
Chapter 392

“Wait...” the temperature dropped; Emi’s face shriveled.

“Ay bro, come on, shoot the man!” the pistol jammed.

“You tried,” said he who got shot, “-I got my suit dirtied for naught.”

“Yo, yo, SHOOT HIM,” screamed the thug in fear as the dead man stood with bullet wounds.

*Death Element: Hand of God, Heart Break,* the palm clenched followed by moans of pain. To their knees and on the floor, no blood, nothing, the gunmen died a painless death as he squashed their hearts.

“W-what h-happened,” asked she with a sweaty snot-filled face.


“About the question earlier, what a commoner can do,” he held out a hand, “-you were mistaken,” she reached and grabbed, “-I’m not a commoner. Do forgive my lack of courtesy, I’m Staxius Haggard, King of Arda, the one who rightly owns thy life.”

“N-no, w-what about being d-dead... t-the bullets, I s-s-saw them,” petrified to the point of nausea, he grinned to which her hand slipped as she hurled onto an unsuspecting plant-pot. Dirt turned to what she ate prior, a mixture of green and yellow. Not the greatest display of one’s appearance, a repulsing sight – the pungent smell all but grew worse.

“Done?” he asked examining the bodies.

“D-do I h-have a say,” said she wiping her mouth; despite living, her face was of a ghastly pale color. No will behind her eyes, the lips seemed to be in disaccord as to smile or frown.

“Yes, you do. I believe in second chances, besides, what I want is to have thy wish come true. You want revenge, and tis what thy’ll get.”

“How...” her messed clothes and semi-nude body with hair textured as if seaweeds, “-I’ll be forever remembered as she who sold herself. The video is all over the Arcanum. It’s not easy, there are probably a thousand copies of it made by now.”

“Calm down would you.” Touching the earlobe, “-éclair; have the video be deleted from existence, I don’t care the method, use every means possible, have it wiped.”

“Orders confirmed,” he replied, “-approximated time of completion, two hours.”

“Emi,” off the door frame to stand and peer at her slumped posture, “-is staying in self-pity that fun? Look at it this way, you’re at rock bottom, there’s no further one can fall.”

“A-are you s-sure?”

“Emi,” tired of the elongated cheerful speeches, “-I’m leaving, enough is enough, you’re a grown adult. Act like it,” pointing to the bodies, “-don’t forget what happened earlier.”

“Rising unscathed from being shot,” said she, “-in no way will I forget.”

“Good, there’s running water, go have a shower and wear whatever clothes is there, I’m waiting in the car,” spoken in the gentlest way possible, her mind perceived it as, “-go shower, I don’t want your stench ruining my car.”

‘King of Arda he said,’ the shower ran cold, her head rested against the dirtied tiled wall, ‘-why,’ tears mixed with the water, she cried subtly. The fresh bodies were soon devoured by a famished Adete.

Emi never took a step outside the room, not ever since the day her name went viral. Depression took a firm stance in her state of mind. The abuse from guards soon became the norm. Morning was yogurt, lunch was fast-food cooked in not the most sanitary way, lastly, dinner, soup and bread depending on the menu. The scarred door opened to a troubled hallway; the staircase seemed as if the tunnel to hell.

“I can’t,” she mumbled holding tight on what little clothes she wore.

“I knew it.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Waiting, what did you expect,” said Staxius leaned against the wall, “-my suit’s ruined by blood and the mossy wallpaper. Come on,” he sprawled forth with confidence. The aura had her fear dissolve into a sense of assurance.

“Don’t fall in love,” said he taking the first step, “-I’m a married man.”

“Please don’t joke around that way,” the uneasiness in voicing and articulating her sentence was lesser present. Constantly changing the atmosphere from serious to casual, then playful, the King dealt with her insecurities one after the other. It wasn’t full-proof, her scarred mind, broken heart, and defiled body would take more time to heal. What he gave was a helping hand, a pull to have her stand on her feet.

“Are we walking?”

“No,” he laughed, “-bring the car,” the menacing EDO-4 came to a slow halt.

“It’s empty,” said she pointing the obvious.

“Great observation,” came a sarcastic remark. The beast of a machine drove forth as he helped her sit inside.

‘That was lucky, anymore late and she’d have been lost as an essential pawn. The AHA wants Luna to join their organization, and I need publicity for Meldorino. The scheme is going along the plan, I need a single factor, a single person I had a falling out with.’

“It’s Aceline,” commented Emi admiring a billboard, “-I wanted to be a model.”

“A model, why not turn to nudism, I’m sure there are places for one to pose naked for the pleasures of art.”

“...” no response.

‘This car is beautiful,’ thought Emi, ‘-I don’t want to spoil the seat. My hair’s wet, damn it, won’t that stain...’

“Don’t worry about it.”

“What do you mean?” (Did he read my mind?)

“I saw the intent, don’t worry about dirtying the car. It’s fine, I’ll have it cleaned; I mean, the stench is pungent enough.”

“S-sorry.” (What is wrong with him. The king of Arda, kind, sarcastic, he’s a big show-off. How are my sisters doing?) her face melancholically watched as the sky was hidden by tall buildings.


“You know of the hotel then?” he asked.

“Who doesn’t!”

“The attitude’s clearly better.”

“Aren’t you satisfied that I’m trying to take the words seriously?”

“Suit yourself,” spiteful in a kind way, they stopped at a red-carpeted entrance.

“Sire,” stood a valet with head bowed. The latter’s face turned in awe for the car behind drove itself to the parking lot.

“This is embarrassing.”

“I know,” he smiled, “-walking barefooted into an establishment as this must be harsh.”

“Are you truly a king?” said she with water dripping down her back. The looks of discomfort and shame stabbed her as cold knives, the hotel staff glared even colder.

