
Chapter 721

“Master,” whispered Mammon, “-a large magical circle has been activated, we’re the target.”

“Also, the thing about the familia, Vermillion, Saku, and Yonak have allied under the same banner. Look yonder,” Asmo pointed with a flick of the brow.

“Greetings, Igna Haggard,” said a lady bearing the well-trained physique of a warrior and the face of an angel. Latter being an accurate description of which was, fair unblemished skin, light blond hair, blue eyes, and vailed by a white and blue outfit, “-you might not know who I am,” she inched closer, “-but I know who you are.”

“Might I have the honor of knowing thy name?”

“Haruna Conla, a beautiful maiden hailing from the noble family of Conla, close acquaintance to the imperial family of Iqeavea, and the niece to Amsey, my uncle is a very nice person, I’ve never thought ill nor ever thought this pitiful continent to play him such trouble. Since we’re both in the same boat, I’ll give a word of advice; the three families aren’t ruled by the godfather, no, rather, I hold the reins, for now, there’s no telling what could happen.”

“The Magical circle,” he interjected, “-you’re doing?”


“No, I’m a harbinger of the shadows. Let’s continue the conversation later,” she smiled and left.

‘Mannerism, composure, a strong personality, she’s cut from the same cloth. One who’s grown up with power, and knows how to make the world go her way, she’s going to be trouble. Holding the leash to the mob,’ before more questions formulated, éclair sent files on her, ‘-Duke in the Iqeavian hierarchy, her stories like mine, in a weird way. An ancestor rose from peasant to lord, earn fame in the battle of mages, and inducted their blood to be pure and noble. She went off from the family, fought in proxy wars, earned a reputation, returned home, and became a successful businesswoman; leader of a Mercenary band; Enox.’

“Master,” a curt elbow returned consciousness to reality, “-guests...”

“I apologize for spacing out,” he smiled, “-Lady Jula, Odgar Codd, glad you could make it.”

“Obviously we had to come,” said she shining in her formal wear, “-the invitation came from one of my trusted comrades. Congratulations and may God bestow great fortune.”

“Likewise,” added Codd, “-let’s go,” said he to Jula, “-the line of guests has grown big, we shouldn’t waste time.”

‘Did the representative of the mobsters arrive or leave?’

“Master,” said a whisper, “-guards to the east have detected strange activities. Shall I send a team to investigate?”

“Yes,” he firmed whilst greeting guests, “-capture any acting suspiciously. Have someone investigate the magical circle; my gut’s screaming scheme. Find out who is responsible.”

“Understood,” nodded Kul, “-I’ll get right on it.”

‘We’ve covered the land, there’s no easy way to sneak in. Even if they were disguised as guests; my detection spell should have activated. Unless we’re against an entity with greater dominion, there’s nothing to worry about.’

The Imperial family, hidden underneath a concealment spell, parked to the side and ambled up, “-Igna,” said Eira brazenly, “-I missed you,” an exchange of kisses ended in a soft embrace.

“I missed you too,” he nodded, “-welcome to my new endeavor.”

“The place’s rather impressive,” added the Emperor.

“I appreciate the thought, emperor.”

“Drop the title, similar to Eira, I’m also family, please use brother or a familiar nickname, formality is good and all, still, family mustn’t be foreign.”

“Very well,” he nodded, “-brother-in-law?”

“Sounds formal still, there are no arguments I suppose,” and exhale displayed a glint of joy. The couple moved on inside,”-Good to see my son smile,” said lady Kirr Sultria.

“Pardon me, my lady?”

“No worry, son. I suppose you wouldn’t know anything about Loftha’s sudden change in persona, would you?”

“I apologize, I don’t understand the question?”

“Worry not,” her suspicious gaze turned grin, “-the rambling of an older woman.”

“I beg to differ, my lady, you look and have the charm of a younger woman, I ought to tip my head towards thee who art most becoming of the feminine gender.”

