
Chapter 722

Stood on the firm ground floor, the prior dissipation emptied the open area. ‘-What was the staring about?’ he moved closer to the bar, whereby drinks were made at ease, ‘-something doesn’t feel right,’ bafflement truly had the mind at wit’s end, *tick, tick, tick, tick.*


‘A scream?’ the body reflectively twitched towards the sound; a harrowing heavy aura of darkness slithered along the carpeted stair. The first floor’s mouth else presided by strong guards, held greater darkness – one enough to suffocate and swipe the energy from under his feet. 19:00, curtains rose, the crucial art piece of tonight laid smothered in blood, the fallen corpse of the emperor laid on the stage, disemboweled, ears cut off, eyes pulled from the socket, and the word Despair written on the painting. ‘See with thy mind and thou art to miss what is felt by the heart. Hear with thy ear, and one shall forget the touch, sense with thy skin, and the breeze shall guide the way, in many ways than one, despair follows, the curse of misfortune never left, the curse of restarting always remained, and now, before the lifeless corpse, the truth to the Haggards shall be exposed. The world isn’t pretty nor are the enemies, heed this from thy foe, we’re present, we know who you are, and trust me, the day of retribution is upon thee. The clock strikes, blood is spilled, the world ends, more specifically, your world ends.’

*Gasp,* “-welcome to the world of the living.”

“Sorry?” palms to the bright lights, ‘-was I dreaming?’

“You fell asleep,” said the silhouette cloaked black from the overhead lamps.


“I apologize for borrowing thy lap,” sat up straight, “-lady Haruna,” he smiled and so did she. Her light brown hair tied in a beautifully adorned bun, a hairpin bejeweled by a dark-brown gem matched her eye color, “-the pleasure was mine,” she softly pushed a stray lock behind her ear, “-the night’s still young, is the viscount perhaps a little drowsy from the drinks?”

“I know not,” he chuckled, “-pretell, how did I end up here?”

“My, you don’t remember?” her fingers reached for snacks, “-we agreed to talk, and here we are. When we arrived, his lordship fell onto the couch, I thought to call on the assistant – alas, the sight of thy innocently resting face sort of made me want to care and wait. A pretty face is a very nice thing nowadays, consciously or not, people are always envious, said emotion brings either the good or bad. Come, take a seat, we have much to discuss.”

“I’m sorry,” he stood, “-I have a few things to attend,” he bowed, “-lady Haruna, may we continue this later in the night?”

“Very well,” she smiled softly, Igna made for the door, “-go on, time is ticking,” muffled under her breath.

‘Time is ticking,’ he caught her words, the door slide shut; current area, private lounges on an elevated level still in remained in the domain of the ground floor, when they spoke of the height, exaggeration didn’t match the sheer tallness, a stairway nonchalantly wrapped around the northeast corner to seamlessly split into two paths, one for the game area and the other to the washroom. Considering the area here is more for rest and parle, the overhanging floor added a speck of flare.

‘Haruna’s the prime suspect?’ arms crossed and finger to his chin, ‘-can’t draw a conclusion. Time’s 18:30, the dream must have been a dream. I can’t ignore the fact about dreams and premonition if one thing has been constant throughout the previous life and this, death in the world of rest doesn’t inspire confidence.’ The body nonchalantly ambled to the northern side of the floor, here, the height difference was more of a passing fancy, ‘-everyone’s having fun.’


“Lady Amber,” he turned bemused at her presence.

“Did I startle you so much” handkerchief in hand, “-the complexion’s turned grimmer than before, why has the vampire turned so ghastly pale.”

“Do I look so pale?” he backed to the edge balustrade(of which was a meter above the game area and glued to the northern side) and faced the washroom, “-lack of blood.”

“Lack of blood, sure, sure,” she inched closer, “-nothing’s amiss, is there?”

“Not really,” the visage recomposed, “-I’m fine, honestly, just had a bad dream. Do you know where the emperor’s gone?”

“Last I saw he was enjoying poker in the company of some new chaps,” her fierce gaze turned to the side and immediately locked, “-there, closest to the center under the chandelier.”

“Sharp sight to discern his imperial majesty through the masses.”

“Nothing which need be praised,” her lips kept in an unmeaning frown, “-us Sultrians are easy to pick out from the crowd,” Loftha stepped out, they exchanged glances, nothing came of it, Amber took notice and left in company of her sister.

‘She’s crossed,’ he pulled back the sleeves, ‘-18:40. I’m certain the magical spell is altered to not cause harm. Just in case,’ he joined the table, “-master,” said Asmodeus, “-have thee come to play?”

“My, lord Igna, never expected thee to join us,” said the emperor.

“By the expression on the gentlemen’s faces, Asmodeus and Mammon have been bullying the table,” sat next to the emperor, “-the chip stack sure speaks for their skill.”

“Those three are devils,” complained a noble in good faith, “-they know how to play.’

“My lord,” said Mammon, “-the emperor has tremendous skill.”

“Oh please,” he smiled with flushed cheeks, “-I’m not that great a player.”

“We shall see,” said Igna. An intense game of poker resumed, round after round, the trio kept on dominating the table, ‘-Asmodeus is the prince of gambling,’ the heart tensed in anticipation, the last card was about to flop, ‘-time’s nearing 19:58, I went all in.’

“Ace of Spade,” said the dealer.

