memory told more than wanted, “-no... not again,” her fuzzy memory turned to reality, “-it c-can’t b-be,” flared upwards with the look of a starved animal, “-KILL ME, I WANT TO DIE!”

“Sure,” he pointed the window, “-go ahead and jump. Try to land on thy neck, heck, let’s play a game, let’s see if thee can die from a leap.”

Shocked, she pushed with all her might to do as was told. A meager sprint had her trip and land head first on the window. Blood flowed down the nose to which she laid against the wall hopelessly and cried. “How pathetic am I, I can’t even jump off the fucking window.”

“Lady in distress,” he chuckled, “-come on, stand up.”

“W-why,” said she holding his hand.

“Look down at the alley,” he pointed forth, “-do you see? A lady selling herself on a garbage-can no less. Do you know how much courage she must have to be able to do such a thing to herself? In no way will she find a lover, her situation may be well worse than a video being leaked online. Emi Muko, in this vast world, do you think you have the right to try and kill yourself? There are people wishing to have what you do. The compromises of living, the hardships are common, a life without set-back is no life. I won’t be arrogant to say I know how thee feels – I won’t stop, go die, go die after I resurrected thee. There’s rarely change to have do-overs in life, think, calm down and think, were you not killed a few moments ago? Besides, isn’t it known that the one who saves thy life is entitled to it, not thee.”

“What then?” she fell to her knees, “-what then, what can I do? I was used and disposed of. They said I’d be fine hiding out here, my sister said they would come for me, I did what I was told, I shot their videos, I sold myself, my dignity, my virtue, everything, I sold it all for free, for the chance to have my sisters’ live a better life, isn’t that the job of the eldest?”

“Yes, it’s the responsibility of the eldest, I won’t question motive nor what drove you to such length, I need but an answer.”

“What...” her sobs calmed.

“Do you want revenge?”

“Against who?”

“Against the whole world, those who did you wrong, those who used and abandoned you.”

“My sisters?”

“No, I mean the root of all your sufferance; the AHA.”

*Heh,* breathing a laugh, “-s-sorry, b-but what can a mere commoner do?”

“I figured as much,” he smiled, “-you don’t know who I am, do you?”

“...” her smile turned to terror, “-man, you’re such a dumbass for forgetting the wallet in this place.”

“AY, who the fuck are you?” the door opened with the killers from earlier.

“MAN DON’T ASK, JUST SHOOT EM,” *bang, bang, bang,* bullets met their target, *cough.*

“W-why...” her face turned to absolute horror, “-WHY DIDN’T YOU MOVE,” her arms wrapped tightly around he who was shot, “-why... I should have died, w-why y-you.”

“My a-answer,” said he slowly on the verge of death, “-t-tell me.”

“YES, I WANT REVENGE,” she cried with the thugs approaching.

“Didn’t we kill you earlier?”

“How the hell are you alive, I’m sure we had our fun,” the pistol raised.


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