“Little silver tongue,” she chuckled, “-the complements the most outrageous I’ve heard in a while, a little hint of sarcasm thrown in the mix, I like it, well done.”

“Worked the charm on our mother?” said Amber.

“Sister Amber, I never thought you’d come.”

“Well, here I am,” her arms crossed, “-the amount of people is very telling of thy status. I’ve spotted a few nobles and politicians as well. A gathering of such proportion is going to be either a huge success or a disaster.”

“Hey, Igna,” hailed the brothers, “-don’t take big sister’s word to heart, she’s worried about you and the event. Kind of reflects onto us, the abundance of luxury is sure to speak of thy prestige.”

“Xyra, Hyde, enjoy yourselves.”

“Will do.”

“Master, I’ve sent a replacement to greet the other guests. Those of influence have already arrived and are inside, leave the pleasantries, there’s a particular matter I wish to discuss.”

‘What’s happened now?’ the task was left to Asmodeus and Mammon, ‘-the magical circle, what’s become of it?’

“Welcome back,” said the butler panted inside a dark surveillance room, “-we’re in big trouble,” a camera panned onto a large circle, “-it wasn’t noticeable before, the magical circle is for Arga, the spell of total destruction.”

“Why isn’t it activated,” the crystal white pupils shone, “-I understand, the spell requires a catalyst, the trigger’s either a living being or an object. I doubt tis the latter; someone must have used it when they arrived. Speaking of guests, have the Vermillion, Saku, or Yonak made any appearances?”

“Yes,” replied éclair, “-you greeted them passionately,” footage of a few minutes’ prior played, “-see, representatives of the families. Afterward came the lady, what’s the matter, master?”

“A talented spellcaster’s infiltrated the party and passed through my barriers. This is a great plot for a thrilling story, here,” dropped into the seat, “-the barrier’s set to activate, what’s the catalyst? Most likely the death of someone. However, the way it’s constructed, said spell is made to activate at 19:00 sharp, they used concealment to rewrite part of the circle, hiding the true intent in plain sight.”

“How can you be so brazen?”

“Shut up and listen. I’m explaining the ploy at hand. If the caster isn’t found, someone will be assassinated, and the whole building will explode – without anyone left to blame, the Empire falls into total anarchy, the imperial family is ruined and significant people eradicated. The culprit is among the guests.”

“We’re doomed if we can’t find the caster...”

“Why worry when I’m here. The spell has already been altered to set off fireworks instead of destroying the building. The user doesn’t know of the development, using magic to fight me is a bad idea; very bad. Don’t let your guard down, if they could alter my senses to sneak inside, there’s no telling what could befall. Increase the guard detail, have the mage squad ready to move. I’ll tend to our guests,” the steps distantly reverberated around the surveillance room, “-master, I’m sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“Today was meant to be a private gathering of friends thee made. Turns out, the party has become a hassle as opposed to a place of enjoyment, I’ve failed. My master should be enjoying his last day in Alphia in wine, not playing detective...”

“Whatever,” he winked, “-this is perfect, couldn’t have asked for a better game. The stakes are high – the fun’s only begun, finding the culprit is going to be fun.”

During the conversation, Lady Shino Gaso of the Gaso group arrived in the company of Lord Dorino and Rowley Aldis Patek. In addition, were famous movie stars, noble lords, and workers for Stiol.

The clock struck 18:00, many gathered on the ground floor, drinks and snacks went to and fro, the guests took to gambling instantly. “Might I have your attention,” thundered from where the orchestra played, the lovely figures in suit and dresses turn with a drink in hand, “-my lord wishes to say a few words,” said Midne bearing a lovely braided hair, an outfit to make one’s heart shudder. He walked and grabbed the microphone, “-good evening, everyone, my name’s Igna Haggard, Viscount of Glenda, and son of the Duchess of Rotherham. Tonight’s party is to celebrate the reopening of Von. Aside from the drinks and games, an auction will be hosted later into the night. Jean Frank, Calious Bagard, and Julia Dahli have sent their pieces to be auctioned,” mention of the names held the crowd in excitement, “-honestly speaking, tonight was supposed to be a small gathering,” the remark returned favorable chuckles, “-please enjoy my humble hospitality, the restaurant on the second floor will be working the whole night. Enough talk, please enjoy yourselves,” applauds soon drowned into the sound of music.