“Majesty,” came the manager, “-I was notified that a beggar came to our doorstep. Give me a moment, I shall call security and have it removed.”

‘Are they talking about me?’ her eyes flared, ‘-it’s me... isn’t it...’

“There isn’t a need to worry,” said the king reassuringly, “-the beggar as thee so rudely described is a friend of mine. Given her state, I not fault you for thinking she a beast or worse, a criminal. Nevertheless, the specimen behind is a dear friend of mine,” moved closer. [2000 Exa has been transferred to Mr. Martin’s Account.] “Keep this between you and me, alright?”

“As you desire, majesty,” he bowed gracefully, money could sway anyone’s favor. People always wished for more, tis human nature. The hunger to acquire, to possess, and ultimately, to show-off and be powerful.

“éclair, order clothes from the renowned brands around the capital. I want the size to match Emi Muko’s body.”

“Orders confirmed.”

“Are you going to stand there gawking?” asked Staxius.

“S-sorry,” said she with a shamed face. The guests made it painfully obvious of her not belonging. There were even kids who sprawled forth but stopped around the one-meter mark, the parents were quick to order them not to approach strange beings.


“S-sorry for being alive,” a subconscious mumble came after he snapped.

“You’re excused,” taken by the arm, he forced her inside.

The television played loudly. A step inside showed Xula’s face on the big screen, “-father, you’re here,” said Julius smiling, “-mother called, come, say hi.”

“Majesty,” he stepped into where she could see, “-my queen, the green clothes befit thy hair.”

“Always the charmer.”

“What a god-awful smell, father, did you accidentally step in excrement?”

“No, of course not,” he pulled Emi into the limelight, “-it’s this thing here.”

“Staxius...” came a rather stern voice, “-why, is that another woman?” Frozen to the pressure of the family, Emi’s neck lost the strength to hold her head.

“Please, don’t be angry,” he laughed, “-this here is Emi Muko, a potential model for Meldorino. Surely, my queen, you must have heard of it from Serene.”

“I did, why is the model in such an unbefitting state, she looks as if a banshee.”

“We came upon a few problems along the way,” an elbow forced her to look up, “-say hello to the queen of Arda.”

“I apologize,” she bowed, “-I’m Emi Muko, King Staxius was kind enough to save me from the claws of savages.”

“Honestly,” her sternness remained, “-My king, please don’t tease young ladies. It’s uncalled for.”

“I’d never do such a thing, my queen, trust me for I’m but a kind, gentle person.”

“Sure father,” chuckled Julius,”-kind in a way to end one’s life without suffering.”

“Shut it,” he refuted.

“As amiable a pair, alright, Julius, I’ll take my leave, be sure to eat well and don’t stay up late.”

“Please mother, I’m old enough.”

“Sure,” the screen turned black.



“I’ll explain in a second. Guide her to the shower; her clothes should be on the way.”

‘Aceline...’ he soon sat on an orange stool against the kitchen counter.

“I apologize for my father’s behavior,” said Julius in a gentlemanly fashion.

“No, not at all,” her reply came after a few long seconds, “-his attitude is refreshing.”

“Well, enjoy the shower I suppose.”

‘How am I going to get a hold of her. Since the war, we never spoke. Maybe Queen Gallienne, or even Scott. Why am I even scared to call her...’ soon the reason came to mind, ‘-she hates war more than everything. I’m sure Gallienne must have told her. The Argashield Federation is the embodiment of what she hates and wants to crush. Waiting isn’t going to do much.’

“Father, where are you going?”

“To the roof, I need fresh air.”

Below came multiple bags containing garments. The constant stream of back and forth had Julius in a foul mood.

*Calling Queen Gallienne,*

‘No response, she’s busy, why did I think calling her would solve the problem.’

*Call from Queen Gallienne,* it rang a few minutes later.

“Hello, King Staxius?”

“Hello, Queen Gallienne, it’s been a long time.”

“Yes indeed, may I ask to why thy called?”

“I need a favor.”

“What kind?”

“Can I have Aceline’s contact information?”

“Oh...” an awkward silence settled.

“Hello, are you there?”

“Yes, yes,” she said with a sigh, “-we haven’t been on good terms. The whole war thing.”

“Figured as much, what of the manager?”

“You mean Scott?”


“I’ll have it forwarded, is there anything else you need?”

“No, not really, thanks for the help, majesty.”

“No worries, after all, the Argashield Federation is a big family; we vowed to help one another out.”

“Indeed, we did.”

“What’s all this?” asked Emi stepping into a bag filled living room.

“Don’t ask,” *ding,* another bell and more clothes came.

“No, no, you don’t understand,” she said held onto a package, “-these are from luxury brands, their clothes go for in the thousands of Exa.”

“Should I care?” said he angered, “-what I want is rest, can’t a man watch a show in peace?”

The gust blew hard, a shield conjured to stand like a wall. Scott’s contact information rested on the phone. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

“Hello, this is Lady Aceline’s manager, how may I help?”

“Hello, I’m calling to ask if Lady Aceline would like to model for a company.”

“I’m sorry, but the lady isn’t willing to model for any particular company, she wants to rest. Please, give me your name and company brand, I’ll be sure to have thee on a waiting list.”

“Sure, Staxius Haggard from Phantom. The brand she’ll be modeling for is Meldorino.”

“Majesty, is that you?”

“I’m shocked thee didn’t recognize mine voice.”

“What do you mean didn’t recognized the voice, it’s changed. The monotonous recital of the word wasn’t there.”

“Very funny. I’m serious about the offer; try speaking to her will you?”

“Listen, we’re friends but I don’t promise anything. She’s mad ever since the war.”

“Just try, I’ll be waiting.”

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