“I WON!” cried the emperor, “-three of a kind,” he laughed.

“Good game,” he stood, ‘-he’s very good.’

“Lord Igna, tis was a game well played, might we have a drink?”

“Sure,” thus they moved to the bar, Asmodeus and Mammon kept on their antics; money drew into the pot, unlike anything he’d seen before. A guest list of such repute held significance betting potential, ‘-they’re playing ten thousand to a hundred thousand without flinching.’

“Tonight’s been absolutely amazing.”

“I’m glad the enjoyments to your liking.”

“I’m serious,” downing a drink, “-tis the first time in Alphian history I dare say, nobles, politicians, and even members of the underworld have joined under the same roof to play. I heard from my sources about the Gaso Group and Lord Dorino’s scheme against the Haggard dynasty, they swept from under and reclaimed the company. Even Aldis Patek’s in attendance, the five conglomerate has us, the imperial family in contempt. I despise them, nothing would make me happier than to see their downfall.”

“Politicians are in the conglomerate’s pockets whilst the imperial family has backing from the noble families, then again, the latter doesn’t seem much of an advantage to thee. The earlier mess about involving the army’s worrying too.”

“I know, which is why the event today has me perplexed. Everyone’s getting along, their thoughts might not reflect the actions – I believe the fake peace is the correct path to a stable future.”

*AHHHHHH,* the clock struck 19:00, “MURDER, THERE’S BEEN A MURDER!”

‘Murder?’ the pleasant game area froze, the words murder turned the peace into outright anarchy, “-DAMNED POLITICIANS!”


‘They haven’t seen the body and this...’ *crack,* glass broke, hands brushed against his back, ‘-what’s the matter?’

“I-I-I-IGNA, p-prot-tec-”

“Markus, stay with me, I’ll heal...”


‘Forget them, he was shot from the elevated floor,’ a hooded figure dipped into one of the chambers, ‘-who else’s been murdered,’ *Ancient Magic: Teleportation,* Athena’s painting laid covered in blood, the same pattern, a different victim, Sophie Mirabelle. ‘What’s happening?’ letters wrote themselves in blood, D E S P A I R.

‘See with thy mind and thou art to miss what is felt by the heart. Hear with thy ear, and one shall forget the touch, sense with thy skin, and the breeze shall guide the way, in many ways than one, despair follows, the curse of misfortune never left, the curse of restarting always remained, and now, before the lifeless corpse, the truth to the Haggards shall be exposed. The world isn’t pretty nor are the enemies, heed this from thy foe, we’re present, we know who you are, and trust me, the day of retribution is upon thee. The clock strikes, blood is spilled, the world ends, more specifically, your world ends.’

*Gasp,* “-welcome to the world of the living,” said the same voice. Bright lights shone overhead, palms to the lights, “-was I out for long?”

“You fell asleep the moment we walked in. The grim expression sure has a lot to say,” she reached for a wine-glass, “-is the night’s trouble getting harder to bear?”

“I’m sorry,” he stood, “-lady Haruna, may we resume the conversation later.”

“Sure,” she reached for the snack, “-you know where to find me,” the door slid shut.

‘-What’s happening...’ the lavatory arrived in due haste, ‘-I swear,’ he gulped, sweat poured from the forehead, ‘-what sorcery is at play here...’ the mirror stared back, the visage at display wasn’t of pain nor hate, rather, a playful smirk, the excitement of being backed into a corner, ‘-compose thyself,’ water streamed profusely, ‘-there’s a reason to everything, I need to find the cause. Who uses despair as a sign of battle, the emperor dies and the painting is smothered in blood, what’s the trigger and what’s the solution.’ The watch showed 18:35. ‘-The game area seems unbothered, who would have thought the fa?ade of acceptance to be so grand,’ hands on the balustrade, ‘-there,’ the two figures exited the washroom, “-master, is something the matter?” inquired Kul.

“You seem perplexed,” added Sophie, “-must be tenseness from the auction, tell me, lord Igna, might I trouble thee?”

“Sure, let’s go,” returned a softer toned voice, “-ought to set up the auction, right?”

‘It’s been reset, Markus isn’t at the poker table, he’s playing blackjack instead. Asmodeus and Mammon are at the bar, Amber’s playing with the slot machines and Loftha doesn’t seem to be here.’

“Master, you seem out of it,” commented Kul, “-perhaps I could be of service?”

“Worry not, tis but the worries of a growing old man.”

“How rude,” interjected Sophie, “-growing old for a young adult isn’t much to be worried about, look at me, I’m nearing my forties. There was once a time where my beauty was admired by commoners and nobles alike.”

“For one who says she’s growing old, the figure’s well-maintained, thee look in thy early thirties if I may add boldly.”

“Ever the charmer. Igna, you remind of your uncle, it feels familiar, can’t explain it very well.”

“What about my uncle?”

“Oh, nothing, just the passing thought of an aging woman,” she winked.

“I understand.”

The watch showed 18:45, backstage rattled by the sound of various ornaments being moved onto pedestals, the centerpiece – one from the personal collection, La Mort, painted by Athena, the depicted scene is an oxymoron to the title, which meant death, here, it showed the scene of Jerian’s birth – the first hero born from the union of a god and a mortal, ‘-why did she make two of these?’ he wondered, ‘-the second hypothesis.’

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