“Good speech,” said Midne.

“Well thank you,” down to the floor, “-here come’s the horde of opportunists.”

“Excuse me, what you say?” without a word, many figures swarmed the man for conversation.

“Done,” sweat on the brow, blood on the hands, “-I’ve handled my quota,” went across the channel.

“Good job, Kul. Asmodeus, Mammon, what about your end?”

“Weaklings,” returned they, “-did they really thing such weak weapons would work against us, demons?”

“Don’t let up,” gritted éclair, “-the barrier’s picked up an object to the north, can you reach it, Kul?”


Hand to the ceiling, “-lord Igna, why art thou holding up thy arm?” *Death Element: Qilver,* a black pentagram materialized from which the bodiless screech of a banshee darted to destroy the projectile.

“-my apologies,” he said, “-my arm’s grown rather numb. Needed to stretch a little.”

‘I used my element, why’s no one reacting. Where are you, spellcaster, I’ve laid the bait, you going to take it or not?’

*Poof,* “-cough, cough, cough,”


“Don’t yell,” nose into her elbow shielded the smoke, “-the projectile’s been destroyed.”

“How?” fired Mammon.

“Master,” she exhaled, “-he used magic to counter the spell without even looking. I tell you, the more time we spend, the stronger he gets, I can’t even.”

“Should be enough for the time being. Return and change, attend the party for a while, I’ll take control of the guard units.”

“Understood,” the trio gathered on the roof.

“Bloody,” she complained, “-my dress’s ruined, I’m sad.”

“You don’t look it,” added Asmodeus.

“She’s correct, the blood and sweat isn’t a nice feeling when tis flung onto an expensive suit.”

“We had to; the mercenaries were blatantly trying to storm the area. We showed ’em who’s boss.”

Forty-five minutes blinked, the various tables were filled with players – a steady stream of liquor had many of the stars and nobles plastered. “Someone’s having a rough night.”

“Hondo?” sat on the bar, “-what are you doing here?”

“Came on Vermillion’s orders, the new alliance has me by the balls.”

“Coming from an angel, the words don’t match the persona.”

“Oh shut it,” he downed a drink, “-that is that, and this is this, I’m a hitman, don’t forget. Anyway, nice party,” he shuffled closer, “-the guard detail’s very strong, the presence is overwhelming. The night is young, keep an eye out, and don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten the promise. Take care,” he stood and left.


‘What a weirdo,’ spun to the game area, ‘-Mammon and Asmodeus are playing them like kids,’ he sipped, ‘-all the money, wasted... we might make back what was spent.’

“Seems the opportunists have left.”

“Runo,” a gesture to the barkeeper, “-have a seat, walking around in those heels must be tiring.”

“Sore feet are part of the job,” she sat, “-not even an hour has passed and everyone’s dropped their guard. So many high-ranking figures; the perfect time to make connections,” back to the counter, “-thank you,” said she to the barkeeper.

“What of the superstar, Romeo?”

“The lecherous creep,” her shoulder rose in disgust, “-with the other A-list celebrities, they’ve hogged the private lounge. Drugs and women, the damned police chief is here, and they don’t even care.”

“Let them,” he grinned, “-Runo, if thy agency grows hard to bear, give me a call, my cousin’s in charge of Apexi, we might not be as famous – the priority is always, idols first, business second.”

“Thank you for the offer,” returned a genuine smile, “-I’ll consider it, goodbye,” she leaned in, gave a quick peck on the cheeks, then scurried into the crowd.

‘Strange lass,’ a cigar lit.

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